Rainbow Gathering picks Routt County

So basic anatomy physiology calculates average human craps about 1lb/day. Attendance roughly stated 2500x7days x 1lb= 8.75 TONS of glorious human excrement plus paper, leaves, pine needles, pine cones(ouch), plus how many gallons of urine and all the other "crap" left behind.

What needs to be done is a full photo video journal expose' of the remnants left from the "rainbow troupe" to document and hopefully generate necessary position to prevent it again.
Sounds like you are volunteering. In which case we will change your name to RealShitty boots.
So, basically the largest non-corporate gathering in America, sans sanitation?
I have had two truly impossible co-workers in my life, one of which was a rainbow. She was a botanist on a riparian monitoring crew I ran. She meant well, but was the least connected-to-reality person I have ever known.
The whole summer myself and the third crew member kept our mouths shut, but by the end we had a "FFS this person is completely insane" bonding moment.
Sounds like you are volunteering. In which case we will change your name to RealShitty boots.
Size 16's couldn't take a step in any direction so guess I really do need name change!!!

I would prefer keeping about 25 or so and provide shovels and rakes to clean up their own mess.
I just read that article. I’d rather have a bunch of people praying for peace on federal land than mining/logging/grazing/off road vehicles.
All of those things can be done well (using the resources while minimizing the impacts) through planning, regulation, and oversight.
"Not in my backyard mentality while seeking mined minerals from other countries, logging only private land and finding overgrowth cause for crown fire and reduced flora/fauna impacted, and beef for the fast food, restaurant, and private person's to be fair priced.
"Not in my backyard mentality while seeking mined minerals from other countries, logging only private land and finding overgrowth cause for crown fire and reduced flora/fauna impacted, and beef for the fast food, restaurant, and private person's to be fair priced.
So just rip everything down then for the sake of progress and manifest destiny?

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