Population Growth and Hunting in Rocky Mountain States

I had to delete my Twitter because I was worried my tinder girls were gonna find me on there telling people like dawn that I hope her and her pack of what I can only assume to be misbehaved dogs end up like the mature bull elk in this video from the bbc that they refuse to watch.
It wasn’t good for conservation.
*Omg I didn’t even fact check my own video link 🤦‍♂️
That vids a cow or maybe a calf getting ripped apart by wolves.
how the heck should I know?
it definitely doesn’t have antlers tho.
This is the bull, but it’s not bbc so I feel like it’s not as reputable.
might be cgi 🤷‍♂️
Sorry to rain on your parade but we could shut immigration down to zero tonight and it's still not going to end well for those wild places and critters.
If you take immigration out of the equation the United States is making babies at a rate barely able to replace the people passing away. Not that this is a good thing, We need immigration. We also need the big cities to be places that people want to live if this migration to rural America is going to have any chance of slowing down.
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It's a wonderment to me how many of the newcomers are ex Grand Prix racers. What used to be a casual drive to town is now a white-knuckler at times. Idiots passing on blind curves and running right up on your bumper.
They’re just massholes, when you get your platehere they remove your turn signals and install a 5 point harness.

My driving will never be the same.
If you take immigration out of the equation the United States is making babies at a rate barely able to replace the people passing away. Not that this is a good thing, We need immigration. We also need the big cities to be places that people want to live if this migration to rural America is going to have any chance of slowing down.
Isn't that called sustainability? And why do we need more people when we're complaining about crowding already? Particularly since we hear of the US per capita consumption rate of resources being so high? Didn't Abbey warn us that growth for growth's sake was the ideology of the cancer cell?
Isn't that called sustainability? And why do we need more people when we're complaining about crowding already? Particularly since we hear of the US per capita consumption rate of resources being so high? Didn't Abbey warn us that growth for growth's sake was the ideology of the cancer cell?
Yep. But you have to be willing to take the stagnation of the economy along with it. That's been a bridge too far for most in our country.
Sorry to rain on your parade but we could shut immigration down to zero tonight and it's still not going to end well for those wild places and critters.
A global one or two child policy would help or instead of tax credit per child , you tax more for each child a family has to de-incentivize population growth.
Yep. But you have to be willing to take the stagnation of the economy along with it. That's been a bridge too far for most in our country.
Our economy was doing the best ever before covid, and all sectors rising. Immigration will certainly suppress the lowest economic sectors, though, as those jobs will be more competitive.
Our economy was doing the best ever before covid, and all sectors rising. Immigration will certainly suppress the lowest economic sectors, though, as those jobs will be more competitive.
UGH. NO. Immigration has been a net benefit for this country's economic growth since 1776 and is still necessary. And 2019 wasn't all that great of year, depending on the metric you want to use for your confirmation bias.
This topic is on my mind with my planning for retirement from the military. I grew up in a small town in CO that is now going to be difficult to afford moving back to, even with a military pension and 2nd income stream from a new job. It stings to see the hope of moving back to a community I love slipping away just a few years before my transition.

For those in Montana, I empathize with you. It’s not a good sign when Planet Money covers how crazy the real estate market is in Bozeman...

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Ask your California transplants where they were born. 50% of Californians arent from California. Look at the population declines the last 50 years in the major cities of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, etc...
Then you’ll see how it all started
I was at an event in Boulder and a group of about 25 was asked to line up in order of how close they were born to Boulder.

As it turned out I was born the closest to Boulder in the group, and I am from Casper. Not a single person was even from Colorado.
I think this point gets way overlooked. People are quick to assume that every immigrant is a California colonizer looking to ruin new territory. A ton of people leave Cali because they dislike it as much as anyone else does...
So refreshing to see an intelligent post. California is a very conservative state except for 3 big liberal cities that out vote us hunters. We are not ruining Montana or Texas. There is a lot more immigration from other places that are doing more harm than hunters leaving California. Don’t paint us all with one brush.
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I see a lot of “me”, “my” and “I” in your posts. Generally sums up the most discontented folks.

It seems pretty off target to blame hunting for all the people moving to any western state. Some, yes. But many more people moving here do not hunt at all and just want their 30 acres next to open space. Randy, or any other hunting media, have very little to do with the overall mass desire for proximity to space and recreation, especially after Covid. Has been happening in a lot of states for a long time now, long before Randy or before western hunting was “a thing”.

The wheels of progress keep turning. That is usually a painful process. Nothing you, me, Randy, hunting media can do about it. People either find ways to adapt and enjoy their lives, or don’t and live a miserable one. In the end, that choice is completely up to you.
Totally disagree. Self promoting celebrity hunters like Newberg, Rinella and the hunting industry marketing machines have had a direct impact on the exploding interest in western-state hunting. Best example is OTC Arizona Deer Tags - which have been the subject of multiple videos, podcasts, photoshoots, etc. This saw a corresponding increase in tag sales, increased hunting pressure, overcrowding and this year, a significant reduction in Arizona deer tags being offered.

The increased interest driven by this marketing has created two social-media driven hunting businesses - mapping services like onx and tag applying strategy companies like gohunt. In fact, we call what happened with AZ deer tags the "gohunt effect."

Western state resident hunters are responding. Idaho recently put limits on OTC elk tags in specific hunt areas because of exploding NR sales and subsequent overcrowding. Wyoming resident hunters are pushing for 90/10, and soon Colorado hunters are waking up and wondering why they are giving 30%+ of their elk tags to NR hunters every year. All the western states have increase or are increasing NR tag prices.

