Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

REI CEO to head Interior?

How much actual say do you all think she'll really have in setting policy? Given this administration, and how Washington works generally, she'll go along with whatever policies and views are en vogue with the ruling party. Whoever gives the President and his party the most money is who sets the policy and Jewell will carry it out, else she'll be replaced.

So, don't expect much.

^ This

Another Obama puppet.
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Private sector ++
Not a lawyer ++
In an industry linked to sustainable outdoor experience ++
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Woman +++++++++ They are smarter than we are. My wife reminds of this daily. "Coming honey"
If I remember correctly, wolves were delisted under the Obama Administration, and I remember former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar taking a lot of heat for that when he announced the decision. So by your line of thinking, hunters gave more money to Obama than the wolf huggers?


I could be wrong. Strange and unexpected things sometimes happen with the government, I know I work for it, but eventually things revert to the mean. I hope she turns out good for hunting, and lord knows I've spent a lot of money at REI, but despite your example I'm staying skeptical for the time being.
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