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Pot is not legal in CO or anywhere else in the US.

It's not a huge concern to me either, but having grown up with a parent who dealt, I know better than all the "pot and pot heads are harmless" stuff out there. There is a pretty shady element in that world that nobody likes to talk about, and that's the main reason that even though I grew up with it growing in the yard I've never used it. Just not for me.
It's not a huge concern to me either, but having grown up with a parent who dealt, I know better than all the "pot and pot heads are harmless" stuff out there. There is a pretty shady element in that world that nobody likes to talk about, and that's the main reason that even though I grew up with it growing in the yard I've never used it. Just not for me.
The stuff is relatively harmless when compared to alcohol and meth. And recently opioids. I know a good amount of users, and even a grower here in Montana. (Legal) So many worse things to deal with. mtmuley
The older people I know do edibles rather than inhale. Dozens of people I know use the non-THC CBD oil so no sure if possession of that is legal or not at the Federal level. I do not know for sure of anyone that smokes weed but I often smell weed when in Washington state which pisses me off since is not supposed to be smokes where impacts others outside your property boundary including all public spaces. I think a couple of my workers get high after hours because they can't recall anything from 5 minutes ago. I make them write stuff down. Being around them is like being around Drew Barrymore in that movie, 50 First Dates.
Then with all that tax revenue rolling in we can hire more scientist to study all of pots benefits and side effects.

Can smoking pot curb toxic masculinity?

Does pot smoke cause climate change?

Is it the Dorritos or the pot that promotes the growth of man boobs?

Important stuff that we need to study.
You forgot lung cancer.
My joking about weed may lead people to believe that I smoke it. For the record I tried it a handful of times before I was married. I wasn't very good at it. Better than Bill Clinton, but just couldn't develop a liking for it. I will be married for 30 years in about a month. I am not sure that I know a single person that hasn't smoked it. I believe that if police canines could actually detect pot they would run in circles till they died of exhaustion.
Yep. Tried it three times. I'm not a snob, I like a real cold Miller High Life in a bottle. Tall Blondes. Cept I married a short one. mtmuley
Federal... Illegal as soon as a state line is crossed. Illegal at international borders or nexus to the border. Illegal if entering any federal facility, federal land or criminal aliens apprehended for illegally residing in our country in possession of the mighty Thai stick or Mexican Skunk crap!

Otherwise, Colorado, recreationally legal 1 oz / 800mg THC... Go up in smoke though respect those who don't want their children having to smell that shit / getting a contact high none the less themselves - in public.

As for pot and the legal / illegal... I'd rather see it legalized, suck a snot ton of $ from taxes (equivalent to cigarettes), move the crap tons of $$$ spent on enforcement of the burning bush and place that in the fight against Meth, etc. Mexico's really increased their import activity of this destructive crap.

Pot's similar to the alcohol prohibition, IMO...

As another mentioned... A cake walk interviewing / dealing with potheads versus a nutjob running on liquid courage...

All in good fun. Smoke up. Enjoy it for all it gives ya.
My joking about weed may lead people to believe that I smoke it. For the record I tried it a handful of times before I was married. I wasn't very good at it. Better than Bill Clinton, but just couldn't develop a liking for it. I will be married for 30 years in about a month. I am not sure that I know a single person that hasn't smoked it. I believe that if police canines could actually detect pot they would run in circles till they died of exhaustion.
Add this guys name to the list
. I am not sure that I know a single person that hasn't smoked it.

I will be your first. Never tried it-

-but in the 1990's my husband and I were friends with someone who knew Willie Nelson. We got to meet him on his bus ------- we were on the bus for approx 10 minutes--------one can not hold their breath that long,--- so ????? LOL

Honestly, maybe it was pot, but I thought it smelled more like someone had over sprayed the cabin with some kind of flower freshener

mtmuley-----however there was beer and blondes LOL
I will be your first. Never tried it-

-but in the 1990's my husband and I were friends with someone who knew Willie Nelson. We got to meet him on his bus ------- we were on the bus for approx 10 minutes--------one can not hold their breath that long,--- so ????? LOL

Honestly, maybe it was pot, but I thought it smelled more like someone had over sprayed the cabin with some kind of flower freshener

mtmuley-----however there was beer and blondes LOL
I don't smoke the stuff, but with Willie on his tour bus... Cool stuff Europe. mtmuley
The stuff is relatively harmless when compared to alcohol and meth. And recently opioids. I know a good amount of users, and even a grower here in Montana. (Legal) So many worse things to deal with. mtmuley

I don't disagree with that, but what you need to recognize is that there is some overlap in that culture, and that a lot of those people who are problems because of alcohol, meth, and opioids also appear in the pot world. I saw crap as a kid that led me to understand that while it may be "relatively" harmless, it was at least peripherally part of a world I have no interest in. Not making a value judgement for others, just for myself.
Europe, I am a Beer and Blondes man myself.And Legs...As you already know.
Tried it during High School.
Made me dumb as a bag of Hammers. :cool:
I’m Switzerland here. I do recall however that when CA was issuing Medical Marijuana cards there was a problem with filling out the Federal firearms forms and people were being denied. Federal law still lists it as a Class 1 narcotic. Not sure how/if that was resolved. I don’t recall the wording on the declaration one signs but I think something like Under the penalty of....
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