Rare Weapon to Hunt Deer


Gun ownership is not an unlimited right. There are many guns that are illegal to own. Cut the barrel on your shotgun off, and see if you still have a right.

Rumours of "heard of people taking game at 200 yards" does not make it a good deer round. You owe it to the critter to do better than flinging surplus ammo out of some Eastern Bloc piece of crap.

This is America, shoot an American Gun!!!
Actually gunner it is completly legal for me to "cut down" the barrel on my shotgun or at least in my state. Your state may vary, however I think that the state of Idaho would allow it as well. In fact I am currently debating building a SBR just because I can.

For what it's worth gunner I do shoot an American gun and it's one of the best made rifles a man can own.

There are restrictions all over the place on what kind of gun you can own, where you can carry it, and what features it can have. There is no unlimited Right on on gun ownership. To think otherwise is folly.
fecl ,
I am a steadfast defender of the second amendment , so let's not confuse " better suited for " with " should be banned " .
I guess I didn't realize that since I don't have a bunch of Hmong tribesmen in my deer camp with SKS assault rifles I am an elitist asshole . :D
But seriously fecl , I would defend the right to own an SKS but I'd question what it may best be suited for ; hunting or the aforementioned activties .
fecl, "Actually gunner it is completly legal for me to "cut down" the barrel on my shotgun or at least in my state." What length are you allowed to cut it down to in your state? How about the federal minimum length, does it apply in your state or are you exempt from federal regulations in New Mexico?

Please read this before you answer: "In the United States, it is illegal to possess a sawed-off shotgun (a barrel length less than 18 in. or 46 cm) without a tax-stamped permit from the United States Treasury. Since the Treasury does not issue permits, there is a de facto ban on sawed-off shotguns in the United States."

Loardy Loardy, is that ELKGUNNER sounding like a right wing redneck ?

"Rumours of "heard of people taking game at 200 yards" does not make it a good deer round. You owe it to the critter to do better than flinging surplus ammo out of some Eastern Bloc piece of crap.

This is America, shoot an American Gun!!!"
Ithaca 37 said:
fecl, "Actually gunner it is completly legal for me to "cut down" the barrel on my shotgun or at least in my state." What length are you allowed to cut it down to in your state? How about the federal minimum length, does it apply in your state or are you exempt from federal regulations in New Mexico?

Please read this before you answer: "In the United States, it is illegal to possess a sawed-off shotgun (a barrel length less than 18 in. or 46 cm) without a tax-stamped permit from the United States Treasury. Since the Treasury does not issue permits, there is a de facto ban on sawed-off shotguns in the United States."



The treasury does not issue "permits" they issue tax stamps. I can build a short barrel AR with an 11" barrel, (1 tax stamp) I then can put a silencer on it (1 tax stamp) for a total of two tax stamps. I can do this for a shotgun as well.


Were did you find the link to the online encyclopedia??? Is the author of this so called information named Dr. Asshat, PHD in left wing bullshit.

This is funny shit An elephant gun is a large caliber shotgun or rifle, originally used for elephant hunting, and nowadays usually used for elephant poaching. These guns are no longer made legally but some companies continue to make and distribute the guns and the ammunition for them. :D :D :D

Is this an encyclopia for idiots or just left wing nutjobs?? :eek: :eek: :eek:
Everything you need to know about short barrels. http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/faq2.htm#m

I love the elitest crap about the SKS not being powerful enough to take a deer, which is why most U.S. ammo makers make hunting rounds in that caliber.

Seems like most have just seen the cheap Norinco playtoys rather than a seriously made Russian SKS . This guy was using a Saiga , which is NOT an SKS contrary to the police report http://www.wausaudailyherald.com/frontpage/pegl.pdf That being said, I wouldn't take anything but a perfect shot opportunity over 150 yards with a 7.62X39 but I wouldn't with a .30-30 either.
Not Rare

SKS is not rare according to the locals


Posted Nov. 28, 2004

SKS rifle not rare, say gun experts

Alleged firearm in slayings not an ‘assault weapon’

By Steve Wideman
Post-Crescent staff writer

The gun allegedly used to kill six Wisconsin hunters is a type commonly used to hunt deer and should not be called an assault weapon, say local hunters and gun enthusiasts.

