Caribou Gear Tarp

Randy Newberg on Matt Rinella's Podcast

A couple episodes before Randy on Matt's podcast is one with Rob cyberbully Shaul. Holy smokes the vitriol for hunting companies... goes on a little rant about hunting now being a sport and how ridiculous that people sell it as such...

and then the rub that he has his own "Mountain Fitness" company with hunting workouts.

You just mad that the hushin guys get more views brah?
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I think that Rob Shaul has adopted a mindset that is fundamentally opposed to bragging or showboating your success or abilities, at least that's what I get from reading his essays on the MTI website that are distributed through the MTI newsletter.

I am a little confused that Rob Shaul was booted off HT by Randy. I guess I have not been on HT long enough to understand what went down before I became an active member on this forum.

I think that Rob Shaul has adopted a mindset that is fundamentally opposed to bragging or showboating your success or abilities, at least that's what I get from reading his essays on the MTI website that are distributed through the MTI newsletter.

I am a little confused that Rob Shaul was booted off HT by Randy. I guess I have not been on HT long enough to understand what went down before I became an active member on this forum.

Dougfuckinsticky - you ever #*^@#* up when hunting or are you a perfect angel? Just curious.
Dougfuckinsticky - you ever #*^@#* up when hunting or are you a perfect angel? Just curious.
Not at all perfect not even close. The guy asked when and why he got booted. I think this was it?
Wow! I think that I get the dislike for Rob amongst the HT members now after reading through that.

The big point(s) that I have gathered from this posting on the podcast episode discussion is the interaction of hunting influencers (Cam Hanes, Hushin, etc.....) + modern marketing/advertising + GPS tools + more people want to be the jacked, Insta-worthy, alpha male mountain hunter dude/dudette + applying for tags is fairly easy has/is changing the reasoning and function of why new hunters want to hunt in the first place or even have a tag.

I have interacted with a few people that are about my age that are attracted to hunting primarily because they think it is "cool", which is probably not the best reason to have for forming a life-long love of hunting pursuits.

On the point of social media, I see the benefit as I have been informed on public land issues through social media that I would not have known about otherwise, such as through the BHA channels or what @BigFin and crew post about. However, I dislike brands/groups that show a 10-second kill shot clip on a big game animal just to sell another t-shirt. My opinion.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that anti social media influencers use social media to promote their anti social media message?
I definitely don’t agree with all of his views but I will say Matt was specific with his target on social media, he’s after grip & grins to promote hunting and sell merch and not social media as a whole.
I think that Rob Shaul has adopted a mindset that is fundamentally opposed to bragging or showboating your success or abilities, at least that's what I get from reading his essays on the MTI website that are distributed through the MTI newsletter.

I am a little confused that Rob Shaul was booted off HT by Randy. I guess I have not been on HT long enough to understand what went down before I became an active member on this forum.

I hope you listened to the whole podcast with Randy and Matt, then compare that with the various threads Rob started, there were a number of them.

I don't agree with Matt on every detail but he seems like a smart, honest guy who want to make things better... Rob is just a jerk.
yeah matt's not a jerk. it's crazy how he can maintain his rather difficult and honestly pretty polarizing opinions without being a total and complete asshat.

say's something about his character i guess. rob is just trying to burn people to the ground i feel like.
I have interacted with a few people that are about my age that are attracted to hunting primarily because they think it is "cool", which is probably not the best reason to have for forming a life-long love of hunting pursuits.
I've hunted with a bunch of boomers that only hunt because they think it's "cool"... couple guys I've met haven't eaten an animal they've shot in decades, they just donate it... muleys, pronghorn, wild hog, bears, apparently all taste like garbage.

Point being there is nothing new under the sun.

I get that Matt et al. wish hunting was only a activity done by subsidence users/ environmental advocates, but it's never been that way. I don't even by the ratio has changed. If anything post Michael Pollan there are far more food conscious hunters than there were a couple decades ago.

Kinda funny juxtaposing Matt and Steve's position on food and hunting and their fandom of Uncle Nug, wacking and stackin em.
Meh, we just need a good old fashioned recession to thin the hunter herd a bit. Maybe boost the tag prices up a little. Supply and demand amirite?? I also need ("need" lol) a new truck and want a recession discount.

I think GPS/tech is an underappreciated cause of crowding especially in controlled areas where tag numbers are relatively static. Those honey holes MR curated over the years get discovered as people scour the detailed satellite maps. He's probably running into a lot of locals as well who figured out the sweet spots to check out. Tech also lowers the fear element for folks who were previously afraid of getting lost in the wilderness and lack the skills to navigate using the old school methods.

