Pot is not legal in CO or anywhere else in the US.

Sorry but that train left the station many decades ago. SCOTUS has found vast congressional authority under the Commerce Clause. It started as early as 1801, but really grew in the late 1930's to enable the New Deal. Federal criminalization of drugs is a rock solid established legal framework in the eyes of both liberal and conservative justices.
To the above, I'll add that the congressional authority to pass the Controlled Substances Act is solid. The appropriateness of the delegation of authority to the FDA to implement that statute and of the FDA's actual implementation vis-a-vis scheduling marijuana (and especially hemp) as a Class I drug is not quite as solid. If advising a client, however, I'd have to put a big fat warning about this risks of violating the CSA. Caveat venditor. Caveat emptor.
To the above, I'll add that the congressional authority to pass the Controlled Substances Act is solid. The appropriateness of the delegation of authority to the FDA to implement that statute and of the FDA's actual implementation vis-a-vis scheduling marijuana (and especially hemp) as a Class I drug is not quite as solid. If advising a client, however, I'd have to put a big fat warning about this risks of violating the CSA. Caveat venditor. Caveat emptor.

41,000 industry employees and $6.5 Billion in sales in just CO, not sure what your tolerance for risk but...
idelkslayer: amen to that. You can't believe the looks I've gotten when I asked folks to pick up their cigarette butts. Look, I have no problem with you smoking, but the world isn't your ash tray either.

Pot does relate to public lands, as this book was pretty interesting https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-War-O...ords=hidden+war&qid=1566325631&s=books&sr=1-1

I'm pretty mixed on the topic, but I gotta say that I would hate to see our agricultural resources spent growing marijuana with more fertilizer put on the ground and use of irrigation. How much wildlife habitat will we lose growing another plant that is not native to the landscape?
idelkslayer: amen to that. You can't believe the looks I've gotten when I asked folks to pick up their cigarette butts. Look, I have no problem with you smoking, but the world isn't your ash tray either.

Pot does relate to public lands, as this book was pretty interesting https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-War-O...ords=hidden+war&qid=1566325631&s=books&sr=1-1

I'm pretty mixed on the topic, but I gotta say that I would hate to see our agricultural resources spent growing marijuana with more fertilizer put on the ground and use of irrigation. How much wildlife habitat will we lose growing another plant that is not native to the landscape?

I mean... growing hops has gotten fairly big in CO as well, and lots of vineyards have popped up on the weternslope. Everyone has their thing.
Refer to the previous post....not sure why my response was captured by the quote I was trying to reference.

So now you're in Idaho where pot's not legal but readily available to those wanting to drive a few hours (or a lot less depending on where you live). Are you still in LE? What do your sources say about pot use and acceptance in Idaho?

Seems to me that even though we aren't a legal state (and probably will be THE last state to legalize anything with THC in it) there's plenty to go around.

I have a son living in CO, as well as my wife's sister's family. From my brief visits there it seems to me like CO's a booming and vibrant state with a lot of offer (sort of like Idaho on steroids). So I could see the legit reasons for additional population growth. As someone living in booming Boise, I know it doesn't take a gold rush of pot users to blow up the housing market.

Yep Boise is where Denver was 20 years ago. I am not refuting that there are numerous wonderful reasons for the population growth of the Colorado ie great weather great outdoor activities and numerous businesses moving to the area. But there was an expansion immediately after weed was legalized and it did attract people from all over the country as well as from overseas. It was defactoly legalized immediately after the 2012 election because DA s all over the state started throwing out active cases immediately and dismissing any case that was open. Idaho, Montana, and even Wyoming will experience the same growth Colorado did because the secret is out the West is a nice place to live. Legal weed just made it a worse than what was already organically happening. I think the effects of alcohol abuse are much worse and more dangerous to society than recreational weed use. However I still don’t won’t my kids smoking it. because kids are definitely affected by early sustained exposure.

However the war on drugs has been lost for a decade. It is a pipe dream and LE can t win the war. I believe there will be federal legalization after the next democratic majority in the federal government. Which will bypass Idaho Utah and Wyoming strong anti weed stance they have. So weed is here and it is time to just make sure it is safe clean weed and it is regulated just like alcohol.

Sorry I stand corrected it was roughly half million between 2012 and 2017.

Just my 2 cents
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Also, my CO son, who's in college down there, says that he's seen plenty of alcohol and weed use at parties and he swears up and down the potential negative effects of alcohol on a person (puking, fighting, passing out, hangovers, etc) are way worse on folks in a social setting than the negative effects of weed.

Not mention domestic violence where alcohol is almost always involved.
Someone once asked me how I could fish all day without drinking alcohol. I said "It's easy, I fish all day, have fun, and when its over I can remember it."

Personally, I really like beer. I’ve never had a day of hunting or fishing I couldn’t remember because I had a few beers
Maybe I'm actually a really good hunter after all. I just don't remember my successful hunts after I toast them with a beer or three.
Personally, I really like beer. I’ve never had a day of hunting or fishing I couldn’t remember because I had a few beers

I personally like my beer too. There's usually a bottle of whiskey and a cigar waiting for a harvest celebration as well. I can't think of a camp that I don't remember because I drank a bit.....even too much a time or two :p
It’s a cash cow here, and quite legal.

Local tax is 25%. A local alchemy place where a friend worked was netting 300k/week.
The hemp business is getting ready to change. So far it's been isolated to a few progressive states but that's all changing. Once farmers in places like Nebraska, and Kansas get this figured out it's going to get a lot more competitive. Nebraska farmers have hemp in the ground right now, which is really amazing. Wyoming screwed up, as usual, and decided to wait until next year while waiting for Washington. So now Wyoming is more than a decade behind Colorado and a year behind Nebraska and both of those states have better farmers, it's sad to watch. But at least we got a new coal research plant and the Navajo's bought the coal mines this week so life is good in Wyoming.
The hemp business is getting ready to change. So far it's been isolated to a few progressive states but that's all changing. Once farmers in places like Nebraska, and Kansas get this figured out it's going to get a lot more competitive. Nebraska farmers have hemp in the ground right now, which is really amazing. Wyoming screwed up, as usual, and decided to wait until next year while waiting for Washington. So now Wyoming is more than a decade behind Colorado and a year behind Nebraska and both of those states have better farmers, it's sad to watch. But at least we got a new coal research plant and the Navajo's bought the coal mines this week so life is good in Wyoming.
I was out scouting for my mule deer hunt in Teton County last weekend and noticed a lot of what at first glance looked like new Christmas tree farms. It sure grows fast. Montana is in the hemp farming business with thousands of acres planted the last couple of years. THC controlled at minimum levels.
I was out scouting for my mule deer hunt in Teton County last weekend and noticed a lot of what at first glance looked like new Christmas tree farms. It sure grows fast. Montana is in the hemp farming business with thousands of acres planted the last couple of years. THC controlled at minimum levels.
Yet another state ahead of Wyoming.

Once it starts growing in more states I would anticipate the price going down and the smaller operators fold.

But I wonder if deer will grow bigger antlers?

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