Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Public Shaming Drone Flying POS

Regarding drones for scouting wildlife, I don't see it being very different than trail cameras. I'm pretty conflicted about trail cameras, but many hunters love them.
I'd like to see some tighter restrictions on trail cameras also (no cell cameras, no cameras at all during hunting season), but you can't even compare them to drones. Drones can cover a ton of ground. Put a thermal camera on a drone and you take cheating to the next level.
I believe if the dude or his friend were Wyoming residents then it's all good. Everyone knows how much the dangerous critters enjoy non Wyoming drones
View attachment 335692This guy launched, flew, and landed his drone (visible on the blanket in the foreground) from a point 5 miles inside the Bridger Wilderness. When I approached him, he and his lady friend were acting almighty nervous, but when I confronted him, he said "I didn't see a sign." I sent the pics to the USFS. If anyone knows this guy, I would like to give his name to the USFS LEO who replied to me.

Edited to clarify that the drone was within the Wilderness the entire time of the incident.
Good for you! No drones in wilderness. Just no. And he knew it.
Last year while out hunting the guy camped next too us was using his drone too ( scout for deer ) the day before and during the hunting season,we were checked by a game warden opening day,and he did nothing about it.
This thread, if the topic was trespassing on private land:

ā€œTrespassing is a legal gray area.ā€
ā€œThe government should issue limited trespassing permits.ā€
ā€œTrespassing is nothing compared to horses being on private land.ā€
ā€œItā€™s not trespassing if you maintain a line of sight to fence you crossed to enter the private property.ā€
ā€œPeople who report trespassers are Karens.ā€
ā€œCome on, I know trespassing is frowned upon, but is it actually illegal?ā€
ā€œTaking photo evidence of a trespasser is going too far.ā€
ā€œWhat is the actual harm of trespassing anyways? There are so many worse things going on on private land.ā€
ā€œTrespassing is a ā€˜mind your own businessā€™ kind of thing.ā€
ā€œThe government requests that people do not trespass.ā€
ā€œThat guy was ignorant of trespassing laws. Give him a break.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not personally going to trespass, but itā€™s about the lowest level of impact possible. Just saying.ā€
ā€œTrespassing is really no different than someone with permission walking the property.ā€
ā€œPeople reporting trespassers should expect violent retaliation.ā€
ā€œTrespassing is on the same level as not signaling your turn.ā€
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Is this guy actually trespassing? No. He is not. Trespassing laws say nothing about the airspace above private property. The real crime here is the ugly shoes this guy has on.
So thereā€™s the rules that say you canā€™t, therefore you canā€™tā€¦but putting that aside, what is the actual harm of people flying drones in a wilderness area?

Iā€™m thinking as a hypothetical situation where the pilot didnā€™t lose or leave their drone, merely flew it around then left and the only offense was flying the drone.

It doesnā€™t really matter, as weā€™re not the policy creators, but it just seems like a ā€œmind your own businessā€ kind of thing to me.
Because one of the primary intents of the wilderness act and the creation of wilderness was to provide tracts of land untrammeled by man. So a guy could go there and not be assaulted by the human world. Itā€™s a place of peace and a way to experience nature on its own terms free from human influence. At a minimum, itā€™s reasonable to include sound pollution from drones in the definition of ā€œmechanizedā€.
Drones are one of those things in life that is just annoying as #%$&. I think it is intrusive on privacy. And yes, I know the same can be said for trail cameras. I kind of feel the same way about them, but drones are a whole other level.

Let me ask this question (sorry if someone already did). Are you okay with a perfect stranger flying one over and hovering in your backyard? I'm not. And I kind of feel the same way every time one flies over me anywhere.

My wife and I were camping in national forest last year. One was buzzing over us. Had it been low enough, I would have shot it out of the sky. If I could have figured out where it came from I would have gone there and beaten the guy senseless. Sorry, that stuff should be limited to use on your private property or for commercial purposes with appropriate approval.
Drones are one of those things in life that is just annoying as #%$&. I think it is intrusive on privacy. And yes, I know the same can be said for trail cameras. I kind of feel the same way about them, but drones are a whole other level.

Let me ask this question (sorry if someone already did). Are you okay with a perfect stranger flying one over and hovering in your backyard? I'm not. And I kind of feel the same way every time one flies over me anywhere.

My wife and I were camping in national forest last year. One was buzzing over us. Had it been low enough, I would have shot it out of the sky. If I could have figured out where it came from I would have gone there and beaten the guy senseless. Sorry, that stuff should be limited to use on your private property or for commercial purposes with appropriate approval.
Huh want did that chunk of national forest cost you?
View attachment 335692This guy launched, flew, and landed his drone (visible on the blanket in the foreground) from a point 5 miles inside the Bridger Wilderness. When I approached him, he and his lady friend were acting almighty nervous, but when I confronted him, he said "I didn't see a sign." I sent the pics to the USFS. If anyone knows this guy, I would like to give his name to the USFS LEO who replied to me.

Edited to clarify that the drone was within the Wilderness the entire time of the incident.
Nice pic!
I guess I would confront the person, but probably stop short of sending it on to LEO. If it was a persistent issue, I might start ratting on people.

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