Prayers for SYTES

That's great news that you're still progressing as good as you are.
Sounds like a real grind getting back to where you are, and where you want to be. Shows a lot of determination, keep it up!
Been a PT for 20yrs and I can see from the pic good muscle tone and that the guy is giving you minimal to contact guard assistance. Very very nice progress, astounding really
Thought you guys would enjoy some further pics of recent progress... It used to be I could not tell my progress as I was either frustrated at the current day's feeling of a lack of forward movement or simply could not tell - until someone compared a week prior to that day.

This is a pic of "kneetapping". Basically w/o him holding me, the goal is to alternate raising my knee as high as possible to my hands and then landing my feet in the same location and conducting this as fast as capable. Please note: Pic's rarely show screw ups... balance loss, etc. However a GREAT aspect, I catch my own balance... my feet are instinctively moving to regain - MAN, THAT FEELS GOOD! And actually, I am rarely losing my balance - Just don't want to present the idea I am rockin and rollin w/o hiccups. :)

Tell, ya... This PT guy has to be the best, positive therapist to walk the world. I know some say I give too much credit, that it is me... and to a degree I know my desire to push, never give up and stay positive has played well, however - without this guy working specific actions I would be lost trying! Some motions I wonder, "What the heck is this going to do for me...". Next round, "Whoa! Okay I got it now!" The past few weeks have turned from a spinal cord type recovery to a sports therapy type workout - it KICKS MY ASS!

These are lunges... I am walking my direction lunging each foot in front of the other. Sometimes I am doing forward foot then moving that leg backwards repeatedly though I think this was a lunge forward walk.

It doesn't help that he tells me to relax over the weekend... LIKE HELL! I spend my weekends rolling on the grass, getting up, working balance - doing this while replacing a couple darn sprinkler heads... Then, walking my driveway / road a few times (with the walker)... Mowed my front yard and pasture... The yard was fun, the pasture... Riding lawn mowers need shocks!!! Haha! Good 21hp deal so chopped the crap weeds that formed though, damn that sure felt bigger then the past - Think I knocked out sound asleep those days about 6pm! Did a hell of a lot more though I think you get the idea. No way in hell am I going to "relax". He tells me it is like working out repeatedly... well, until I crap out from it - I'll push it.

I only have 2 more visits with him and I believe the last is wasted on closing paperwork. I was extended 2 additional weeks and for that I am very thankful! Though this chapter of recovery is coming to a close and that really bums me out!

Anyhow, I blocked out face shots of him as I haven't asked his permission yet (forgot) to post his pic on a public forum. These are my favorite and were taken yesterday. It blew me away - Baby run or short run... I forgot the name though he told me to run to my wife, picking my knees up and moving my arms - at first few steps awkward then WOW! It was like it started to come back! VERY SHORT STRIDES though I WAS FREEKING JOGGING! Haha! I reached my wife, gave her a quick kiss as she looked STUNNED I was jogging as well... and to heck with anything my PT said, I did not stop! It felt sooooo darn good! It felt real and smooth and, natural! I was running! I did 3 laps around my grass yards and it is not very small... but man - so far this was my best experience in recovery yet... well - I don't know - there were many firsts but this was certainly one of them! These are the starting pic's my wife took before she simply stood and watched in amazement as well!



Anyhow, long story - though I have really appreciated everything and all your support, I feel it more then worth it to continue sharing my progress with everyone here! Can not thank you enough - as said before, tough times (and there were some real tough crappy times) I would read your posts and you guys were the push I needed! My wife and I recently read though all the pages and I am not a tearing man though I teared up several times.

Thank you!

Bdidaho - I'm looking forward to the olympic swimming! GO USA!
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Wow. You ARE progressing. It is good to see you up and about.
Wow! Thank you so much for such a wonderful Birthday Present! To know a Friend is happy in his life given the adversity that you have faced. If I was up there I would give you a big Hug and say how proud I am of you! John
Geeze man, you're going to be ready to haul elk quarters here in a couple months.

I don't know thing one about PT/rehab, but it just doesn't seem possible for you to have recovered so far so fast. Amazing stuff, really.
Truly amazed and so happy for you and your wife. You are pretty inspirational. Thanks for the post and visual update.
Thanks for the update, I know there are many who watch for your updates. Holy smokes, you're going to be out running me soon - okay maybe you are already :eek:, I've got to get in better shape. Glad you got a great PT who isn't just looking at it as a job. This thread is really an inspiration to all of us. Keep us posted and good luck!
Charles, I'm going to need a packer sometime the week after Labor Day. Looks like you'll be good to go by then! Super progress!
PEAX Trekking Poles

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