Hunting industry media and marketing is designed to increase audience size then monetize it through product sales, subscriptions and memberships. It's worked really well, but a backlash has started and it's growing momentum. Mountain Pursuit is leading on the nonprofit side, and The Hunt Domain podcast and Making Hunting Great Again instagram accounts are pointing out how silly, fake, and politically damaging the hunting social media "content" machine has become.
Totally disagree. Self promoting celebrity hunters like Newberg, Rinella and the hunting industry marketing machines have had a direct impact on the exploding interest in western-state hunting. Best example is OTC Arizona Deer Tags - which have been the subject of multiple videos, podcasts, photoshoots, etc. This saw a corresponding increase in tag sales, increased hunting pressure, overcrowding and this year, a significant reduction in Arizona deer tags being offered.

The increased interest driven by this marketing has created two social-media driven hunting businesses - mapping services like onx and tag applying strategy companies like gohunt. In fact, we call what happened with AZ deer tags the "gohunt effect."

Western state resident hunters are responding. Idaho recently put limits on OTC elk tags in specific hunt areas because of exploding NR sales and subsequent overcrowding. Wyoming resident hunters are pushing for 90/10, and soon Colorado hunters are waking up and wondering why they are giving 30%+ of their elk tags to NR hunters every year. All the western states have increase or are increasing NR tag prices.

Hunting industry media and marketing is designed to increase audience size then monetize it through product sales, subscriptions and memberships. It's worked really well, but a backlash has started and it's growing momentum. Mountain Pursuit is leading on the nonprofit side, and The Hunt Domain podcast and Making Hunting Great Again instagram accounts are pointing out how silly, fake, and politically damaging the hunting social media "content" machine has become.
I’m confused. You totally disagree, but then post nothing having to do with what I wrote. The only clear message I got from your post is that you have a website to promote. Ironic....

So how are you proposing Randy and Rinella are responsible for the vast majority of non-hunters that are moving here? Particularly post-Covid?
Mountain Pursuit is leading on the nonprofit side, and The Hunt Domain podcast and Making Hunting Great Again instagram accounts are pointing out how silly, fake, and politically damaging the hunting social media "content" machine has become.

Interesting technique to join a forum as a new member and shit talk the owner and his business while simultaneously trying to pump up your own and those of your partners. Best of luck but no one here is going to buy what you're selling and youll just make yourself look silly in the process.

Next will be someone peddling broadhead sharpeners on here or something...
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I just don’t understand how it’s ok to be against more members of the public using their public lands.
If state agencies don’t limit tags and 500,000,000 people come out there and wipe out all the animals it makes sense to be upset about that
but as far as an increased amount of users 🤷‍♂️
I’m glad y’all OG, non gps using hunters had it to yourself for all those years...
But yeah, doesn’t it belong to like the public?
Totally disagree. Self promoting celebrity hunters like Newberg, Rinella and the hunting industry marketing machines have had a direct impact on the exploding interest in western-state hunting. Best example is OTC Arizona Deer Tags - which have been the subject of multiple videos, podcasts, photoshoots, etc. This saw a corresponding increase in tag sales, increased hunting pressure, overcrowding and this year, a significant reduction in Arizona deer tags being offered.

The increased interest driven by this marketing has created two social-media driven hunting businesses - mapping services like onx and tag applying strategy companies like gohunt. In fact, we call what happened with AZ deer tags the "gohunt effect."

Western state resident hunters are responding. Idaho recently put limits on OTC elk tags in specific hunt areas because of exploding NR sales and subsequent overcrowding. Wyoming resident hunters are pushing for 90/10, and soon Colorado hunters are waking up and wondering why they are giving 30%+ of their elk tags to NR hunters every year. All the western states have increase or are increasing NR tag prices.

Hunting industry media and marketing is designed to increase audience size then monetize it through product sales, subscriptions and memberships. It's worked really well, but a backlash has started and it's growing momentum. Mountain Pursuit is leading on the nonprofit side, and The Hunt Domain podcast and Making Hunting Great Again instagram accounts are pointing out how silly, fake, and politically damaging the hunting social media "content" machine has become.
Well god bless you, I mean your passionate advocacy is obviously having a effect on changing the perception of hunters; making the greater population realize that their conceptions about the sport are wrong and fostering a willingness to open up more access and opportunities.

I really wanted to give a heartfelt thank for your your work, trying to remedy the allocation issues and for standing up for biology and herd health in Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, etc.

It's passionate advocates like you that providing funding and support for habitat and science.

Wait... NM
Mountain Pursuit is leading on the nonprofit side, and The Hunt Domain podcast and Making Hunting Great Again instagram accounts are pointing out how silly, fake, and politically damaging the hunting social media "content" machine has become.
So do you think the hunters of social media have created more hunters (advocates) for public land who will be thinking about their newfound love of hunting and the outdoors when they hit the voting booth or haters who are trying to shut the sport down?
Best of luck but no one here is going to buy what you're selling
Speak for yourself. I for one like that he brings a different viewpoint to these discussions. I disagree with some of what he has to say but wholeheartedly agree with a lot of his view point.

Anyone that thinks that platforms like what Randy and others have created haven't made it harder to draw tags, made certain areas more crowded and popularized someone little slice of heaven are dreaming. There are many ways to deal with this. Some on here suggest we should just live with the new normal. Others say we should just find somewhere else to go. Some say it needs to be even more advocates and more people will make us stronger. Rob thinks pushing back is the right approach. His view is no more invalid that anyone else.
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