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I once spent two weeks in Tillamook. The constant, unrelenting smell of rotten cow poo permeated the air the whole time I was there. Kind of soured me on the idea of eating anything made in that cesspool of a town.

I prefer Umpqua ice cream and it's usually a dollar or two cheaper anyway.
I once spent two weeks in Tillamook. The constant, unrelenting smell of rotten cow poo permeated the air the whole time I was there. Kind of soured me on the idea of eating anything made in that cesspool of a town.

I prefer Umpqua ice cream and it's usually a dollar or two cheaper anyway.
Same. As far as ice cream goes, I prefer Umpqua.

The smell of the Rogue brewery in Newport almost ruins their beer for me. That stench of something close to vomit wafting over the crab dock all day. 🤢
I once spent two weeks in Tillamook. The constant, unrelenting smell of rotten cow poo permeated the air the whole time I was there. Kind of soured me on the idea of eating anything made in that cesspool of a town.

I prefer Umpqua ice cream and it's usually a dollar or two cheaper anyway.
You should spent some time on near their contract dairies in Eastern Oregon.
When I first joined hunt talk I must admit I was quite taken back by the pure passion for Tillamook dairy products. Then one day our local grocery chain was bought out by another conglomerate and lo and behold there's a big ol section of Tillamook ice cream. Between the lords cream, and winter storm Enzo I've gained a new level of respect for my Yankee brethren.

There.. I said it..

Now I'm a sucker for anything with peanut butter and chocolate, but if you had a gun to my head and told me pick one, you'd just have to pull the trigger.

Also I just want to say that while it's not consumed in the same volume as the cheese and ice cream, I'd like to recognize their cream cheese for being potentially the best cream cheese on earth.
Pralines and cream , was always my go to , been to Tillamook to many times to count , when my kids were growing up, they were one of the schools in our league the kids competed against in high school , we always smashed them in football

And some might remember our whale adventure back in 2020, that was on a beach right there in Tillamook… ha ha ha , love there cheese too aka which is the Highschool name the Tillamook Cheesemakers ……


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