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Randy Newberg on Matt Rinella's Podcast

All players in the game. Bringing more people to the table certainly hasn’t helped anything. If anything we have made things way worse. I would love to see wins for wildlife whoever leads it and however it happens.
None of the other players are going away if and when Randy decides to hang up the show. Are your efforts going to be sufficient to ensure that wins for wildlife are going to continue? Are all the critics of social media influencers going advance hunters interests more effectively?

If @hearteater can get Helena and FWP to stop a nearly year round elk season and hunters from shooting every buck when it gets a forked horn then I would love to have him help out. That would be awesome.
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Cry baby's! I dislike social media, I hate the broish bullshit attitude it's brought to hunting. I dislike and am very conflicted with the effects technology like Onx and gohunt have had and continue to have on hunting. But if there is one thing I dislike more it's the "get off my lawn" bros. Matt and you guys are just mad because 20 years ago Tom was the only one at your hunting spots, 10 years ago it was Tom and dick at your hunting spots, and today every Tom, dick, and Harry is at your hunting spots.
Cry baby's! I dislike social media, I hate the broish bullshit attitude it's brought to hunting. I dislike and am very conflicted with the effects technology like Onx and gohunt have had and continue to have on hunting. But if there is one thing I dislike more it's the "get off my lawn" bros. Matt and you guys are just mad because 20 years ago Tom was the only one at your hunting spots, 10 years ago it was Tom and dick at your hunting spots, and today every Tom, dick, and Harry is at your hunting spots.
You’re missing the point. Spending too much time thinking about dick at your hunting spot.
None of the other players are going away if and when Randy resides to hang up the show. Are your efforts going to be sufficient to ensure that wins for wildlife are going to continue? Are all the critics of social media influencers going advance hunters interests more effectively?

If @hearteater can get Helena and FWP to stop a nearly year round elk season and hunters from shooting every buck when it gets a forked horn then I would love to have him help out. That would be awesome.
Here’s how I would help… the state Randy is a resident in is arguably in more of a mess than all other western states. So rather than promoting hunting in every state he should clean things up at home. There is more than enough work in Montana to keep him busy until he decides to hang it up. Or maybe he should actually be a politician and run and win and appoint someone better to run fwp. Randy stated it himself, these fights have gone to the political arena so he’s wasting his time with this social media etc. He’s a likeable guy and could do a lot for hunting but his current approach isn’t working.
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Here’s how I would help… the state Randy is a resident in is arguably in more of a mess than all other western states. So rather than promoting hunting in every state he should clean things up at home. There is more than enough work in Montana to keep him busy until he decides to hang it up. Or maybe he should actually be a politician and run and win and appoint someone better to run fwp. Randy stated it himself, these fights have gone to the political arena so he’s wasting his time with this social media etc. He’s a likeable guy and could do a lot for hunting but his current approach isn’t working.
@hearteater and @DougStickney we understand you don’t like the influence people like Randy and others have had on hunting. All you have contributed is bashing and name calling to this thread and many others like it.

For the record I despise social media and the way it has changed and divided our country and culture. This is the closest I get to social media. HT has educated me on many subjects about hunting, and the many aspects that help build it, 90 percent have nothing to do with things I use in the field.

Do you all have social media accounts? Use them for positive or just keyboard warrior and bash on people that don’t believe exactly what you believe? Or do things slightly different than you think is the right way?

Have you ever purchased anything from gohunt or one of the many other companies that promote hunting on social media?

How have you contributed to hunting? Volunteered, attended and advocated for wildlife on the local, or national level? Seriously what have you done? Give us some pointers on how we/ @Big Fin can do thing better. If you have nothing to contribute to further and grow the resource we all love your comments simply just make you all look like angry keyboard warriors, who hate their job, hate their life, and kind find happiness in anything. Your posts make me want to get off hunt talk and just say F it. People like @Gerald Martin and @Big Fin make me want to do more for the resource.

Be an influence for positive change! Constructive criticism is great, complaining about everything and not giving ideas on how to make it better just reflect on you.
Hunting is getting really played.
And it’s sooo expensive.
And it’s hard to compete in the tags game with some of these Uber dorks with too much time on their hands using spreadsheets and collegiate level mathematics to concoct points schemes.
I’m seriously considering going non-consumptive after this season, just focusing on creating winter content for the forum and saving my $1000+ a years for other things that provide more bang for your buck.
(Pun intended)
It’s the people who profit greatly off of it. Have you seen the new GoHunt headquarters? Heard it’s nicknamed the house that Randy built. That’s who is benefiting
Do you have any idea how far out of their comfort zones those guys are willing to go to test backpacks and steal proprietary information from onx?
It ain’t no 9-5
I’m gonna ditch hunting and take up bird watching. Hopefully I get a few good years in before Randy ruins that.

