Prayers for SYTES

Sytes, I'm glad to hear the good news, been away for a few days and it was good to see the pics and read the update. Here's to hoping the last few days have been good and the future is full of countless great ones!
This is great news Stytes! I hope you are getting setteled in at home right now. I know first hand how fortunate you must feel. Almost nine years ago to this day I broke my C2 and spent three months in a halo. These kinds of stories of overcoming the odds hit pretty close to home and I am pulling for you! Keep us updated.
Hey all!
Well, I am currently in the "In Home Patient" program of my recovery. My dimension specific ultralight wheelchair is here and simple enough to breakdown for my wife in the event of travel. In Home includes Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and a Nurse 3 x's a week. I have been very fortunate to have another round of GREAT staff members. My OT is a great well experienced lady who has been instrumental in working most recently on my hands. She also is focused on my trigger finger! Hunting and work necessity! :) My PT is a great guy who has the energy level I need and then some. He pushes me to levels that continue to advance my recovery! My Nurse is fantastic and monitors my health with a confidence level that lets me know I am in good hands.

In all for staffing, since this began - I have no one but myself to blame for not squeezing every ounce out of my recovery process!

This is a view of my atv... I don't need to describe the rest of the damage if the top is as destroyed as visible. By the way, 2 rifle racks on the front, and ful plat form on back... 2 tires off with rims bent and you can see rear metal frame bent up over rear... handle bars shoved down and no more screen as it must be on the hill somewhere. my key? is "J" hooked.. haha! Like I said, I am very fortunate to not be pushing up daiseys and even MORE fortunate to be in a recovery status!


And my recovery! I can not even imagine I would be at this stage the day I was laying in the hospital with NOTHING from my pecks and lower moving at all!


All I can say is a THANK YOU for everyone's support! I can not say it enough as it goes beyond what words may describe! You may have an idea of my meaning - though when times get tough, I read this thread... Consider ALL the support I have and realize - it is time to buck the #$%& up and get back to recovery!

Thank you all - EACH OF YOU, your words are repeatedly read - as there are deffinately tough times! Right now, I have sooooo many damn vibrations running in my chest AND now my legs! My chest feels completely compressed... though apparently that is a "good" thing as it is my nerves still trying to figure out what the hell happened... So, It is a miserable non stop feeling that recently added my waist and lower... though - "it is a good thing".
Thanks for the update, I've been wondering how you're doing. Your progress has been an inspiration to everyone. Glad to hear you're working on that trigger finger! Good luck and keep us posted, you've got a lot of interested fellow hunters pulling for you.
Strong work Sytes! Good to see that you are at home and are making great progress. It must help immensely to be able to walk in your yard. Keep it up.
That is great to hear and see Sytes. I hope things continue as well as they have. Give that trigger finger a few extra reps, you'll need it soon enough.
That's amazing. I know you are giving a lot of credit to the PT crew, but I think most of the credit should go to you for having the fortitude to not accept anything less than recovery. Keep it up. You look in a lot better shape than the PoPo does.
thats great news! It is great to see you on your own two step at a time.
Looking and sounding very positive, keep it up matey.
Maybe you will be up for a beer when i come over to MT, its great medicine.

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