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Reid's bill passed in the House!


Active member
Dec 1, 2004
Now it's up to Dubya to sign it into law and protect the state's right to manage game. I hope the little shit gets it done and we can step on the neck of USO,SFW and anyone else who wants to mess with our backyard. Time to think about waking up and generating a defense fund for countersuing the crap out of any business that sues to take over our hunting. I hope our AZ G&F does come up with a little better NR tag percentage. This legislation had great support from both parties.
That's great news. Hopefully Bush will sign it but I do have my doubts. I would guess he would be in favor of commercializing hunting as much as possible, and he definitely would support hunting being only for those with the most money.
Conference Report Includes Otter's Legislation To Address Challenge to Hunting and Fishing

Washington, D.C. - Bipartisan legislation to protect each state's right to regulate hunting and fishing is one step closer to becoming law today.

The measure will reaffirm the long-standing right of states to make decisions about hunting and fishing licenses and tag limits. States have traditionally regulated hunting and fishing within their borders, but a recent ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals questioned whether states could distinguish between residents and non-residents when issuing licenses.

The Senate passed the measure last month as an amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act, but it was not in the House version of the bill. On Wednesday, a joint House-Senate Conference Committee agreed to add the measure to the final bill. The House approved the measure on Thursday, and the Senate is expected to vote on it next week.

"This is one of those common-sense pieces of legislation that comes out of the West and unfortunately is all too rare in Washington, D.C. I'm proud to be associated with it," said Congressman C.L. "Butch" Otter (R-ID), who joined Congressman Mark Udall (D-CO) as the bill's primary House sponsors. "The Founders never intended hunting and fishing to be among the things subject to federal control, and it's good to see that Congress sometimes can still recognize a 10th Amendment issue, even if the 9th Circuit too often can't."

"Sportsmen and hunters play a critical role in conserving our natural landscape and resources," Udall said. "This is particularly so with local hunters because they are vested in preserving what they grew up with and love. This amendment will allow states to continue to implement preferences for local hunters and ensure that people closest to the resource involved are recognized."

"This is a big victory for Nevadans, and for sportsmen everywhere," said Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), who joined Senators Ted Stevens (R-AK), John Ensign (R-NV), and Ben Nelson (D-NE) as Senate sponsors. "Nevada's hunting and fishing groups help conserve our natural resources through taxes, fees, and old-fashioned hard work. Our sportsmen understand Nevada, and they work hard to take care of it. This bill recognizes and rewards those efforts."

"Alaskans join Nevadans in the proud tradition of hunting and fishing," said Stevens. "This amendment ensures that our states sportsmen are able to fully partake in the resources and splendor of their own states."

"Nevada's sportsmen embody a proud tradition of western independence and I'm proud to have fought for this measure on their behalf," Ensign said. "We have protected their interests and maintained important protections for our environment."

"Uncle Sam should stay out of the business of regulating state hunting and fishing fees," said Nelson. "It's simply a case of states' rights and the states won an important victory when this bill passed."
I'd be in favor of a 15% non-resident quota as long as they all signed an affidavit swearing not to hire USO as their guide !
Bandit said:
I don't see anything wrong with that. i would pay that precentage just to hunt there.

Sadly Bandit, that's a 15% allocation of total tags for non-residents...not a 15% surcharge.
Bandit said:
So I got it wrong LOL my mistake, but thanks for letting me know.

No biggie Bandit...was trying to save you the recriminations from those who'd jump your a## about it.
Let them jump. That just goes to show some people don't like helping others but would rather rip on them for being wrong on something. Some of you guys let me know when I'm wrong without the criticism. But there are those who have to. I don't judge them. :D
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