Remember when Obama was president and the joke was “thanks Obama” to every little thing that went wrong in our everyday lives?

I want the “thanks Newberg” trend to take effect from now on. Guy parked at the trailhead you want to hunt “THANKS NEWBERG” puppy chews up your new crocs “thanks Newberg”!

I may have to get social media to get this trend started.
I’m gonna ditch hunting and take up bird watching. Hopefully I get a few good years in before Randy ruins that.

Remember when Obama was president and the joke was “thanks Obama” to every little thing that went wrong in our everyday lives?

I want the “thanks Newberg” trend to take effect from now on. Guy parked at the trailhead you want to hunt “THANKS NEWBERG” puppy chews up your new crocs “thanks Newberg”!

I may have to get social media to get this trend started.

“Let’s go Randy!” ???? 😂😂😂 There’s a couple folks on here already getting in line to buy that bumper sticker.😄
seems the focus of the juvenile foot stomping on this thread is about crowding on public lands.

in the list of, i dunno, the top 5 things threatening the future existence of huntable populations of big game animals, tom, dick, harry, and sally finding your hunting spot really doesn't even clip the top ten.

if you're gonna act like a child and get all pissy about things, there are much bigger issues to have tantrums over. those are the issues that randy leverages his reach and influence to help solve more than anything from what i can tell, while creating advocates for the cause along the way.
I’m gonna ditch hunting and take up bird watching. Hopefully I get a few good years in before Randy ruins that.

Remember when Obama was president and the joke was “thanks Obama” to every little thing that went wrong in our everyday lives?

I want the “thanks Newberg” trend to take effect from now on. Guy parked at the trailhead you want to hunt “THANKS NEWBERG” puppy chews up your new crocs “thanks Newberg”!

I may have to get social media to get this trend started.

You’d actually be shocked how much that is said on the eastern side of montana 😂
Every decision we all make have beneficial and detrimental effects on things and people around us. Has Randy helped me draw more tags or find less people in my hunting spots? No

Has Randy influenced a ton of people and money to help fight for public land and public land hunting? Is there more money in state game agencies to help keep critters on the map? Yes.

If you wanna focus on the bad just to be upset, fine. That’s just not a very logical position to be in.
I don't like the pressure either. It's easy to create new hunters but difficult to create new advocates. Especially ones who contribute more than they take which I think is exceptionally hard. I don't blame Randy for leveraging one in the hopes of creating the other (not sure if he views his work in that way in all fairness).

This is why I dig approaches like 2% for Conservation. Make the social media posts about the issues and giving back.
I don't like the pressure either. It's easy to create new hunters but difficult to create new advocates. Especially ones who contribute more than they take which I think is exceptionally hard. I don't blame Randy for leveraging one in the hopes of creating the other (not sure if he views his work in that way in all fairness).

This is why I dig approaches like 2% for Conservation. Make the social media posts about the issues and giving back.

on one hand, if we assume (and i'm just making up a random number) 20% of all people who become hunters turn into quality advocates, then increasing raw numbers is increasing advocates.

i do think and agree we should also focus on how do we create advocates, not just hunters. but i gotta say, i think S. Rinella and Randy are actually increasing that percentage.

the hushin guys... i'm not so sure.
I don't like the pressure either. It's easy to create new hunters but difficult to create new advocates. Especially ones who contribute more than they take which I think is exceptionally hard. I don't blame Randy for leveraging one in the hopes of creating the other (not sure if he views his work in that way in all fairness).

This is why I dig approaches like 2% for Conservation. Make the social media posts about the issues and giving back.
No way social media is about self promotion and drumming up business for your merch and sponsors. Just saw hushin reposted the firebull again. That poor thing has been dead for over a decade!
Here’s how I would help… the state Randy is a resident in is arguably in more of a mess than all other western states. So rather than promoting hunting in every state he should clean things up at home. There is more than enough work in Montana to keep him busy until he decides to hang it up. Or maybe he should actually be a politician and run and win and appoint someone better to run fwp. Randy stated it himself, these fights have gone to the political arena so he’s wasting his time with this social media etc. He’s a likeable guy and could do a lot for hunting but his current approach isn’t working.
Be honest you would really continue to do nothing except be angry like you currently are.

What in hell do you think he has been trying to do for 2 decades?
What I don't understand is there is so many people like you in the world that claim to have all the answers yet do nothing but bitch and moan about how someone else should fix this and someone else is to blame. I like Matt rinella heck I'd probably like you but your really just complaining about a ghost so you blame people like randy because you can't pinpoint the real cause and you certainly do nothing in the realm of solutions.

Sorry if I stirred up your homophobic tendencies when I said "I'd probably like you"

Carry on with your life of get off my lawn mentality 👌 I'm out.
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