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Pot is not legal in CO or anywhere else in the US.

Europe, I am a Beer and Blondes man myself.And Legs...As you already know.
Tried it during High School.
Made me dumb as a bag of Hammers. :cool:

"made me dumb as a bag of hammers"----------pot, blondes (with long legs ) or beer ????

Oh I didn't forget your fondness for blondes with long legs. Dirtclod drank more Milwaukee beer than anyone in Arizona during the "Swedish Bikini Team" advertising campaign LOL

---Dirtclod ----- Javelines chasing Skunk's -- in that case it was Not !!! Lol. However, Crow was there, do you remember her ?

However, some here may be too young to remember the Swedish bikini Team, Crow, maybe even Nelson (-:
Not a participant or even a fan, but I was not opposed to the law. It does make the ever-trying role as a parent even harder when weed's legal though. The way I explain it to the kids is that this is America, if you have a law preventing someone from doing something, it better be a really good reason, otherwise, it's a free country. Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer is not illegal, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Very entertaining, a few years ago I came to The realization that a overwhelming majority of the people I interacted with on a daily basis were high, customers, employees, pretty much everyone.Which is funny because when I was growing up when someone said something crazy or stupid you always looked at them and said “are you high”? Ironically, culturally, yes pretty much everyone these days is high.

My best friend in high schools mom was the weed dealer. There were bongs all over the house, anyone could come and smoke away, hell we even had a gravity bong for the pool. Some of the people I know from those days still smoke a 1/4-1/2 a day and function in society with families etc. Some of us grew out of it.

Personally, so as long as you don’t care what’s in my gun safe I don’t care what you smoke.

The fact the everyone is high gives those of us who aren’t an advantage in many industries.. Low hanging fruits.. carry on.. lol.
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Alcohol and opioids are way more damaging to our society then weed is. Last year Kansas dropped down to the lower grade misdemeanor which at this point it’s not even really worth writing or arresting someone for. As long as it’s personal use amounts most LEO’s (myself included) don’t even care anymore, toss it in the ditch or tell the people to move on. I really think it will be legalized here in the next five years, hopefully!
"made me dumb as a bag of hammers"----------pot, blondes (with long legs ) or beer ????

Oh I didn't forget your fondness for blondes with long legs. Dirtclod drank more Milwaukee beer than anyone in Arizona during the "Swedish Bikini Team" advertising campaign LOL

---Dirtclod ----- Javelines chasing Skunk's -- in that case it was Not !!! Lol. However, Crow was there, do you remember her ?

However, some here may be too young to remember the Swedish bikini Team, Crow, maybe even Nelson (-:

I absolutely remember the Swedish Bikini Team!,Willie yep! Crow as in Cheryl? Or one of Willies groupies?
I'm old, but not older than dirt.I can still form a good dirtclod! Ha!,Ha! :cool:
You're right, you don't have a great sense of humor.

understatement. and a bit of paranoia. i live in Colo and know enough to not care if someone assumes I smoke or not or any other thing I may or may not do. this is 3rd grade stuff....worrying about what people think....ok, maybe even 8 th grade.

but the OP is funny, even if by accident.
Hemp fields are everywhere around here. The CBD and hemp industry is exploding which hopefully will encourage some real medical studies instead of bro science.

Anyway weed is far less dangerous IMO than alcohol. Legalize and tax seems like a smarter financial policy than wasting money policing it. Time will tell though.
Does smoking pot cause lung cancer? When I quit 2 packs a day of Marlboro Cowboy Killers 28 years ago I knew they did. mtmuley
Damn sure does, ask Doctor Drew. I had a good friend who was a heavy pot smoker for all of his adult life, he died of lung cancer last year. He didn't smoke cigarettes.
I’m Switzerland here. I do recall however that when CA was issuing Medical Marijuana cards there was a problem with filling out the Federal firearms forms and people were being denied. Federal law still lists it as a Class 1 narcotic. Not sure how/if that was resolved. I don’t recall the wording on the declaration one signs but I think something like Under the penalty of....
If you have a Medical Pot card then you're admitting you are a user. If you fill out the federal form and say that you don't use pot then you're lying on the form and that's a felony and you'd be done owning guns. It's a federal law, doesn't matter if they don't enforce the law in Colorado & elsewhere. It's still illegal Federally.
Western Traveler1 said:
I’m Switzerland here. I do recall however that when CA was issuing Medical Marijuana cards there was a problem with filling out the Federal firearms forms and people were being denied. Federal law still lists it as a Class 1 narcotic. Not sure how/if that was resolved. I don’t recall the wording on the declaration one signs but I think something like Under the penalty of....
If you have a Medical Pot card then you're admitting you are a user. If you fill out the federal form and say that you don't use pot then you're lying on the form and that's a felony and you'd be done owning guns. It's a federal law, doesn't matter if they don't enforce the law in Colorado & elsewhere. It's still illegal Federally.
Well, you got my point and no it wasn’t resolved and they are still denying purchases. With all these new Red Flag laws, well all you others carry on.....
Through all aspects of my life (former military friends, school friends and non federal employees) I know TONS of people who smoke (or ingest in other ways) who are very productive members of society. Yes, it is true that weed is illegal federally but the justice department has chosen to overlook enforcement largely in the areas where the states have condoned it. Federal law DOES supersede through the supremacy clause IF they choose to take action https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/supremacy_clause . Given what I do, and have done for many years, I have been subject to testing and haven't used any drugs. I will admit that I used weed (now more than 30 years ago). My position is and always has been this. The problem with weed is the illegal sales and surrounding activities with those folks. as opposed to the actual effects of the drug. As a former LEO and now someone who sees the long term security consequences of usage I will say that when comparing weed to alcohol I will choose to deal with weed any day. The scale of problems, arrests and general lives destroyed is not even in the same galaxy. Alcohol is exponentially more destructive to our society in their legal forms. ANYONE who drinks but looks down their nose at someone that somehow uses THC is a hypocrite....plan and simple.

