Caribou Gear

Regulations that you don't like

Although I have hunted for 60 years from Siberia to New Zealand, 99% without a guide, I cant hunt in a Wyomng Wilderness area without a licensed guide.......although a 15 yo kid that has never left the city limits of Cheyenne can....bogus!!:(

If you ever got bored and felt like sharing some pictures on here, I'm sure no one would complain.

Totally agree on the Wyoming wilderness law, I can't believe they've been able to get away with that for as long as they have.
Another one that drives me nuts- I only have 4 1/2 months to fill my bull tag here in MT. How can they really expect anyone to fill it with a season like that? We can't even hunt them in velvet, what a joke.

Haha! :)

Agree on the luminocks...
Also, Really miss my freezer filler doe meat. :( Heck some areas, 5 drawing tags for does in MT?
OK, not an American regulation, but we can't own a handgun in the UK.
Sorry i must correct that, you may own a handgun but you have to be a criminal, i.e drug dealer, armed robber etc get the picture?
OK, not an American regulation, but we can't own a handgun in the UK.
Sorry i must correct that, you may own a handgun but you have to be a criminal, i.e drug dealer, armed robber etc get the picture?

Richard, we feel your pain, but rest assured that the UK is a shining example of how legislators can get out of control when so allowed, and you will serve as inspiration for never allowing the same to happen over here. Oh, they might get a nibble here or there and change a reg or two, but it can always be voted out later. I just don't think they'll ever deprive us of our guns.
Richard, we feel your pain, but rest assured that the UK is a shining example of how legislators can get out of control when so allowed, and you will serve as inspiration for never allowing the same to happen over here. Oh, they might get a nibble here or there and change a reg or two, but it can always be voted out later. I just don't think they'll ever deprive us of our guns.

Exactly, fight your corner, at least you have a powerful body in the NRA.
I have shot all my life and have never committed any crime (otherwise they wouldn't let me have a rifle etc) so what risk am i to the public? none what so ever.



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