Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

You’re right in theory, but unions make that very difficult.
Please cite your evidence. Unions ensure employees aren’t fired without cause. Good managers will document performance issues, put employees on a PIP, and have evidence to support dismissal if there isn’t improvement. Bad managers make it difficult to fire people, not unions.

And believe me, I have plenty of first-hand stories of lazy entitled employees that would threaten to go the union anytime somebody complained, but their managers never actually did anything about them. That’s a management issue, the union never actually got involved.
As I've mentioned here, I've been analyzing the posts people make and comparing their interest in posting on hunting topics versus their posts on political topics. You are an example what I'm referring to.

Since you were a "winner" in that analysis, I pulled up your account and I went through all 382 posts you've made here. In the first twenty, there were a few posts I might be able to say were slightly related to hunting. In the last 360, not a single one of them was in a hunting related thread.

I was pretty young (freshman in HS) for 9/11, but I do remember how much it brought everyone together. Can't say that if it happened tomorrow it would have the same effect as it did then. Might possibly make it worse, if that's possible.
Being a decent human being didn’t seem such a challenge for folks then as it does now. Maybe it was just less apparent because social media wasn’t nearly so prevalent?
As I've mentioned here, I've been analyzing the posts people make and comparing their interest in posting on hunting topics versus their posts on political topics. You are an example what I'm referring to.

Since you were a "winner" in that analysis, I pulled up your account and I went through all 382 posts you've made here. In the first twenty, there were a few posts I might be able to say were slightly related to hunting. In the last 360, not a single one of them was in a hunting related thread.

Keep digging. mtmuley
As of lately it seems most people have shown up looking for an argument rather than a conversation and it’s just gone from thread to thread to thread.
IMO, the line that causes the need to shit can is personal attacks. When a person has to call another a clown, dipshit, etc - basically schoolyard kid bully mentality simply because of a differing opinion - that's where threads go south. Otherwise, it's people voicing opinions.
Politics are woven into our very daily fabric of life, which for many of us - entails the outdoors.
As I've mentioned here, I've been analyzing the posts people make and comparing their interest in posting on hunting topics versus their posts on political topics. You are an example what I'm referring to.

Since you were a "winner" in that analysis, I pulled up your account and I went through all 382 posts you've made here. In the first twenty, there were a few posts I might be able to say were slightly related to hunting. In the last 360, not a single one of them was in a hunting related thread.

As I've mentioned here, I've been analyzing the posts people make and comparing their interest in posting on hunting topics versus their posts on political topics. You are an example what I'm referring to.

Since you were a "winner" in that analysis, I pulled up your account and I went through all 382 posts you've made here. In the first twenty, there were a few posts I might be able to say were slightly related to hunting. In the last 360, not a single one of them was in a hunting related thread.

Is that like, more HuntTalkQuietly™?

If we post in money and finances about money and finance, we get yelled at it's a hunting forum and it's off the rails. If the discussion went one way..

Well, then...get rid of any forum not hunting?

If we post in a place for friends or gossip, intending to discuss like minded political gossip with friends, we get yelled at it's a hunting forum and it's off the rails. If the discussion went one way.

If we post hunting, and it's not a product by a company that endorses you personally..well.

If we point out to the crowd, how we are always getting attacked by the HuntTalkQuietly™, we get banned, threatened and or flamed for doing exactly what the cheerleaders do constantly.

I'm not bothered with a ban. I'm bothered with holier than thou attitudes. The mods are great here so long as you're a sponsor or HuntTalkQuietly™ cheerleader.

Add a tich of dissenting opinion or facts or what have you, and this is the attitude 'we' talk about. It's been highlighted many times. Prodded along by HuntTalkQuietly™, and now with new quota systems to be deemed eligible, you might as well put a poll up, wait...and I'll make it simple, ask a pretty simple Y/N question, and permaban the ones who dont have HuntTalkQuietly™ groupthink.

