Randy Newberg on Matt Rinella's Podcast

If somebody wants to save the last elk, or even the second or third to last, so they can shoot it, I'm not here to argue with that motive. But be honest about it.

I think there's room to debate the role of content-creators as it relates to hunting. But, I don't think anybody making a good faith effort to do that is citing Randy as an example of needing to demonstrate what he's done for wildlife. He puts advocacy front and center and any dingaling with an internet connection can get weekly updates via his youtube channel without paying for Fresh Tracks +, while the new hunting content goes behind the paywall.

Hard to think of something working harder to increase the size of the pie via actual critters on the hill, as well as public access to that hill, than the Land and Water Conservation Fund. In the days before we finally got it passed, the only folks I heard talking more than Randy about fully funding LWCF were paid to do it, and even some of them coulda taken a few notes from Mr. Newberg.
He's doing it for all the right reasons!!!!
I subscribed to Matt’s podcast

I’ll be honest, the content is fine, I like some of the viewpoints, differing opinions, etc.

It is extremely difficult to listen to. I’m only one episode 2……..so hard to keep it going. Not because of what he and guests are saying, but how he and they say it.

Uuuummmm, but, uummm, and ummm uummm, ahh, ummm yeah, umm

Good Lord, your podcast is about hunting quietly…..understand first and foremost in public speaking silence, or a pause is better than filling space with an “uuuummmm”

I’m gonna try to get through it, but I don’t see this being a very popular podcast, just way to difficult to ingest.
They sped up the rush, but I concur it would have come regardless. A quality hunting experience E of the Mississippi can cost about x2 times as much as in the West. People shop around and look for value. A lease can run $2000-$3000 a year, or you can drop $1500 for a tag + gas for a public land playground. The cost of Western hunting has quite a ways to catch up before it deters NR’s from flooding in from their home states where east access has all but vanished over the last 20 years.
I agree with both of these posters, while I think Meat Eater and Randy helped increase the popularity I think the decreased learning curve provided by the internet is what made western hunting take off. I started western hunting in 2009 and the list of great forums, apps, YouTube channels and overall information that the internet had provided has made it so easy compared to 15 years ago. You can head into the mountains as a first time hunter with massive amounts of information that you once never had.
Cry baby's! I dislike social media, I hate the broish bullshit attitude it's brought to hunting. I dislike and am very conflicted with the effects technology like Onx and gohunt have had and continue to have on hunting. But if there is one thing I dislike more it's the "get off my lawn" bros. Matt and you guys are just mad because 20 years ago Tom was the only one at your hunting spots, 10 years ago it was Tom and dick at your hunting spots, and today every Tom, dick, and Harry is at your hunting spots.
If you dislike social media so much, why are you posting to a social media site called “Hunt Talk?”
I subscribed to Matt’s podcast

I’ll be honest, the content is fine, I like some of the viewpoints, differing opinions, etc.

It is extremely difficult to listen to. I’m only one episode 2……..so hard to keep it going. Not because of what he and guests are saying, but how he and they say it.

Uuuummmm, but, uummm, and ummm uummm, ahh, ummm yeah, umm

Good Lord, your podcast is about hunting quietly…..understand first and foremost in public speaking silence, or a pause is better than filling space with an “uuuummmm”

I’m gonna try to get through it, but I don’t see this being a very popular podcast, just way to difficult to ingest.

I subscribed to Matt’s podcast

I’ll be honest, the content is fine, I like some of the viewpoints, differing opinions, etc.

It is extremely difficult to listen to. I’m only one episode 2……..so hard to keep it going. Not because of what he and guests are saying, but how he and they say it.

Uuuummmm, but, uummm, and ummm uummm, ahh, ummm yeah, umm

Good Lord, your podcast is about hunting quietly…..understand first and foremost in public speaking silence, or a pause is better than filling space with an “uuuummmm”

I’m gonna try to get through it, but I don’t see this being a very popular podcast, just way to difficult to inge
His bro has a great show but Steve is the worst interviewer in the history of media.... he constantly interrupts and had to make sure everyone knows he is the smartest guy in the room. I can only listen in small chunks
If you dislike social media so much, why are you posting to a social media site called “Hunt Talk?”
Search my posts and you'll find the answer if you really want it that bad. I know you really don't want it tho. Your just being an asshole.
I haven't bitched about HT. I simply said I dislike social media. Mostly anything mainstream social media. HT has a close knit group or club of 30K members. (Instagram has 1billion for comparison) I find it much different from what most would call social media. I feel most the members here care about the stories being posted and genuinely like to read them. Its not a million people looking for LIKE cocaine.

A search for me and you won't find me anywhere else on the interwebs.

I find it a big stretch to call HT social media, even tho by definition technically it is.
Just off the top of my head:

Newberg shot & produced a killer episode in the Rocky mtn front. The bill that ended up passing permanently conversed over 300,000 acres of public land that wildlife depend on. That bill also had companion funding of millions for weed management & created a first-of-its-kind conservation management area.

Newberg was deeply involved in the wolf delisting saga & helped push people in the right direction. He used his platforms to televise the first wolf hunt in the lower 48 & did so with an eye towards sustainable management.

Newberg utelized his platforms (all of em) to advocate full funding of lwcf, and he's probably the only person to have blown a bugle in the United States Capital.

