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Question About Hiring

Everytime I see a nose ring I remember as a child my grandfather putting a 2k pound Holstein bull on his knees twisting a nose ring. Bull was blowing hell fire but listening to my grandfather.

I don’t think the people wearing nose rings understand the security risk for a little bit of ugly fashion.
That's awesome, because I think of the exact same thing right down to the breed of the bull.
Alright am I the only one who can't stand the nose rings? I'm not talking about from hiring perspective here but from a personal preference I swear you can take a 10 and make her a 2 instantly by putting in a bull ring in the nose. Other tattoos and piercings don't really matter one way or another to me.
Agreed. Just the bull nose ring though for me. A normal nose ring doesn't bother me, but those bull nose rings are just freaking weird...
Personally I don’t feel it should be part of the hiring equation
Exactly, I learned long ago, judging a book or person by the cover is not a good idea.

I've seen plenty of people that look the part that can barely tie their shoes. Seen others that I thought "no way", and they crushed it.

Results trump appearance, every, single, time.
@nearly 73, i'm on the back side of the ink divide. It used to bother me, some. Now, I don't care about it.

I think rings and piercings at least leave open the option of correcting buyer's regret. I do wonder if the people who have them will like them when they hit my age. My skin is not the blank canvas it once was.
People will be judging books by their covers from now until eternity. Especially in the engineering world.

If you show up with tattoos and piercings all over your face, odds are you’re going to be ostracized.

It’s just a fact of life that if you want to look like something out of a fictional freaky storybook then I guess that’s your prerogative…tattoo cat whiskers on your face and walk around meowing like a damn cat for all I care.

But when you can't land a job or find work because of it then don’t go crying discrimination. You made your choices.

For the record, I could give two craps less whether or not you have piercings and tattoos all over your face or body. I’m just saying how the world really works most of the time.
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As mentioned I'm old, no tattoos. I've been going to gym and lifting weights for the last eight years or so. There was a younger man, tattooed from head to toe, with very little room for new ones.

Him and I got along well and spotted for one another while bench pressing. I was curious what how he made his money, as like I said, heavily tattooed. So, one day I ask him what he did for a living. He replied, I own a tattoo parlor. Duh, it began to make more sense.

He is a good guy, but it has been a while since he made it to the gym, or or schedules no longer mesh.
Screenshot 2024-02-14 153605.png

He looks innocent enough! Maybe I should hire him as my new BD guy and send him to some client meetings to drum up some more work to keep the rest of the team employed.

I can see it now:

"Cool padlocks bro!"
" I really like the squiggly line under your eye, but I can't tell what it says. Always Trying??!!"
Tattoos don't bother me, but I would say I have a personal line at face tattoos.

Saw a guy who had a dashed line tattooed on his neck with an arrow pointing at it saying "Cut Here"
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He looks innocent enough! Maybe I should hire him as my new BD guy and send him to some client meetings to drum up some more work to keep the rest of the team employed.

I can see it now:

"Cool padlocks bro!"
" I really like the squiggly line under your eye, but I can't tell what it says. Always Trying??!!"
Jump into 2024, 1950 was a long time ago.
Mixed feelings, and I’ve seen it go both ways. I had a great kid working for me in Bozeman Who had those stupid ear hoops and face piercings. Fresh outta high school, Probably woulda never got the job had it not been at the recommendation of another very hard working kid that had earned my respect. He was a hard worker, always showed up on time, great with customers once they broke the ice. I Remember one time he showed up at a customers house and the old rancher asked him if he got hit in the face with a tackle box that fell out of someone’s truck on the way over. Pretty funny, lol. By the time they were done with the project they were talking cattle and border collies. Kid owns his own company now, I noticed his hoops/piercings were gone last time I saw him. Another time we were looking for an office person, answer phones, collect time cards, put stuff on the schedule, show off the facility to clients. Had to interview the final 4 with HR and two of the owners. I got out voted and we hired the gal that mentioned 3 times in her interview she was 25% Native American and at least 5 times she was a single mother. Neither of which were qualifying factors for me. After 3 months of all 20-25 of my other staff walking on egg shells around her, calling in sick at least once a week, and the final straw, when she wanted to discuss with me and HR why our cnc programmer with 21 years of technical experience made 85k and she was only getting 22 bucks a hour because she was female and he was male. I sent her to go work down at the other branch with the people that hired her. HR gal ended up writing her up 3 times and she was gone in a couple weeks, but what a nightmare. Comment from HR gal after the original meeting was that she thought “I didn’t like her purple streak”, no actually it was the fact that she never had a job more than 6 months on her resume, funny how them in thinking I was stereotyping her, they were doing the same to me.

You know your business and you know the answer. Hire whoever you want for whatever reason you want. Tell anyone else the positions filled and you picked who you felt was best person for the job. Period. No matter what don’t bud light your company.
Alright am I the only one who can't stand the nose rings? I'm not talking about from hiring perspective here but from a personal preference I swear you can take a 10 and make her a 2 instantly by putting in a bull ring in the nose. Other tattoos and piercings don't really matter one way or another to me.
On the side I don’t care this looking like a bull right thru the middle not for me. I hate the lip rings for my own reasons
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