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Quiet Waters Act Proposed by The Back country Hunters and Anglers

Boy tinesup406, you must not have fished much and/or lived a sheltered life...

For the record, I don't suffer fools and don't tolerate rude behavior on the water. The men I learned to fish from didn't either...and if you wanted to fish like an asshole, you were corrected quickly and "asked" to take your foolishness elsewhere.

So you cast a 2/0 hook in hopest to rip someone's g Loomis setup outta their boat and yet your an outdoorsman that respects everyone, pretty special.
So you cast a 2/0 hook in hopest to rip someone's g Loomis setup outta their boat and yet your an outdoorsman that respects everyone, pretty special.

Should I be able to cast a half ounce of pencil lead and a 2/0 Gamakatsu yarn fly into a thunder jet when they park in front of my fishing spot back trolling hot shots? In particular right after they watched me land and release a 36 inch wild buck steelhead. Is that what you're asking?

That would be a positive YES. I about got a handful of expensive rods over the side before they realized it. I tried as hard as I could to set that 2/0 in the hand of the guy frantically trying to cut my line.

They had that coming at the least...

Question? Should a thunder jet fish close enough to someone on the bank, that they can flip a 2/0 with a 1/2 ounce of pencil lead into their boat and wrap it around their rod holder of Loomis's?

I think that's a bit close, in particular on water the size of the Clearwater...just sayin'...
So you cast a 2/0 hook in hopest to rip someone's g Loomis setup outta their boat and yet your an outdoorsman that respects everyone, pretty special.
That is not the way I understood his story. At first I thought he was saying someone motored under his cast. Another reading is that he did not start it but was retaliating against someone who first did to him what you are accusing him of doing. I could be wrong, but I think you are. If they got hooked up in his shit and we're speeding away, is he supposed to forfeit his kit, or fight to keep it as the asshole took off?
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"I didn't find it fun when I casted a 2/0 hook into their boat and tried to rip a few thousand dollars worth of gloomis rods out of their boat either and send that 2/0 through their hand." BuzzH

This speaks volumes about who and what you are. You knowingly and admittedly committed a malicious criminal act against another sportsman who did nothing illegal. You are not only an unethical sportsman, you are a criminal. I can only imagine what you would do on public hunting grounds with a loaded weapon. I imagine in your mind it would be perfectly within your right to fire a weapon at someone's vehicle, ATV etc. or the individual. You are not only a disgrace to sportsmen you are a threat to the community. Your inability to coexist with other sportsman on public waters also speaks volumes. Your delusion of having everything taken away from you on public waterways is just that, a delusion.
"I didn't find it fun when I casted a 2/0 hook into their boat and tried to rip a few thousand dollars worth of gloomis rods out of their boat either and send that 2/0 through their hand." BuzzH

This speaks volumes about who and what you are. You knowingly and admittedly committed a malicious criminal act against another sportsman who did nothing illegal. You are not only an unethical sportsman, you are a criminal. I can only imagine what you would do on public hunting grounds with a loaded weapon. I imagine in your mind it would be perfectly within your right to fire a weapon at someone's vehicle, ATV etc. or the individual. You are not only a disgrace to sportsmen you are a threat to the community. Your inability to coexist with other sportsman on public waters also speaks volumes. Your delusion of having everything taken away from you on public waterways is just that, a delusion.

Thanks for the laugh
Calm down buzz, sounds like you got some issues and that's fine. If purposely ripping someone's setup out of a boat is the way you deal with stuff then go ahead. Knock your socks off, now let's get back to the sheltered part OK snowflake. Can I call you that? Snowflake? Or should I save that one for Ben Lamb? I may not have all the creditials as you do or 9000 posts on this site to be worthy. Let me tell you something though I've been on my fair share of trips and you bet your ass I've seen it all. Fists fights, lines cut, a person pulling into a whole I'm fishing, threats, cutting whether land or water. I've been there. Yet through it all I find a way to just keep on keeping on, no fits, no fights and I'm damn sure not trying to rip anyone's rods out. For Mr sportsman you sure got a way of showing it.
Schaaf, in the 80s there was a compromise made on the stone, and in that compromise it was stated that if the floaters got the river to the highway 89 bridge, that would be it. There would never be another compromise presented ever again and now look. Here we are in 2016 -2017 presented with yet another compromise. How many more miles of river is that? By the way that's also the stretch that most guides and outfitters seem to quit at. Hardly do you ever see much of them below Reed point.
I don't think you understood what I was saying. I believe there is room for compromise on those stretches from the initiative and BHA's stance.
Well James I guess he was wasn't he

Uh, no, he wasn't. It sounds like my second scenario. Remember when I said "Another reading is that he did not start it but was retaliating against someone who first did to him what you are accusing him of doing."

