
Prayers for SYTES

I tried calling the morning this was announced, but I didn't get too far when I asked for his room and since it was ICU I didn't get far when I was asked his name. "What is the patient's name?" 'Charles.....' "What is his full name?" '........Charles......Sykes?????' "Sir, we can't complete this connection, sorry".
Do we have any updates on Charles? John
This is Eric-Sytes' lifelong friend, here for the weekend to help out. Charles, is in a lot of pain, but he is hangin tough and pushin hard. As the nerve sensation begins to come back he feels a strong sensation of being burned. He started PT yesterday. Today he has surprised the Physical Therapist with his strength and determiniation. He has great mobility with his arms, in-spite of the cast on his right arm. Started resistance excercises with his legs today, the results were very positive. Charles and his wife are over-whelmed by the outpouring of love from this forum of friends. His wife will send an update very soon along with details of the accident so you all know what happened and can have faith that he is doing well.

Anyone that wants to stop by, please do. It really lifts his spirits. He is in in Missoula at the Providence Center Rehab centger on the 4th floor. Just ask for Charles - they will know who you are talking about.


The following dictated by Charles: Wife and I want to share our heartfelt thanks and gratitute to everyone that has taken time out of your day to post regarding my well being. This is beyond anything I could ever imagine. It is overwhelming and inspring - I can't say enough about how much it means to us. For those who have stopped by, thank you for stepping out of anonymity to make sure I am ok and for sharing the information with the rest of Hunt Talk.
SYTES, Mrs. SYTES, and Eric - That post has made my day. It made my weekend. So hopeful that your persistence and commitment get you through this. We are all pulling for you. Every time I see this thread it causes me to wonder how it is going and think about you.

We appreciate the updates. Best wishes to all of you.
Super glad to see the dictated post and newest update. I will try to stop in again this week. the burnign has to be tough to deal with. I hope it stops soon. After meeting you, I knew two things: your wife will be your biggest asset in your recovery, and your positive attitude and humility will be your second biggest asset in your recovery.

You and your family have my prayers and that of my family, for your full recovery.

Sytes/Charles status

This post is from Charles' wife (Erika). It gives me a smile to have so many people supporting Charles. As promised, here are the details of the accident. The accident occurred at our home in Frenchtown on Sunday March 24th. He was driving an ATV down a hill and it flipped. He broke his neck in the accident (C6 &C7 I think) and had to have surgery as soon as he got to the hospital. The surgeon was able to realign his neck and he has made amazing progress since then – much more so that anyone anticipated. Those that know Charles (Chuck) won’t be surprised by this.

His current status is: he is able to move his arms, legs, feet and can stabilize his trunk. He has feeling in his arms/hands; however he is not able to sense movement in his legs even though he is moving them on his own. The fact that he can move is the first hurdle he crossed, the senses should return in time through physical therapy. He has done very well in physical therapy so far and is regaining control of many movements in his legs and feet. He is in a lot of pain, but he understands this is part of the process and is really a good sign of improvement. His recovery is going to be long; however the doctors are very encouraged that Charles will be able to walk very soon, and hopefully will make a full recovery over time.

He was moved to The Providence Rehabilitation Center in Missoula, MT on Thursday. The fact that he entered the rehabilitation center so quickly is a very good sign. He will back posting soon I hope. We have set up his computer so as soon as some of the medication settles and he is able to get on line, I suspect one of his first stops will be here. We have read him the responses thus far and all were heartfelt by him. It was nice to see him smile as we read them. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to everyone who has posted and that has stopped by. The memories of the smiles that they have brought to him are cherrished as are those smiles I have gotten by seeing him smile. :) Thank you for that. Erika
Glad to hear that there is promise. Hang tough, sounds like you are already on your way to improvement!

That is great news, I hope this gives everyone a little perspective in life. Charles I hope your PT continues to go well and look forward to your return to the forum. I'll have plenty of tent sewing questions for you once your back!

Best of luck,
That is great news, i have been following this thread closely from the UK, if he ever gets over to the UK one day please tell him to look me up and i guarantee we will catch a smaller fish than that in his avatar.
All the best for a speedy recovery.
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