Population Growth and Hunting in Rocky Mountain States

Illogical. Spock was all about the needs of the many (humanity) outweighing the needs of the few (Will being pissed someone is at his trailhead).
Why are you wondering?

A legislature dominated by R's and the almighty dollar, nothing leaves me wondering about their agenda. They're always pro-growth, pro-development, pro-extraction, pro-big business.

They want to dispose of resources, take all the profits now, sell off state lands, etc. etc.

Been that way for a long, long time and now that R's have a super majority in Montana...I suggest a seat belt, its not going to just be bumpy.
Well ok. Wondering is the wrong word. I worked in govt 30+ years. I know the chase for the almighty dollar is the reason and it isn't limited to R's. The D admins I have worked with wanted growth and development as well but were more subtle about it.
Well ok. Wondering is the wrong word. I worked in govt 30+ years. I know the chase for the almighty dollar is the reason and it isn't limited to R's. The D admins I have worked with wanted growth and development as well but were more subtle about it.

The Clinton administration opened the flood gates on nat gas development in the west. Gov Dave Freudenthal literally got on the board of a coal company after his two terms in office which saw the development of massive nat gas fields.

There's good conservationists in all parties. Except the Green party. Those people are wack.
Illogical. Spock was all about the needs of the many (humanity) outweighing the needs of the few (Will being pissed someone is at his trailhead).


You're really talking about the wants of a few outweighing the needs of the many... but yeah McMansions are bitchin
Well ok. Wondering is the wrong word. I worked in govt 30+ years. I know the chase for the almighty dollar is the reason and it isn't limited to R's. The D admins I have worked with wanted growth and development as well but were more subtle about it.
Absolutely, Republicans should rename the party Full-Bore Corporatist and the Democratic party should be renamed Corporatist light.

I'm not against conscientious development and growth, but it doesn't have to be blatantly hostile and at all costs with a disregard for everything and everyone else.

Like I said, things are going to change drastically in Montana, and I thing R's are going to realize they're about to get what they voted for. Its going to be a reckoning, a wake-up call, and ugly. UPOM, big Business, outfitters, etc. are salivating...and you're about to get rolled.

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You're really talking about the wants of a few outweighing the needs of the many... but yeah McMansions are bitchin

giphy (12).gif

I'm not saying anything about the overpopulation issue. I'm in 100% agreement there. I'm just not willing to deny people vaccines in order to achieve utopia. I'm all for free birth control & education, safe & legal abortion & I won't discourage tsunamis & volcanoes from doing their thing.
If you don't want to take a vaccine, fine. But then you're on your own to get well. Don't tax the rest of us with your bad decisions.
You apply this logic to all other illness attributable to bad decisions?
If you don't want to take a vaccine, fine. But then you're on your own to get well. Don't tax the rest of us with your bad decisions.
Yep, no different than "taking a stand against the .gov by not wearing a seat belt".

Smart enough to make the choice to not wear a seat belt, smart enough to take care of yourself when you get flung out the window. Call your family or friends to come rescue you, I have better things to do.
If it makes you feel any better, a friend recently sent me a current picture of the pool tables at the Silver Dollar bar in Missoula and that place has not changed a lick in the last 23 years.
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