Sounds like they were ass holes and had it coming. You may think his was a disproportional response but proportional response is a proven failure. Regardless, that is neither here nor there, you know why? Try to follow this reasoning:

You yourself admit you've seen it all. But through all that, your lack of critical thinking skills and analytical reading skills has you missing one, and the only very important point: "Buzz, curious to what your referring to on being moved from larger rivers to tiny streams?"

In other words, he left. Duh. He's no longer part of that. He's been pushed out of those waters because, as you say, it was his choice. But was it?

Which brings us back to my original assumption about your question to him. See, your question was not an honest question. Just as I suspected, you were essentially telling Buzz to be like you, and get a thicker skin.

That makes you a passive aggressive troll.

I suspect you can't follow that reasoning, but it is sound.
If the 80s compromise wasnt made then maybe, if the BHA didn't present some shotgun blast of rivers including major waterways then maybe. If the BHA presented some decent factual information then maybe. The fact is Schaaf it's never enough, soon it'll be something else and I can't stand for that.
If the 80s compromise wasnt made then maybe, if the BHA didn't present some shotgun blast of rivers including major waterways then maybe. If the BHA presented some decent factual information then maybe. The fact is Schaaf it's never enough, soon it'll be something else and I can't stand for that.

You sound *exactly* like me when arguing against the forces of "progress" and development and population as they continually chisel away at what little is left.
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Now we're getting somewhere. You now admit, what I've been stating all along, that there are many conflicts with the user groups on Montana waters.

I've been on my fair share of trips and you bet your ass I've seen it all. Fists fights, lines cut, a person pulling into a whole I'm fishing, threats, cutting whether land or water. I've been there.

I've seen that all that stuff and much more, and why things like this quiet waters initiative are not only needed, but probably at least 20 years too late. Should have got in front of this before it got to this point, and yes, that includes the amount of guides on the water, the number of rafters, jet boats, and everything else.

Also, unless you produce a legal, binding document that states what you said here: " in that compromise it was stated that if the floaters got the river to the highway 89 bridge, that would be it. There would never be another compromise presented ever again and now look, I'm calling BS.

No proof, it didn't happen, except perhaps in your mind.

Glad to see you admitting that I was right all along, since my reply on the first page, that the various river user groups better get to the table and resolve the conflicts that you state exist...

I knew you'd come around to the truth eventually.
The only time I'm trolling James is when I'm on the river, Buzz left because he was sick of it and that's his decision. There's thousands of people that continually fish rivers that their gand pappy showed them through the advances of technology . I never said I wanted Buzz to be like me. You still can't get over that can you? Have you ever been paddle fishing on the Missouri? There's tons of men, women and children fishing the banks. Whether it be set lines, bank fishing or snagging, and there's boats cruising all day long. I've been doing that for 10 years up there and I'm yet to see a conflict.
Boy you sure got a way with words, maybe that will come when I get to my 9000th post. But, the BHA already admitted that in one of the meetings, their response was "I or we see the agreement that was made and yes we are looking to override that. " Something of the sorts
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Why don't we get back to the petition shall we? And some of the reasoning for the proposal?
Boy you sure got a way with words, maybe that will come when I get to my 9000th post. But, the BHA already admitted that in one of the meetings, their response was "I out we see the agreement that was made and yes we are looking to override that. " Something of the sorts

Now its something you "heard" at a meeting...thought you said there was an agreement from the 80's???

Did you misplace that document, complete with signatures, that said there would never be another compromise on any water in Montana after the 80's?

Out of curiosity, on my part, who, or what agency, would have the authority to sign away the right to never implement another regulation on Montana waters after the 80's?

You cant make up stuff as you go along, to prove a point you don't have...

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I Had a big post written when the screen locked. This is no different than a travel management plan for water, similar to the ones land management agencies use. I Don't want road, trails and tracks everywhere and I'm glad someone had the foresight to institute these plans before it was a problem. Every one gives up something, if not there would be roads into the bob, four wheeler tracks everywhere you could get one and so on.

In general humans have pretty much earned the right to have restrictions put on us. We haven't always done the best at taking care of things
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