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Rehberg posts State Lands!

Public Lands & Water Access Assoc (PLWA).....a little Montana grass roots outfit consisting of (mostly) old old graybeards - such as the one in the video - looking out for and maintaining public access to public lands.
Nuff said.


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I am very familiar with the sign in question.... and was a little confused when I first ran into it. Didn't slow me down much though.... the map.still shows blue, so I will be leaving as many gut piles behind that sign as I have tags for.
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Who'd a thunk it?

Good ol' Denny trying to keep people off public land...thats a real shock.

Absolutely worthless he is...
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BWAHAHAHA So I did a little research on this subject. Turns out there is a mountainbiking group in Billings that posted these signs. Rehburg's part in this is that he along with others named on the sign are allowing access though their private land to get between state piece and NOT denying access to state land that he didn't post. So it is just the opossite...private landowner making it easier to access public grounds.
What a crock of crap that commercial was.
The sign is on state land, not private according to several folks who live in the neighborhood.

You need to do some research on Rehbergs state land dealings...

More from the champion of wildlands:

This sets the stage for more public land to be managed as de facto wilderness, stifling job creation by severely limiting agriculture, hunting and recreational uses, along with potential energy and mineral development, Rehberg said.

Apparently Denny is a fat-assed atver and doesnt own a set of hiking boots?
Sorry it might make some people mad but that commercial is a crock of crap. There is nothing I can do about it to make those that dislike Rehberg feel better about their dislike. To lie to people on that particular subject is wrong. You'll have to try some other angle to convince people Rehberg is what he is in your minds.
I know exactly what he is...a spoiled rich kid thats got that way from peddling Montana and his family ranch. He's a drunk to boot and has a real problem steering watercraft on Flathead lake.

He has posted state lands illegally as well.

He's great at playing the "I'm just one of you, a poor Montana Rancher" card every chance he gets. I aint buying it since he's in the top 25 list of wealthiest representatives.

He also has family that lobby for the oil and gas industry.

I'm pretty sure that about covers it. With that resume, its no shock that he's anti-wilderness, anti-wildlife, and anti-public land.

More amazing is that he ever got elected to congress to begin with.