Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

Why do I think this lack of critical, hell let's be honest, common sense thinking is lacking.

Close the USDA building on this hand:

But then try to force everyone back into offices they got rid of.

Those don't reconcile...
Between dumbassery related to buffalo (and other wildlife) , hot pools/geysers, and people walking where they shouldnt and falling like fools - i wonder how many park rangers we could have employed by time the public foots the bill at the hospital.
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There’s a rationalist blog I read (yeah yeah, joke away) that recently surmised/reduced political arguments in a very concise way. (Astral Codex Ten, “Why I Am Not A Conflict Theorist”)

Have a look and you’ll see themes that regularly show up on threads like this. Even worse, they’re some of the basest motivations behind politics anymore. I’ve personally been guilty of a few, but these mental shortcuts seem a bit silly when they’re called out loud.


People support political positions which make them feel good. On a primary level, this means:
  • Successful people want to hear that they deserve their success.
  • Unsuccessful people want to hear that successful people don’t deserve their success, lied / cheated / nepotismed their way to the top, and are no better than they are.
  • People want to knock down anyone who makes a status claim to be better than them.
  • People want to feel like their own identity group is heroic net contributors, and that their outgroup are villainous moochers.
  • People want to feel like their own identity group deserves more power.
  • People want to feel like their preferred lifestyle and policies have no negative implications at all and they don’t have to feel guilty about them.
  • People want to feel like they’re part of a group of special people poised to change the world, and everyone else is hidebound bigots who resist temporarily but will eventually be forced to recognize their genius.
  • People want to virtue-signal: demonstrate that they have the good qualities that their ingroup considers most important.
  • But people also want to vice-signal: demonstrate their willingness to breezily dismiss the supposedly good qualities that the outgroup considers important.
On a secondary level, it means:
  • People want to hear that they were right to support whatever positions they supported before.
  • People want to defeat and humiliate anyone who has previously tried to defeat and humiliate them, especially anyone who succeeded.
  • People want their friends to be proven right and their enemies to be proven wrong.
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Who cares what DJT said about the vaccine? Why does that matter?
Because it became a political badge, mostly driven by DJT himself. While having a bias against vaccines he had no problem taking it. I guess his one consistent is hypocrisy. I think the discussion around requiring vaccines or not is much more nuanced than is comfortable for the typical American. So they simplify it in picking a side.
MAGA: We need more American jobs. The Immigrants are taking our jobs!!!.

Also MAGA: You are not efficient enough, you deserve to lose your job.
Yeah it's that simple. I like the critical thinking.

Reducing government spending is different than flooding the states with illegals. No one has said legal immigrants are taking jobs.
Harassment, pure and simple. Performative nonsense to get a snicker for the base.

All it is.

FFS, making claims that people are dead and drawing a paycheck?

Every timesheet in the .gov has to be approved by at least 1 person.

Oh, I know, maybe it's a dead supervisor approving a dead employees time sheet.
Oh I know. I should've been more clear that I don't believe that for a second. But all that really matters is that people do. Spoke to one that did just second ago. Family. Doubt I got through to her.
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