IMO, the line that causes the need to shit can is personal attacks. When a person has to call another a clown, dipshit, etc - basically schoolyard kid bully mentality simply because of a differing opinion - that's where threads go south. Otherwise, it's people voicing opinions.
Politics are woven into our very daily fabric of life, which for many of us - entails the outdoors.
Where was that morality for the ambler's, when they were actually threatened with losing their land and more at HuntTalkQuietly™ begging?

And now you want help?

And now you plead for morality and civility?

Am I reading that correctly?
Heck. Apple today just announced 4 or 500 billion over the next 4 years of investments.

They didn't announce that 4 years ago, for 4 years. They did that today. Why, why do you think this set of 4 years, not the last set? What'd they do the 4 years before that? Bring money back again. Hmm.. why? WHY?
I will direct you to my reply here. I think people need to maintain a firm grasp of reality, past and present. Send me a PM if you want to discuss.
What I don't get is that no one that ever actually tried to be successful in the private industry would ever do, what they support the orange emperor doing. If you downsize or need to fire people, you actually think about it first, you evaluate their workload, how their roles affect other roles, where the most bang for the buck is, and where you can actually find efficiencies. And most importantly you find ways to keep the best people irregardless of all that because great people are what make great companies. The only people stupid enough to indiscriminately fire people without justification or knowing anything about their jobs, would be some bureaucrat in DC that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground- oh wait, nevermind, that checks ouout.
Are you insinuating the government is run like a business?

I feel like it's closer to a spoiled kid that just asks for money, then proceeds to spend it like like a drunken sailor.

If a company was going backwards by $1.8 Trillion per year, they'd shut it down... As one guy I personally know who's worth more than $3 billion dollars... "We're not a non profit business".
Thread related: I hope... I really hope this is a strategy to conduct a complete cleanse and find where the true squeaks sound off and adjust resources. Otherwise, I'm scratching my head... wondering wtf is going on!

My agency does this from time to time related to select areas with a broad brush. Investigating EVERY individual within to clear out the garbage. Yet sooo darn much of my time is wasted and the challenges it places on the individuals sucked into this cattle chute is, to me, distraction from other aspects I should be investigating. That said, it cleansed the select area and we don't have near the issues.

I'll follow up with this comment: Those issues build again because the reason it turned into such a cluster is due to poor policy and procedures for the setting. The foundation was not corrected. So, 5-10 years later? Yep - another round of prepping every cow to run the chute.

On note of the impact - my buddy who still runs typical college students (Seasonal - no mas) on their summer break into the wilderness backcountry for trail maintenance is beside himself trying to figure how to mitigate the incredible amount of trails that fall under his responsibility. Outfitters asking him for any potential/possible lawful means to permit them chainsaw authorization and they will manage the trails themselves.
I responded, we should simply let the wilderness return to being just that - the wild. I know that is far from many Hunt Talk member's desire though to me, it sure fits the true wording of our designated American wilderness areas. You want into the wilderness - lace up your boots and have at it.
IMO, the line that causes the need to shit can is personal attacks. When a person has to call another a clown, dipshit, etc - basically schoolyard kid bully mentality simply because of a differing opinion - that's where threads go south. Otherwise, it's people voicing opinions.
Politics are woven into our very daily fabric of life, which for many of us - entails the outdoors.
I agree and would only add that outright lies/rumors can also be a problem, although a more difficult one to regulate. Probably better to let the discussion regulate it, but once the bandwagon starts rolling it can be very hard to stop it.

I don’t really agree with most of what trackerbacker is saying in this thread so I’m simply choosing not to engage. But he’s right to point out the danger of groupthink and piling on.
Also have you talked to anyone at the forest service personally? Other than reading news articles? Not picking on you here but the forest service that manages the part of the world I hunt kept all 9 employees. May be a small sample size but that’s from the guy with almost 35 years in. He said some other people have lost jobs

I have. NW MT USFS got hit hard. I know friends that got terminated, friends that still have jobs but no crews, and I interviewed a guy today that worked seasonally for 13 years, got hired permanently last year and was a couple months from ending his probation and got the axe.

That’s why the OP’s blanket message that losing 10% is fine, move on is not a one size fits all, as you referenced for your local district.

Some folks will really notice the losses some won’t.

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