Having worked a decade in law enforcement in Colorado. I second everything in this post. However having lived in the first state to legalize it. There was a “gold rush” to move to Colorado and Washington after they legalized it in 2012 and Colorado between 2012 and 2017 had a million people move to the state. Not all of them that moved were potheads but a lot of them were and they destroyed the rental market industry and housing supply retro fitting houses into weed grows. After 2017 I tapped out and fled the state. It is still a nice place but it has 5.5 million people crammed into the infrastructure to support 3.5 million people. I would argue that based on my contacts as a Leo in Colorado one in four households smoked weed or knew someone who smoked weed on a regular basis which is why it passed by 60 % in 2012.
Having worked a decade in law enforcement in Colorado. I second everything in this post. However having lived in the first state to legalize it. There was a “gold rush” to move to Colorado and Washington after they legalized it in 2012 and Colorado between 2012 and 2017 had a million people move to the state. Not all of them that moved were potheads but a lot of them were and they destroyed the rental market industry and housing supply retro fitting houses into weed grows. After 2017 I tapped out and fled the state. It is still a nice place but it has 5.5 million people crammed into the infrastructure to support 3.5 million people. I would argue that based on my contacts as a Leo in Colorado one in four households smoked weed or knew someone who smoked weed on a regular basis which is why it passed by 60 % in 2012.

So now you're in Idaho where pot's not legal but readily available to those wanting to drive a few hours (or a lot less depending on where you live). Are you still in LE? What do your sources say about pot use and acceptance in Idaho?

Seems to me that even though we aren't a legal state (and probably will be THE last state to legalize anything with THC in it) there's plenty to go around.

I have a son living in CO, as well as my wife's sister's family. From my brief visits there it seems to me like CO's a booming and vibrant state with a lot of offer (sort of like Idaho on steroids). So I could see the legit reasons for additional population growth. As someone living in booming Boise, I know it doesn't take a gold rush of pot users to blow up the housing market.
Refer to the previous post....not sure why my response was captured by the quote I was trying to reference.

So now you're in Idaho where pot's not legal but readily available to those wanting to drive a few hours (or a lot less depending on where you live). Are you still in LE? What do your sources say about pot use and acceptance in Idaho?

Seems to me that even though we aren't a legal state (and probably will be THE last state to legalize anything with THC in it) there's plenty to go around.

I have a son living in CO, as well as my wife's sister's family. From my brief visits there it seems to me like CO's a booming and vibrant state with a lot of offer (sort of like Idaho on steroids). So I could see the legit reasons for additional population growth. As someone living in booming Boise, I know it doesn't take a gold rush of pot users to blow up the housing market.
Also, my CO son, who's in college down there, says that he's seen plenty of alcohol and weed use at parties and he swears up and down the potential negative effects of alcohol on a person (puking, fighting, passing out, hangovers, etc) are way worse on folks in a social setting than the negative effects of weed.
I have a son living in CO, as well as my wife's sister's family. From my brief visits there it seems to me like CO's a booming and vibrant state with a lot of offer (sort of like Idaho on steroids). So I could see the legit reasons for additional population growth. As someone living in booming Boise, I know it doesn't take a gold rush of pot users to blow up the housing market.

Yeah lots of cranks complain that legalization is what has caused the growth but it's kinda unrelated and certainly not a primary driver of the growth. Colorado has been growing because it has a great economy, I think the oil and gas boom is the prime culprit. Things really started to explode in the Denver-Julesburg basin around 2007, we saw tons of growth in jobs, and as people moved here for that industry it brought along a ton of service jobs (rigs, frack crews, midstream, accounting companies, document records, legal services, ect)with it, lots of OG companies moved their headquarters here and continue to do so... BP just moved it's NA headquarters to Denver. All these companies being located downtown help spur a tech boom. There was a slight bump in 2015, but basically since 2008 the growth rate of the state as been steady, recently there has been a slight decrease in the growth rate since the 08-13 years.

People love to talk about drugs, cause it's flashy... they don't so much want to talk about the hoards of rough necks and accountants kinda boring.

At the risk of being accused of riding a high horse I'll chime in.

I've never smoked anything except ribs, brisket, bratwurst, etc. Never drank alcohol either.

And to buck the apparent trend, the majority of my friends haven't either.

I have one good friend who drinks. He has enough respect for me to tone it down when he's in my camp.

Someone once asked me how I could fish all day without drinking alcohol. I said "It's easy, I fish all day, have fun, and when its over I can remember it."

I've never understood why anyone would need to diminish their cognitive function to have a good time.

I also have a strong libertarian streak, so if destroying your liver, lungs and brain is what floats your boat, have at it. I say legalize it all but don't come crying to the government tit for healthcare when you burn out, or for food stamps because you wasted your income on drugs.

And to relate this back to hunting and public lands, Clean up your beer cans and bottles and cigarette butts. I don't understand why you can carry in a full six pack but can't carry out 6 empties. It's interesting that I rarely find empty soda cans in the woods but beer cans are everywhere.

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