QDM-How do you feel about it?

MD4M, the area I hunt is a "Zone 1" county, which means that you can buy unlimited doe tags after the general tags are filled. You can get two does for $12.50. :D They are literally begging people to shoot does down there! I keep hoping Flipper will bring along a belt-fed minigun when he comes so we can thin them out a bit. ;)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-28-2002 14:22: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
I'm against the enacting of rules and regulations forcing hunters to abide by the principles of QDM. AS far as I'm concerned, hunting should be about getting out in the field and enjoying nature and seeing game, spending quality time with friends and family. If game is taken, that's fine and if there is no meat on the pole, that's fine too. I don't agree that hunters in general should be out to take the biggest buck around, just for the trophy aspect. If you have private property and you want to manage it for QDM, go for it. I don't think that it should be forced upon me, when I would be perfectly happy taking a spike while sitting in a blind with my daughter, or nephew. What do you think will happen, if I take my daughter or nephew along and they see many spikes or smaller racked deer for days on end and they can't shoot? They will be dissappointed and might well give up hunting.

QDM should be a personal decision and not jammed down my throat.
Other then a minor miricle QDM is the only way to kill a nice buck in many parts of Wi. Hell, I don't know how any deer live in some areas. There is blaze orange behind every tree. When 90% of the guys will shoot a deer with one horn that is 3" long, big bucks are few and far between. I think the results of the people who practice QDM speak for themself.
Davey, just wordering who jammed it down your throat? no one here. Its interesting to see a trend here in Wi, that the QDM areas are bringing up the land values by around 75% just so hunters with the same mindset of hunting can gather near each other to make QDM work. I am actually thinking of selling my land to buy closer to large QDM tract because it isnt working where i am and i shot so many small bucks in my youth that i am ready to move to the next phase in my hunting plan.
DITTO.....Davey ;)

It should not be decided by the state.

But to the individuals who practice it on their property is fine with me......especially if my property joins theirs :D :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-31-2002 12:16: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>
I am in agreement with most of the others. Specially Flipper :D :rolleyes: ;)

The spike buck I took in Pa last year is illegal this year. However the spike was a mutant with two doinks or something. It would not have been a buck I would want in the gene pool. If ya want BIG bucks ya have to take out the deficient ones in order to maintain good genetics. In a good QDM these must be taken out.

If ya have any let me know ;) :D
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nut:
I am in agreement with most of the others. Specially Flipper :D :rolleyes: ;)

. However the spike was a mutant with two doinks or something. It would not have been a buck I would want in the gene pool. If ya want BIG bucks ya have to take out the deficient ones in order to maintain good genetics. In a good QDM these must be taken out.

If ya have any let me know ;) :D
Was it older than 1 1/2 years ? if not it may have been a monster in 3 years. just wondering because some actualy believe that once a spike always a spike and thats a prooven crock of shit. However if it was in fact a 2 1/2 yr or older buck shoot his worthless ass.
Right on!

When we first got this farm 10 years ago, you would see like 40 or 50 deer in an afternoons hunt. The does were skinny and a 3.5 year old buck weighed 125# and some even had 5" spikes.
Now we may see 15 or 20 on a good afternoon, but a 3.5 year old buck weighs 170 minumum and a few have gone 195# and the main beams are always 20" or longer. If they are short on food it doesent matter how old they live,
they never get to their potential.

We don't kill any buck until it weighs around 180#, These are usually 3.5 or older and we see a lot of 2.5 bucks every year so you get used to what different ages look like. If it weighs 180# and it has spikes wack it and lets see how old it is!

But you guys out west have to remember, we can shoot 2 deer every day of the bow and gun season...that is like 105 days.
The thing most folks down here don't understand is you can really kill more deer under QDM, its just that 2/3 are does.
meat is meat and I give away any left after my freezer fills up!
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