Caribou Gear

Question About Hiring

this thread weirdly has turned into a discussion about whether or not people with tattoos and piercings are just as capable and qualified which is silly. as it's ridiculously obvious people with tattoos and piercings are the same as anyone else and just as capable of anything as anyone else.

the reality is, regardless of it being right or wrong, having lots of piercings and tattoos can definitely hinder you in job seeking. it's just the simple factual reality.

should it be that way? no, but it's the reality.
it's ridiculously obvious people with tattoos and piercings are the same as anyone else and just as capable of anything as anyone else.

They are the “same”. They aren’t trying to be different at all. That’s why they felt the need to get tattoos and piercings. :D

I’m not sure you quantify as capable of anything or anyone else. That could be an interesting study if there wasn’t such a small group to compare to.
Isn't much of adornment peer pressure? I realize some of the more extreme examples could be interpreted as self mutilation.
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They are the “same”. They aren’t trying to be different at all. That’s why they felt the need to get tattoos and piercings. :D

I’m not sure you quantify as capable of anything or anyone else. That could be an interesting study if there wasn’t such a small group to compare to.
How many tattoos and piercings do you have to be an expert judge on the reasons for why we get them?
this thread weirdly has turned into a discussion about whether or not people with tattoos and piercings are just as capable and qualified which is silly. as it's ridiculously obvious people with tattoos and piercings are the same as anyone else and just as capable of anything as anyone else.

the reality is, regardless of it being right or wrong, having lots of piercings and tattoos can definitely hinder you in job seeking. it's just the simple factual reality.

should it be that way? no, but it's the reality.

The thing is we aren’t just talking about tattos and piercings in general. I thought we were talking about face tats and face piercings.

When an employer is looking for someone to fill a position that involves being one of the faces of the company it is a no brainer that these things are taken into consideration.
I have my son's name tattooed on my neck. Are you telling me that you wouldn't me to try and save your life, your wife's life, or your children's lives if there was an emergency even though I'm a more than qualified medic and also FF1 graduate....?
I probably spent more time thinking about this response than was necessary. What I posted was definitely an asshole comment and this was a good reminder to not be an asshole on the Internet.

The reality is the last three hires we had on our crew with neck tattoos weren’t great to work with, 2 ended up having drug problems and the 3rd got fired for stealing. I was stereotyping and it’s also a good reminder not to be an asshole by stereotyping. 😂
this thread weirdly has turned into a discussion about whether or not people with tattoos and piercings are just as capable and qualified which is silly.

Comments in this thread turned personal quick. Some rightfully so, some just because people get too offended too easily. I have tattoos. Depending on who I am meeting or consulting, I cover them up with longer sleeves. My brother has tattoos over a large part of his body. He works with teenagers and many of them either special needs, or kids needing therapy where he helped them through wilderness therapy. I believe those tattoos actually help him with those teenagers. Are others just as capable as him? I am sure. But do the tats help him land the job from the hiring person with a lot of tats as opposed to a person without tats? I am sure it helps him have an advantage as well.

it's the reality.
Unfortunately this is the truth in large parts (or most) of America

It is 2024 but I wouldn't mind going xx years back where it was harder to be offended at least in my small world. Seems easier to offend now a days. Saying this just as nostalgic about easier times in my life knowing many things are better now. But getting old still sucks. :LOL:
Thanks all.
This is really what I was getting at ... is this a legit claim for a discrimination claim?
ONLY if you tell them that the reason they weren't hired because of their appearance, age, sex, race etc (Protected class). Physical appearance (tattoo's, piercings, hair color) is not a "protected class" for the purpose of discrimination. IF someone tried to file a suit, THEY have the burden of proving they belong to a "protected class" and that your sole reason for not hiring them was because of their inclusion to that protected class You are the business owner/hiring authority and your business related decision should not be questioned by an outside agency.

There should never be a reason given for not hiring them. The only thing you need to say is that you "found a better qualified candidate".
If I couldn't hire people with tats or piercings, I'd never be able to hire anybody. I, also, wouldn't have a job.
There are a lot of people who don’t have either. Strange that you can’t find any … not that you need to.
It is 2024 but I wouldn't mind going xx years back where it was harder to be offended at least in my small world.
I agree but I don't think it is a matter of being offended. Even those with tattoos seem offended that others take exception to them. The whole thing got twisted around and now we are in a vicious circle. I think if you are running a business, you are just trying to run the business and gain as many customers as possible. This might require a certain "neutrality" so you don't lose a customer for some stupid reason. In the past this meant that you wanted employees to separate work from home. I have had many jobs where it was obvious that personal believes and feelings were to stay at home. I just stayed focused on the client.

Tattoos are a form of self expression and literally can't be left at home. Younger people these days don't understand why they have to separate work and home (particularly those that work at home frequently). That can create a problem if you are serving a diverse set of customers. We see it more as everything in news turns political.

A manager wants to avoid the problem employee, but it is all a roll of the dice. The new guy in accounting with no tattoos might start giving everyone the Nazi salute every morning, or Susie in receiving might file paperwork next week that the company needs to make accomadations for her emotion support hamster. Running a business isn't easy to start and managing people has become increasingly hard.
I just try to hire people I know are going to work well with my existing team. You can generally tell if someone is going to work well with your company/team culture if your doing your interview correctly. I know I've asked about peoples interests in interviews before, you can usually tell if their lying right away.

My team is full of hard working degenerates. Loud and talkative, likes to goof off but when the work needs to get done, they are savages. Basically people I want working with me I think would have made good Marines. Its just my comfort zone. I dont think thats illegal.

If they say I just like to work all I wanna do is work. No chance I hire that person, Clearly insane.
Alright am I the only one who can't stand the nose rings? I'm not talking about from hiring perspective here but from a personal preference I swear you can take a 10 and make her a 2 instantly by putting in a bull ring in the nose. Other tattoos and piercings don't really matter one way or another to me.
Com'on now. It all depends on location. Ring to the side +1, post to the side +2, septum -6. Tats: face - 10, lower back 1 to -1 (depends), basically anywhere else +3.
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