Newberg utelized his platforms to help promote the mission & great work of RMEF & many other organizations that do on-the-ground conservation for better habitat & better management.

Randy has taken the film crew to Helena often for the rallies, to testify on bills & for commission meetings. He uses that footage to show hunters how to be advocates.

This platform, which is subsidized by the production side, is one of the best organizing tools for hunters in the US when it comes to ramping up hunter involvement in specific bills at the state & federal levels. His funding of this site is what allowed us to stop the bad bills of 2021 like sb 143 & HB505, and it's been that way since 2009 or so.

Happy to think of some more efforts on how he's given back, but hopefully those help show why so many of us will have his back.
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Just off the top of my head:

Newberg shot & produced a killer episode in the Ricky mtn front. The bill that ended up passing permanently conversed over 300,000 acres of public land that wildlife depend on. That bill also had companion funding of millions for weed.management & created a forst-of-its-kind conservation management area.

Newberg was deeply involved in the wolf delisting saga & helped push people in the right direction. He used his platforms to televise the first wolf hunt in the lower 48 & did so with an eye towards sustainable management.

Newberg utelized his platforms (all of em) to advocate full funding of lwcf, and he's probably the only person to have blown a bugle in the United States Capital.

Newberg utelized his platforms to help promote the mission & great work of RMEF & many other organizations that do on-the-ground conservation for better habitat & better management.

Randy has taken the film crew to Helena often for the rallies, to testify on bills & for commission meetings. He uses that footage to show hunters how to be advocates.

This platform, which is subsidized by the production side, is one of the best organizing tools for hunters in the US when it comes to ramping up hunter involvement in special fic bills at the state & federal levels. His funding of this site is what allowed us to stop the bad bills of 2021 like sb 143 & HB505, and it's been that way since 2009 or so.

Happy to think of some more efforts in how he's given back, but hopefully those help show so many of us will have his back.
Bout effin time you show up with your memory power! We're over here dying while you were off being productive and shit.
Hunter numbers are on the decline and this infighting amongst hunters needs to stop. It’s doesn’t matter if you are resident or non resident, use social media or not. In 2021 there were 15 million license hunters that’s counting resident and nonresidents, so how many of those are counted multiple times? (I had a license in 6 states last year.) Each year the number of hunters is declining, that a proven fact and it seems like some of y’all would be happy if you were the last hunter on the mountain but if that happens there will be no hunting left.
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I appreciate Randy and Matt’s viewpoints and can see both of them having merit. Seemed like a good discussion although Matt seems a little desperate to make others see things his way. I got a chuckle out of Rob Shaul’s name being brought up in this one.
Actually idk wtf I’m talking about...
I’ve hunted Colorado otc archery elk units the past 3 years for deer, elk and bears and I’ve seen all of these species and had shot opportunities on each hunt.
And I don’t really “hunt hard”
Never really had an issue with crowding.
Like I’ve seen other people, but really just at the trailhead and on the trails, but nothing that like ruins my day.
Definitely busiest in Labor Day weekend, thins out after that.
Illinois is so boring.
Can’t wait to go on vacation.
Millennial life is hard.
I love you Randy Newberg!
Randy Newberg!
Hunter numbers are on the decline and this infighting amongst hunters needs to stop. It’s doesn’t matter if you are resident or non resident, use social media or not. In 2021 there were 15 million license hunters that’s counting resident and nonresidents, so how many of those are counted multiple times? (I had a license in 6 states last year.) Each year the number of hunters is declining, that a proven fact and it seems like some of y’all would be happy if y’all would be happy if you were the last hunter on the mountain but if that happens there will be no hunting left.
Hunter numbers in the west are not declining in fact they are sky rocketing. If he was at all worried about hunter numbers he should be filming whitetail hunts in Maine or squirrel hunts in New Jersey (to promote hunting in places where it’s declining). The mountains are more full with hunters than they have ever been.
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Hunter numbers in the west are not declining in fact they are sky rocketing. If he was at all worried about hunter numbers he should be filming whitetail hunts in Maine or squirrel hunts in New Jersey (to promote hunting in places where it’s declining). The mountains are more full with hunters than they have ever been.
Just off the top of my head:

Newberg shot & produced a killer episode in the Rocky mtn front. The bill that ended up passing permanently conversed over 300,000 acres of public land that wildlife depend on. That bill also had companion funding of millions for weed management & created a first-of-its-kind conservation management area.

Newberg was deeply involved in the wolf delisting saga & helped push people in the right direction. He used his platforms to televise the first wolf hunt in the lower 48 & did so with an eye towards sustainable management.

Newberg utelized his platforms (all of em) to advocate full funding of lwcf, and he's probably the only person to have blown a bugle in the United States Capital.

Newberg utelized his platforms to help promote the mission & great work of RMEF & many other organizations that do on-the-ground conservation for better habitat & better management.

Randy has taken the film crew to Helena often for the rallies, to testify on bills & for commission meetings. He uses that footage to show hunters how to be advocates.

This platform, which is subsidized by the production side, is one of the best organizing tools for hunters in the US when it comes to ramping up hunter involvement in specific bills at the state & federal levels. His funding of this site is what allowed us to stop the bad bills of 2021 like sb 143 & HB505, and it's been that way since 2009 or so.

Happy to think of some more efforts on how he's given back, but hopefully those help show why so many of us will have his back.

Yeah, but how did that help wildlife…? 😏
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