Pot is not legal in CO or anywhere else in the US.

Through all aspects of my life (former military friends, school friends and non federal employees) I know TONS of people who smoke (or ingest in other ways) who are very productive members of society. Yes, it is true that weed is illegal federally but the justice department has chosen to overlook enforcement largely in the areas where the states have condoned it. Federal law DOES supersede through the supremacy clause IF they choose to take action https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/supremacy_clause . Given what I do, and have done for many years, I have been subject to testing and haven't used any drugs. I will admit that I used weed (now more than 30 years ago). My position is and always has been this. The problem with weed is the illegal sales and surrounding activities with those folks. as opposed to the actual effects of the drug. As a former LEO and now someone who sees the long term security consequences of usage I will say that when comparing weed to alcohol I will choose to deal with weed any day. The scale of problems, arrests and general lives destroyed is not even in the same galaxy. Alcohol is exponentially more destructive to our society in their legal forms. ANYONE who drinks but looks down their nose at someone that somehow uses THC is a hypocrite....plan and simple.
Through all aspects of my life (former military friends, school friends and non federal employees) I know TONS of people who smoke (or ingest in other ways) who are very productive members of society. Yes, it is true that weed is illegal federally but the justice department has chosen to overlook enforcement largely in the areas where the states have condoned it. Federal law DOES supersede through the supremacy clause IF they choose to take action https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/supremacy_clause . Given what I do, and have done for many years, I have been subject to testing and haven't used any drugs. I will admit that I used weed (now more than 30 years ago). My position is and always has been this. The problem with weed is the illegal sales and surrounding activities with those folks. as opposed to the actual effects of the drug. As a former LEO and now someone who sees the long term security consequences of usage I will say that when comparing weed to alcohol I will choose to deal with weed any day. The scale of problems, arrests and general lives destroyed is not even in the same galaxy. Alcohol is exponentially more destructive to our society in their legal forms. ANYONE who drinks but looks down their nose at someone that somehow uses THC is a hypocrite....plan and simple.

Well said. I do wonder if wide spread acceptance over the long term will lead to larger percentage of the population abusing the drug more regularly and causing problems (DUI and accidents?).
I smoked a ton of pot back when it was $40/ounce. I quit smoking the shit, went to college, spent 30+ years working for the same outfit serving the public Montana Sportsmen/women, recently retired. Pot didn't ruin me, I guess. Now I am just another dedicated, conscientious, and engaged sportsman who comes on a forum for those who hunt on public lands, preferably without guides to advocate for sportsmen related issues. Don't really give a shit about who smokes dope and why, and have no idea what legally smoking pot has to do with anything related to Public Land hunting/hunters.
But really, do carry on............................
I think in another 10 years everyone will be using it or wearing in some form or another. 95% won't be for recreational feel-good, get high, use.
Token Canadian here. We legalized last fall, and other than the boondoggle of unprepared legal suppliers, nothing much has changed. I even have my 4 plants growing in my yard, not because I need to smoke it for a good time, but because I can legally grow for the first time, so why not. I'll end up giving most of it away to a few old farmers with sore backs.
Now, forgive me if this is ignorance, but can't all federal drug law be disregarded because it's a power not explicitly listed in the constitution and therefore is reserved for the states? If the federal gov. were to push a suit all the way to the SCOTUS wouldn't it end up ruling in favor of the states rights? (sorry if this is just a joke thread)

Sorry but that train left the station many decades ago. SCOTUS has found vast congressional authority under the Commerce Clause. It started as early as 1801, but really grew in the late 1930's to enable the New Deal. Federal criminalization of drugs is a rock solid established legal framework in the eyes of both liberal and conservative justices.
I can split my friends pretty much down the middle who does and who doesn’t smoke pot. All of them are productive citizens with jobs paying taxes. I don’t due to military when younger and gov job since.
Personal responsibility...what is this, America? 😄

If you don't like weed, don't smoke it. Don't sit on some almighty high horse and condemn those that do it legally. It's a personal choice, just like porn or alcohol or cigarettes. It's an adult decision that those who partake have to live with the ramifications.
I smoked a ton of pot back when it was $40/ounce. I quit smoking the shit, went to college, spent 30+ years working for the same outfit serving the public Montana Sportsmen/women, recently retired. Pot didn't ruin me, I guess. Now I am just another dedicated, conscientious, and engaged sportsman who comes on a forum for those who hunt on public lands, preferably without guides to advocate for sportsmen related issues. Don't really give a shit about who smokes dope and why, and have no idea what legally smoking pot has to do with anything related to Public Land hunting/hunters.
But really, do carry on............................
Do you make that point on every thread that has nothing to do with public land hunting/hunters? Not really, do carry on.....
I know some guys are just joking around, but I don't have a great sense of humor so I thought I would share some knowledge instead. :geek:

I live in CO, a State where the people decided that it would not be against State law to grow a few plants and smoke pot. However, no matter how much the pot heads want to ignore it, pot is still illegal under Federal law and therefore it is illegal in every US State.

Besides Federal law, most businesses have policies against smoking pot (or doing any other illegal drugs), so for those of us that need to earn a paycheck, we can't smoke pot anyway.

So, crack your, "You live in CO, so you must smoke weed" jokes all you want, but let be known that very few people that I know personally smoke pot and no one I know that has a job smokes pot.

....and what does this have to do with a public land hunting forum?
You must be from the "Reefer Madness" days.

"Do you make that point on every thread that has nothing to do with public land hunting/hunters? Not really, do carry on"....

But as many of those that show up on here, if I did, I'd sure be busy.
Thanks for finding it necessary to reply to my meaningless reply.
Maybe post up a few pics of your use of public lands:p..........
I think you are seriously underestimating how much people like to get high. The “it can be used for everything line” is mainly used because people want it to be legal so they can put it in their mouth and light it on fire.
Nope, I'm not. I think people don't like to be in pain. They don't like to feel sick. And the existing answer that you need an opioid isn't working.
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