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Quiet Waters Act Proposed by The Back country Hunters and Anglers

Perhaps one of the ironies of the jet boats on the SF Snake was the "considerate" jet boaters going upstream would slow down as they passed fishermen. In reality all this did was make the waves WAY bigger and longer in duration than if they had just cruised on by.

That's about as crazy as the accusations made by the BHA that jet boaters are a major cause of stream bank erosion.
You have done an amazing job of presenting a disjointed and incoherent argument, alienating people, discouraging health debate, and presenting reasonable compromise.

Good luck in your endeavor.
You have done an amazing job of presenting a disjointed and incoherent argument, alienating people, discouraging health debate, and presenting reasonable compromise.

Good luck in your endeavor.

Yep, I think he should have quit before he started!
Yep, I think he should have quit before he started!

Alright, I'll admit the opening argument was not the greatest nor the jabs I took at a few of you guys. A lesson was learned to not mix together silver bullets and a forum site.I should've stated it differently and more professional. I'm sure then I would of got some different opinions on this deal. If I could go back and reword it and keep it simple I would. But I said what I said whether good or bad or in between I'll have to live with it. I'm also not the most punctual person on a key board, I should've taken a public speaking class. Haha

I'm obviously against it and I can see some people are for it. My main goal was to bring it to the light. Which I did just wish I would've done it different. I think it's an important topic especially in today's day and age with all the other access issues and the talks of selling public lands. Stuff like that.

Apologies extended to those offended. I'm sure I'll be licking my wounds on this one for a while.

One thing that caught me is how long it took for this issue to be brought up.

I'm all for everyone using today's waters in respect for each other. I do think it's plain wrong though for a group of sportsman trying to shutdown something for another group of sportsman. It's only gonna cause conflict and confrontation and that's something I never want to see happen. Thanks for your comments.
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Here's a suggestion, if something is proposed that you don't like and/or agree with, you would e well served to find out why they did so and what they are trying to accomplish. With those answers in hand, you can make reasonable and factual arguments to support your stance. As a bonus , you can also look for compromises that may be agreeable to all. For instance, in this case you might propose seasonal restrictions that accommodate the drift boat crowd, without impacting the shotgun and rapala crowd.
Here's another thought of mine, when is stuff like this ever gonna stop. I see a lot of post about it "stating well i can see it on the smaller rivers and streams." Which in my opinion having floated quiet a few of them there isn't much room for anything bigger then a 14ft raft. After you pick through all the floaters and tubers and wade fisherman. My thought is OK this group gets a inch with this petition and they get their wish to shut down tributaries. In another 5, 10,15 years are we gonna be revisiting it and they want more? Then at that time will the focus become major rivers?
Rather than a seasonal restriction from 6/15 - 9/1 on the Yellowstone from US89 Bridge to Reed Point, what about a compromise allowing motorized use on certain days of the week and restrict on other days?
Just another example of selfish people trying to outlaw shit they don't like. I won't be renewing my membership to BHA. Stream bank erosion GMAFB. I don't kayak, maybe I should start a petition to get it banned in case I want to fish where the kayakers (new word) are.
Just another example of selfish people trying to outlaw shit they don't like. I won't be renewing my membership to BHA. Stream bank erosion GMAFB. I don't kayak, maybe I should start a petition to get it banned in case I want to fish where the kayakers (new word) are.

Or selfish people with no regard for others. Comparing jet boats to kayaks, is well. silly.
OK so if jet skis and Jet boards and any other watercraft that can only be operated with a single individual is a huge deal. Then why don't they just reclassify different types of vessels. Put actual boats in one category and single person watercraft in another.
Here's another thought of mine, when is stuff like this ever gonna stop.

It will never stop. Each new generation will have the same fight over the same piece of pie. And each time they will compromise in the name of, well, "compromise", and "reason". And each time the pie will get smaller. Eventually the last piece will be thinner than the knife that will be used to cut it. But nevertheless, it will be cut, and it will be ruined for everyone but the cutters.

BHA's is a retrograde action, trying to preserve what little is left of the pie. The difference between them and the cutters is this: If they win, the slice will still be there for cutting later. If the cutters win, the slice will be one step closer to worthless for everyone but the cutters. Indeed, it is already worthless to those who want was taken by the last generation. But they don't matter.

The vast, overwhelming majority of the Earth's pie has been and still is at the mercy of the cutters. But rather than go and enjoy what they have obtained for themselves, they continue to breed like rabbits and look for more.

The only way this will ever stop is if, like the rabbits, nature fixes the problem. God knows, the rabbits aren't smart enough to do it of their own accord.
OK so if jet skis and Jet boards and any other watercraft that can only be operated with a single individual is a huge deal. Then why don't they just reclassify different types of vessels. Put actual boats in one category and single person watercraft in another.
Sheesh. How can you not know that FWP already distinguishes between the two when they only want to restrict one of them?

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