Randy...step on it.

No need to post pics, just send me some of that Sitka gear to use on one of the hunts you invite me on next year. I'll even spring for a good cleaning before I return it after the hunt. You won't owe me a debt of gratitude. I'll do this job for free! :cool:
Randy it's a damn shame that you had to come on here and waste all that time on that sorry SOB! Please know that there are very few of him out there like that and the other 99.9% of us love who you are and what you do for the sheer love of it! Be well and don't lose any sleep over that jackass!
Randy, I sincerely apologize. I meant no dis-respect to you or your son with my posts. Buzz and several others have personally attached me on this and other websites for years and it upset me when it appeared that both of you were doing things that were borderline illegal. Now that the truth is out I am super glad to hear that Buzz returned the clothes, binos, etc. It's obvious that the WG&F would be knocking at your doors if you didn't do this.

It's great that you share pref pts with family and friends. Hopefully you don't have anything against me when I do so with others? I've gotten sick and tired of Buzz and others sabotaging my posts when searching for other hunters that would like to share pts and a hunt with me! Believe me....just as Buzz helped you and your son on your hunt I do the same for others that I hunt with! It's been a win-win situation for everyone that I have ever hunted with. I'm sure this same thing is true with the guys Buzz has shared hunting experiences with.

With that said, it frustrates me to no end when guys comment that I'm a pref pt pimp and other rude comments that are far from the truth! I'm not sure how many times I've been criticized by Buzz and others that I am taking advantage of those that apply with me? Maybe we should start a new post entitled "sharing pref pts"? It's been a win-win situation for everyone I've hunted with! It's obvious you have taken advantage of this over the years to hunt with family and friends! I really don't see why I am such a horrible person when I do this? I can guarantee everyone I've hunted with over the years has smiles on their faces after the hunt....similar to your son when he walked up to this year''s trophy Wyoming bull!

Again, congratulations to your son! It was a thrilling hunt and experience for both of you! The smiles tell it all! I sincerely apologize for ruffling any feathers!
jims, I think I heard violins while you were crying that river in an attempt of apologizing, while blaming ""Buzz and others" three times for your actions!!

JM, I think it's great that Randy got everything out in the open! Saves a lot of unanswered questions and false accusations!
Amazing post and surely this thread should be back on track now but just in case

Yes but he should't of had to do it in the first place should he?
It all comes down to jealousy in the end I guess?

As far as Sitka gear goes, Randy's sponsorship by Sitka has had the desired affect, my garage is full of the stuff, and as a gift (a gift, I need to make that clear apparently, and it wasn't Randy!) a member off here Kindly gave me a great jacket.
So If I were ever to appear on his show I have my own Sitka gear, that I am happy to promote whenever I can.

So Matthew, congrats on the bull of a lifetime whilst hunting with family and friends.

Cheers and seasons greetings!


JM, I think it's great that Randy got everything out in the open! Saves a lot of unanswered questions and false accusations!
Who cares if Buzz (or fill in name) uses someone else's binos for a TV show?
But being an aging hunter schmuck unschooled in the world of You Tube and Podcasts, I had no idea of the intricacies of the sponsorship thing.
Go hunting (on a filmed excursion) with a guy (Randy) who has a deal such as this and one can't wear his own jacket, shoot his own rifle, and look through his own binos??
I don't watch hunting shows anymore, so I'm guessing this is the norm?
Don't give a hoot one way or another. I more often than not anymore hunt with dogs which never need clothes, optics, nor weapons:D. But interesting stuff.
Jims, you prey on people who have a pile of points and whom you have no relationship with. Almost all of them are first time western hunters who have been building points for years with no real plan on where to go. You are not taking friends and family out so quit trying to compare your pathetic schemes to what most others do. It's like clockwork on all hunting related forums, new guy comes in and says he has a bunch of points and asks for direction and here comes the PM's from Jims. It's pathetic. You are as slimy as they come.
Isn't hunting about creating memories with family and friends? Seeing new places? Experiencing things most people don't take the time to find? At least it is for me. I, like Randy, get one week a year to spend hunting with my son and that is the most important week in my yearly hunting plans. Congratulations on a great bull and terrific hunt.
Back in the old Hunttalk days this is where I would serve up some totally inappropriate memes or links to some crude GIF.... I'm so tempted.... But I think the apology is embarrassing enough after being handed your a#@...

Unfortunate this thread had to turn a great "family" hunt into a personal attack. You also realize the real beneficiary (Uncle Larry) of the point share couldn't even hunt with Matthew because of health reasons. There are a laundry list of guys on this site that have had an "internet" relationship with Randy for decades that don't hunt with him. Its the same consistent core group of family and friends that share hunts together. Its not like randomly soliciting people to share points for obvious personal gain, its not even close to the same thing....

I'm not saying this because I'm a friend of Randy's or Buzz's, in fact I'm not personal friends with either of them. I don't always agree with what either of them say. I do know that I have observed their conduct and actions for over a decade online and none of that would ever lead me to accuse them of wrong doing. You're barking up the wrong tree... Buzz might be abrasive and you might not like him, but he always calls a spade a spade... Randy is selfless, the information he hands out on TV kills me at times, but he does it to help people that can learn from it....

Back to the topic... Congrats to Matthew on harvesting a great bull, his selflessness to share with a "family" member... Thanks to Buzz for donating his time and knowledge in the unit for absolutely nothing in return.... Randy, keep on being a good father... it obviously shows as your kid is a class act too...
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Well said sneakem, especially the embarrassing comment, a clumsy contretemps for sure.
After reading that so-called apology that was as bad as all the other posts he's made, and IMHO wasn't really an apology at all when you read the same crap in that post that's he's put out ever since he started trying to justify what he does, it's very obvious that he hasn't learned a thing from other previous attempts to tell him what he's doing sucks. Randy, Matthew, and his Uncle Larry is what the G&F had in mind when they started PPs that allow point sharing, not his charade of almost begging unknown guys on the internet to use their PPs in the guise of seeing a big smile on their face. No number of people on this or any other site are going to convince him it sucks because he's convinced himself that he's doing nothing wrong and it's the same as the family hunt on this thread. It may not be illegal, but it reeks of a self centered person that is only doing it for his own personal gain no matter what he says about the "smiles" he brings to those that give him their points.
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Congrats on a fantastic bull! It’s heartwarming when a group of family and friends can get together and accomplish something of this feat. It gives me hope for the future knowing there are still sportsmen out there who enjoy the hunt for more than how many Instagram likes they will get or what kind of pro staff deal may ensue.

On a side note; Matthew must have ice water in his veins to remain as calm as he has while getting close to the magnificent animals he’s harvested and waiting for the shot opportunity. Maybe he should have been a trauma surgeon or hostage negotiator with those nerves of steel.

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