Hunting media kinda sucks anyway I don't really watch it anymore. How many times can u watch someone kill an animal?? Oh look another dead bear on Instagram that I have nothing to do with. So boring.
I hear about the hunting in NM before they had the draw all the time. Depending on who you talk to you get a different take. There are folks that talk about how good it was when you used to just be able to buy deer tags and how now that the state messed it all up with the lottery they don't hunt anymore. And I talk to people that have stories of glassing deer at first light and more than often as soon as the deer moves over the next ridge shots ring out from multiple dirctions. So they stopped going until the state set up the draw.

My opinion is that the draws and tag lotteries had lateral consequences of weeding out people that hunted casually or hunting was just something else they did. Dropping overall hunter numbers. On the flip side the monetary and time investment especially for NR hunters made the conditions such that though there may be fewer hunters the people that are still in it are not your casual weekend or one week a year hunters. They are trying to hunt all fall multiple seasons species whatever.

I think OnX has done the most to made hunting as accessible to the masses more than anything. You can literally look at a map on your phone and see color coded where you are allowed to hunt. Which is probably the biggest and most intimidating hurdle for new hunters or people that have only hunted private. As far as social media and entertainment/content I think it is overstated how much social media contributes, with out the video content first the wanna be influencers wouldnt have anyone to # @. I would like to see more content creators harp on conservation and walk the walk like Randy. Steve I think is moving in the wrong direction and is a bit disapionting to see but is still a great advocate for hunting to the general public. It seems like Matt is just thinking out loud without challenging his conclusions but damn he has conviction.
I listened to Hunt Quietly's Episode 10 with Randy first - and then have been working my way through the other episodes.

I was surprised that Matt didn't know much of Randy's background - I think he was basing much of his impression of Randy from other folks. It was obvious as the episode progressed that Matt's opinion of Randy changed.

The episode with Rob Shaul (Episode 2) was difficult for me to listen to. While I agree with the premise that Social Media is detrimental in a large scope for hunters in general - the burn-it-all down approach that Rob is espousing is not a constructive argument.

I'm looking forward to working through the rest of the podcast episodes - I hope that Matt doesn't give up on the podcast.
Wow! I think that I get the dislike for Rob amongst the HT members now after reading through that.

The big point(s) that I have gathered from this posting on the podcast episode discussion is the interaction of hunting influencers (Cam Hanes, Hushin, etc.....) + modern marketing/advertising + GPS tools + more people want to be the jacked, Insta-worthy, alpha male mountain hunter dude/dudette + applying for tags is fairly easy has/is changing the reasoning and function of why new hunters want to hunt in the first place or even have a tag.

I have interacted with a few people that are about my age that are attracted to hunting primarily because they think it is "cool", which is probably not the best reason to have for forming a life-long love of hunting pursuits.

On the point of social media, I see the benefit as I have been informed on public land issues through social media that I would not have known about otherwise, such as through the BHA channels or what @BigFin and crew post about. However, I dislike brands/groups that show a 10-second kill shot clip on a big game animal just to sell another t-shirt. My opinion.

This one was my favorite. Some good off season entertainment there
I do appreciate all Randy does, and although hunting's not my career, I still enjoy it a hell of a lot. It stings to see some places essentially turned into informercials on busy social media platforms. If you don't agree that it makes a big difference, well....

I also greatly appreciate all the Randy does. But anyone that thinks his videos, podcasts, promotions, social media, etc. don't have a negative impact on hunting crowding in specific areas and decreased draw odds in units that he has been and filmed is fooling themselves.

I was just curious, so I looked up the stats from his Mountain Goat hunt/unit that he videoed and podcasted numerous times about in 2021.

Resident First Choice applicants: 2017-2021, 5-year average : 112 applicants
2022 : 223 applicants

Double the number of applicants in a special draw unit in 1-year after he was there.
The area I drew my Montana goat tag in 1995 had 36 applicants for 2 tags, 1:18 odds.

In 2021 there were 1,933 applying for 30 tags 1:66 odds.
I also greatly appreciate all the Randy does. But anyone that thinks his videos, podcasts, promotions, social media, etc. don't have a negative impact on hunting crowding in specific areas and decreased draw odds in units that he has been and filmed is fooling themselves.

I was just curious, so I looked up the stats from his Mountain Goat hunt/unit that he videoed and podcasted numerous times about in 2021.

Resident First Choice applicants: 2017-2021, 5-year average : 112 applicants
2022 : 223 applicants

Double the number of applicants in a special draw unit in 1-year after he was there.
Lots of coat-tail riders out there for sure.

Same thing happens sometimes when eastman's, huntinfool, etc. blow up an area. In particular if a really good bull, buck, ram etc. is taken from a unit. Everyone thinks they're going to do the same thing.

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