Authorities say that Chai Vang, 36, of St. Paul, Minn., shot eight people last Sunday, killing six, following a confrontation over a deer stand on private property in Sawyer County.

Vang, who claims he shot the hunters after they made racial slurs and shot at him, remained in the Sawyer County Jail on Saturday under a $2.5 million bond.

He is expected to be formally charged Monday.

When Vang was arrested by a state Department of Natural Resources warden, he allegedly was carrying an empty Russian-built Saiga 7.62 mm, SKS semiautomatic rifle.

The SKS, a medium-powered carbine usually equipped with a 10-round magazine, is cheap, dependable and commonly used for deer hunting, said Bill Kordus of Menasha, a state certified hunting education instructor and former president of the Twin City Rod and Gun Club.

“It’s the most common deer-hunting rifle out there. You can buy them for $100. There are millions of them,” Kordus said.

Kordus said the SKS did not fall under the nation’s recently expired ban on the sale of assault weapons. And he said it’s incorrect to label the hunting version of an SKS an assault weapon.

“A gun is considered a firearm and it is a tool used to hunt,” he said. “A weapon is anything used to kill or maim another human being.”

Mike Young, Outagamie County DNR warden, said he owns two SKS rifles.

“I place responsibility (for the Sawyer County shootings) on the hunter, not the gun,” he said.

Young said it is common for deer rifles to hold six or seven rounds and be semiautomatic. Vang allegedly had a 20-round magazine.

“They (SKS) come with a 10-round clip. You load it by inserting the cartridges into the chamber. But you can pull a pin out and put in a 20- or 30-round magazine,” Young said.

Young compared the SKS to a .30-30 rifle, which is light and has less recoil than more powerful deer rifles.

“The .30-30 is a rifle most people give their kids,” he said.

Don Kemps, a member of the Northeast Wisconsin High-Powered Rifle League, said the fact Vang had a high-capacity magazine “is really immaterial for what he did.

“I wouldn’t consider it a long-range weapon. I’ve never seen anyone use it in competition,” Kemps said.

The SKS, like all semiautomatic guns, fires a round each time the trigger is pulled. Unlike bolt actions or pump guns, a semiautomatic automatically reloads another shell in the firing chamber, but does not fire it.

Kordus said semi-automatic guns have been used by Wisconsin hunters for decades.

“Semiautomatic shotguns have been popular with duck hunters since the 1950s,” he said.

He said owning a fully automatic gun requires an extensive federal criminal background check, with ownership permits that cost about $200 annually.

Kordus said the sturdiness of the SKS is one reason so many U.S. troops had such a difficult time in Vietnam.

“The U.S. guns just weren’t dependable, but the SKS, you could drop in a mud puddle and it would still shoot,” he said. “The SKS is a crude firearm that is not really accurate at long range, but is dependable as hell.”
By his own statement he knew he was shooting at at least 7 UNARMED persons. In no caseis it self defense to chase down unarmed people and shoot them in the back.
This is America, shoot an American Gun!!!

OK, sorry, I have to do this.....EG, I guess you would oppose anyone using Browning now as well. After all, they are mostly all made in Japan. And what about all of those fine old English doubles? I guess we can't shoot those either.

As for the SKS, I have one of the old Russian ones, milled parts and all. It is a very nice shooter as well. I was hoping to use it for limited hunting, but I couldn't find adequate ammo for deer. It was because of that that I don't use it for deer hunting. However, with proper ammo, I have no doubt in my mind that it will kill a deer as dead as it needs to.

That being said, I am not buying all of the stories coming out of the Hmong community up there. I am sick and tired that when some minority groups have one of their members get in trouble that the race card is played first. I don't care what name you were called, when has name calling ever justified killing someone? If I shot a black guy who called me a honkey, it would be a hate crime on my part for shooting the black guy. How bout we stop making excuses when things like this happen and just deal with the offender?
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