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2024 dove thread

I had a unique experience this morning. Hit an incoming dove way up high. It waa stone dead and plummeting down at a 45°, just missed one of my hunting partners then hit the wire fence shearing it's head clean off.
The action tab broke off on my semi-auto so I had to go with my old single shot my dad got me 23 years ago for my first dove gun. I limited out after a couple hours on some blm that for some reason I've never had to share year after year.20240901_085248.jpg
On my walk back to the truck I came within 5' of this guy. We have lots of rattlesnakes in the surrounding foothills but I've never seen a rattlesnake on the valley floor. It didn't rattle one bit, just had it's head up looking at me.

On my way home I had a coyote run across the road about 50 yards ahead of me. Definitely an eventful day.
I miss the good Ol days back home. Used to burn a box of shells for like 6 birds. Back when a case of shells was like $25.
My brother and I were just talking about this. IIrc circa early 2000's I just got my drivers license and a box was around $3.50 and I think a case (4 pack) you could get on sale for $10. Yesterday they were $14 per box at Farm and Fleet.
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Got another limit this morning, haven't had this good of a dove season on public in a long time. Good luck to everyone still getting after them.
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Caribou Gear

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