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Randy Newberg on Matt Rinella's Podcast

None of the other players are going away if and when Randy decides to hang up the show. Are your efforts going to be sufficient to ensure that wins for wildlife are going to continue? Are all the critics of social media influencers going advance hunters interests more effectively?
What wins for hunting and wildlife have we seen?
He is promoting a simplistic (and unattainable) solution to solve complex issues. If he could attain his desired goals it wouldn’t achieve the hoped for results.

It is my impression that he is attempting to promote his personal aesthetic as the metric by which all “appropriate” hunting should be measured.
Social media is a communication tool. What the tool is used for and how it is used is what determines whether the benefits outweigh the negative impacts of the tool.

There is no doubt that there are some negative impacts to hunting because of social media’s influence. However, at the end of the day it is the responsibility of managing agencies and us as hunters holding them accountable to ensure that proper management policies are in place to protect our resources.
That settles it! If you emailed Matt R. that succinct review he could just close shop and quit selling t-shirts…
OMG, I could only stand 1 hour of this crycast and had to shut it off. So Matt is whining because people want the same adventure get has in MT, but now that it interferes with his trail heads having more people it upsets him and he blames "the internet" for its cause? We have no more hunters than we did before, so dah, yes, as people watch Randy and others LIKE HIS BROTHER hunt other states OF COURSE we are going to say hey, we would like to do that and put in for tags and go hunt other states...that is how the number changed, not more hunters, the same number of hunters just now have decided to hunt other states.

So now he says, we don't want more hunters and I have lost access to a big ranch I NEVER even had access to in the first place? You can't loose something you never had.

I did love how he dissed on Rogen :) And his brother for that fact as they are "buddies".

So in short....we have no more hunter than we did before, well maybe a little, but not enough to "cause" the overcrowding he does not like.

No one should be allowed to buy land and not allow him or others to hunt it.

The internet wrecked his way of life for hunting.

So I wonder if he blames Roland Martin for the popularity of Lake Okeechobee in FL due to him saying that is where he fished and caught giants, now the boat launch is too full....out of state people go home....

What a waste of 1 hour of my day....cry more Matt....
I would bet $20 that when Randy read this comment he snorted with laughter because he has essentially run his entire production platform without profit.
This makes it even more infuriating that a lot of these influencer types are willing to spill the beans for nothing more than an ego boost. At least money I can understand, we all need money.
Technology is what's to blame not the users of the technology. People like randy have been around for a long time. Heck Jackie Bushman started buckmasters in the 1980s.

This crazy trailhead activity increase aligns pretty neatly with the invention of OnX in 2009. I don't think this is the sole cause of the overcrowding but it's a worthy entity to start your blaming with.
The timid hunter that would never go into the backcountry or venture from his/her go to spots because of the fear of the unknown no longer has those fears with their trusty smart phone and GPS in their pockets because of tools like OnX and GoHunt.
Technology is what's to blame not the users of the technology. People like randy have been around for a long time. Heck Jackie Bushman started buckmasters in the 1980s.

This crazy trailhead activity increase aligns pretty neatly with the invention of OnX in 2009. I don't think this is the sole cause of the overcrowding but it's a worthy entity to start your blaming with.
The timid hunter that would never go into the backcountry or venture from his/her go to spots because of the fear of the unknown no longer has those fears with their trusty smart phone and GPS in their pockets because of tools like OnX and GoHunt.
100% and this is why I’m having an identity crisis as a hunter/outdoorsman.
There’s no way I could push as far into the bank country as o do without gps and because of that it’s like so I even deserve to be there?
I'd like to point out that you could have a forum where you discuss hunting, issues surrounding habitat and hunting, and everything else that gets discussed here without hunting TV. Some of you are talking like the two are married.
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I believe a lot of the this dilemma is because of the states emphasis on recruitment of new hunters in an effort to bolster diminishing PR funds due to a lack of license sales. PR and other programs like it provide an incredible amount of funding to state agencies. This funding is based on license sales in a given state. Not saying it's not used wisely, just that the incentive is to sell more licenses. Perhaps funding could come from a different (non political) source

They advocated recruitment much more than retention. My feeling is that retention is the better option since the older hunters are the best recruiters and teachers (as alluded to by Randy and the example of the Rinellas upbringing). Social media seems to be filling that void ......... poorly I might add.

In addition, the very complicated game laws (at least in our state) have made many wary of running afoul of them and therefore hesitant to become involved. A good mentor works much better than trying to decipher a hunting digest, even for adults.

Since I began hunting it has become much more of a have or have not hunt. Either you have money for lots of land and food plots (which tend to suck in all the deer) or you don't and are relegated to crowded public lands.

My two cents on ideas going forward and hopefully better
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okay i'm nearly an hour and a half into this podcast.

i'm on record on this forum as not entirely disagreeing with matt. big problems with the monetization of hunting, no doubt. big big problems. big problems with public land hunters losing places to hunt.

i hope matt grabs an account and chimes in here. reason being is what i just can't agree with is the idea that crowding is a bigger problem than the raw loss of wildlife on this continent, the raw loss of habitat, the prevalence of disease, etc.

game agencies can easily control the crowding if we continue to pressure them to do so. and that crowd control is the trend because otc opportunities are ever so slowly turning into a thing of the past. plus, how does the crowding issue get reconciled with the fact that many non otc units in many states have remained static on or have more likely generally decreased numbers of tags over the decades? how can those units become more crowded? so is crowding actually the issue? the real issue there is odds of getting a tag.
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okay i'm nearly an hour and a half into this podcast.

i'm on record on this forum as not entirely disagreeing with matt. big problems with the monetization of hunting, no doubt. big big problems. big problems with public land hunters losing places to hunt.

i hope matt grabs an account and chimes in here. reason being is what i just can't agree with is that is a bigger problem than the raw loss of wildlife on this continent, the raw loss of habitat, the prevalence of disease, etc.

game agencies can easily control the crowding if we continue to pressure them to do so. and that crowd control is the trend because otc opportunities are ever so slowly turning into a thing of the past. plus, how does the crowding issue get reconciled with the fact that many non otc units in many states over years have remained static on or have generally decreased numbers of tags over the decades? so is crowding actually the issue? the real issue there is odds of getting a tag.
I know he was working on getting an account set up. [email protected] if you would like to talk with him.
I believe the western states receive the bulk of their F&G funding through NR license sales, will have to find a way to fill that funding hole if that's true.
I believe the western states receive the bulk of their F&G funding through NR license sales, will have to find a way to fill that funding hole if that's true.
That's a simple fix & I'm all for it...but they ain't gonna do it and everyone here knows it.
If somebody wants to save the last elk, or even the second or third to last, so they can shoot it, I'm not here to argue with that motive. But be honest about it.

I think there's room to debate the role of content-creators as it relates to hunting. But, I don't think anybody making a good faith effort to do that is citing Randy as an example of needing to demonstrate what he's done for wildlife. He puts advocacy front and center and any dingaling with an internet connection can get weekly updates via his youtube channel without paying for Fresh Tracks +, while the new hunting content goes behind the paywall.

Hard to think of something working harder to increase the size of the pie via actual critters on the hill, as well as public access to that hill, than the Land and Water Conservation Fund. In the days before we finally got it passed, the only folks I heard talking more than Randy about fully funding LWCF were paid to do it, and even some of them coulda taken a few notes from Mr. Newberg.
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