Pyramid Lake


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
Sons and a friend just spent our first couple days ladder fishing Pyramid Lake for its Lahontan Cutthroat trout. The world record cutty came from the lake and weighed 41 pounds. The lake is fished from ladders!

We arrive at a beach at first light to explore the first morning. We see an open area and set up. We realize a guide is to our left and has six clients set up on ladder chairs. One guided client catches a trout as we rig.


We fish for a few hours with no luck. We’re indicator fishing nymphs. We pow wow on what to do. We must be at a good spot, the guide is here. He’s group isn’t catching either so it must be a fish thing. As we’re chatting guide pulls the group and they take off in a six car caravan.

We move spots and the next location is hell. High winds to the face. One son quit in a few minutes. We stuck it out but weren’t effective. The beach filled with other people but everyone gave up. I didn’t see any fish caught.

We switch locations again. Wind is off our right shoulders. Better casting but technical for a right hander as the flies are pushed towards our heads. I decide to take a midday nap as the boys set up. Just as I’m dropping into a good nap they are beating on the truck. Fish on!


We fish the beach until dark. I saw 9 fish caught on the beach that evening with a few potential monsters. We’re stripping flies. Our group caught one of the trout.


We’re back at the same beach setting up in the dark the next morning. The lake is angry my friends. Heavy waves but it’s castable. I work out to set up my ladder. At waist deep the swells are close to going over my waders. I’m on the ladder, standing on the platform calf deep. As I start fishing I see the caravan of guided clients come to our beach.


The swells are hitting me mid chest as I fish. I’m fishing and thinking about upgrading my ladder. I throw a good cast and as I finish a wave hits my chest. I’m off balance teetering. I’m about to save myself as the next waive hits me hard. Man overboard! I try to gracefully pop up but I’m beat up by a few waves before I can get on my feet. I’m soaked. I went back to the truck on the beach to strip.


We spent the day fishing the beach. I joined after I dried out. I did hook a trout for two head shakes. We didn’t see any fish caught. We decided to stay until dark before bombing home in a long overnight drive. At the witching hour, my son Clay caught a good fish.


We had a great learning trip. We’ll change up our gear a little for the next trip. Switch rods to handle the wind and potential ladder upgrades.

We rolled into home at 3am last night.
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Yes. I saw a few boats getting beat up by the waves. They were trolling. I watched a guy decide to trailer his boat on the beach first evening. I don’t think he could fight the waves the couple miles to the ramp.

He buried his rig axle deep trying to get out.

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Cool, seems like you hear a lot about the beach/ladder fishing, but not much about boat fishing. Looks fun, and good fish!
Cool, seems like you hear a lot about the beach/ladder fishing, but not much about boat fishing. Looks fun, and good fish!
People usually do better trolling, just being able to cover more water is a huge advantage. It seems like the bigger fish are off the shelves closer to the shore.
Cool, seems like you hear a lot about the beach/ladder fishing, but not much about boat fishing. Looks fun, and good fish!
It switched from calm to heavy waves or vice versa a lot. I’d want enough boat to come off in heavy waves.

For what it’s worth I didn’t see anyone catching fish on a boat either.

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