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Prayers for SYTES

That's great news. Scary stuff when you're dealing with a broken neck. I'll keep you in my prayers. Hang in there bud!
Thanks, Shortside. Please pass on that we continue in our thoughts and prayers. This is a wakeup that we never know what the future will hold.
His neuro surgeon stopped in while I was there an cautioned him that progress will be measured by weeks and months. He is really lucky to be in the shape he is in. I'll stop in again next week to see how he is doing.
Good to hear some positive news. Hopefully a speedy recovery best wishes and prayers out to him and the family.
Real Good news! I have known several people who have had similar neck injuries and made 100% recoveries. That is what I am wishing for Charles. John
Thanks for the update! Sounds like it could have been a lot worse. I have an uncle who used to love to hunt and broke his neck. Now he is a quadriplegic. Lucky to be alive, but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy....
Here is hoping for continued good news on the recovery front.
I hope you will look back at all the folks who care about your well being and know we all are thinking good thoughts for you. I look forward to seeing your words here again soon.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Get well soon, everyone is pulling for you!!

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