
Point Creep realistic topping out number

If you're specifically referring to bull elk, yes it's a decreasing opportunity that wyoga would like to corner in full. On the whole, not even close.
I do wonder though, if WYOGA gets the keys to the castle as they are asking, and the available NR bull tags for the unwashed public is reduced by half, what happens to draw odds for cow tags? There will have to be a ripple affect.
Well on a positive note, there’s 25 points I won’t have to worry about getting cheapened anymore. Because Colorado burned them all for me on a unit 61 elk tag. And the Red Army members who labeled me a “point hoarder” should be pacified? 😂
Nah, we need you to tell us at least ten more times that you drew an elk tag.
I do wonder though, if WYOGA gets the keys to the castle as they are asking, and the available NR bull tags for the unwashed public is reduced by half, what happens to draw odds for cow tags? There will have to be a ripple affect.
Yeah that's a good point, especially under the current request.
I do wonder though, if WYOGA gets the keys to the castle as they are asking, and the available NR bull tags for the unwashed public is reduced by half, what happens to draw odds for cow tags? There will have to be a ripple affect.
It's already started. Look at total applicants for cow/calf tags. They were all up. In a unit that me and my friends have applied for in previous years and drawn, this year it was 1 out of 6 drawn. We applied as individuals.

I really feel blessed though, to have drawn a general with zero pts thus year. A buddy encouraged me to put in with him with zero points between us. I feel we won the lottery.

I fear I'll loose my health before I'm drawn again. Thanks goodness for the random draw WY has.
Nah, we need you to tell us at least ten more times that you drew an elk tag.
Lol, But first time in this thread about point creep. I thought everyone would be happy since I did my part to get rid of points. 25 this year, and 90 over the last 3.

This completes phase one of my 6 year 130 point plan - CO, WY, CO, AZ, UT & AZ. Front end loaded up with systems vulnerable to cheapening. 5/6 Archery.
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This is a great point.

Also if you think about Bonus point systems it's even crazier in some ways...

For instance at like year 10 you might have 100 people out of the top point pool being taken out of the running because collectively their cohort might hold 25% of the total tickets. So at year 10 you might be like "oh bonus points kinda work we are clearing out people"
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but then as the years go along, because you are letting some people at lower levels have tags, the system slows down profoundly with people with max points getting drawn at a much slower rate.

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And this is with a pillared point pool same year after year, it's a mountain in reality 5000 at 0 points 10 at top. Basically meaning that every year you are in a bonus pool your odds are probably getting worse in reality because for every squared point you gain 3000 folks are joining so at 40 bonus points your still losing ground to the onslaught of newcomers.

So who wants to buy points?🍺
So you're saying there's a chance...

Point creep is real ,to a point at least . But after looking at more than I can count in deer elk and antelope hunts from various states the last 5 yrs I can say that the tag cut is just as much a contributor. When a zone goes from 177 nr tags to 110and the same
Number of guys apply . It’s not the mythical point creep that takes 3 points to draw instead of 1.5-2 the yr before . It’s the tag cut . They go hand in hand .
Point creep is real ,to a point at least . But after looking at more than I can count in deer elk and antelope hunts from various states the last 5 yrs I can say that the tag cut is just as much a contributor. When a zone goes from 177 nr tags to 110and the same
Number of guys apply . It’s not the mythical point creep that takes 3 points to draw instead of 1.5-2 the yr before . It’s the tag cut . They go hand in hand .
I'm starting to come to the same conclusion, or even that tag cuts are more impactful than a lot of the other commonly blamed sources
It's already started. Look at total applicants for cow/calf tags. They were all up. In a unit that me and my friends have applied for in previous years and drawn, this year it was 1 out of 6 drawn. We applied as individuals.

I really feel blessed though, to have drawn a general with zero pts thus year. A buddy encouraged me to put in with him with zero points between us. I feel we won the lottery.

I fear I'll loose my health before I'm drawn again. Thanks goodness for the random draw WY has.
Just this past weekend I mentioned a cow tag when talking to my hunting buddy who is 61.
well according to this CO commission meeting, social media is to cause for point creep!
It's a huge part of it no doubt. Oak shed some light on shifting baselines in mule deer quotas in another thread though, that make me think CO and CPW are probably quite happy to see social media take the blame
It's a huge part of it no doubt. Oak shed some light on shifting baselines in mule deer quotas in another thread though, that make me think CO and CPW are probably quite happy to see social media take the blame
.... so the largest demographic in hunting are boomers?
... and every year more and more of them are retiring... so a bit of free time
... and they control as a generation what 90% of us wealth?
... and if you only had say 5-10 years of hunting left how much would you be willing to pay for a tag?

Just some musings.
.... so the largest demographic in hunting are boomers?
... and every year more and more of them are retiring... so a bit of free time
... and they control as a generation what 90% of us wealth?
... and if you only had say 5-10 years of hunting left how much would you be willing to pay for a tag?

Just some musings.
Bingo. I've been banging this drum for a few years with regards to points, destination moose/sheep/brown bear hunts, etc. The largest cohort of hunters by far is hitting retirement with 5-10 good years left, they've had 10 years of above average stock market performance, if they were smart they downsized houses and made a nice profit or no longer have a mortgage, and even the mildly serious hunters have been building points for their dream hunts for at least 10-15 years (or more.)

That being said, social media has helped get some things loved to death. 15-18 years ago, I could on drawing my non-resident Iowa archery license every other year. Now it's pretty much only guaranteed every 4th year, and I think there's a pretty direct correlation between that and social media influencers.
Bingo. I've been banging this drum for a few years with regards to points, destination moose/sheep/brown bear hunts, etc. The largest cohort of hunters by far is hitting retirement with 5-10 good years left, they've had 10 years of above average stock market performance, if they were smart they downsized houses and made a nice profit or no longer have a mortgage, and even the mildly serious hunters have been building points for their dream hunts for at least 10-15 years (or more.)

That being said, social media has helped get some things loved to death. 15-18 years ago, I could on drawing my non-resident Iowa archery license every other year. Now it's pretty much only guaranteed every 4th year, and I think there's a pretty direct correlation between that and social media influencers.
Agreed. I think that likely there are several different trends that are all creating the situation and that it's problematic to over emphasis one.

Colorado OTC archery is 100% social media.
Catastrophic point creep for high end hunts + skyrocketing prices for guided hunts/premium/ hunt leases etc. is definitely more attributable to boomers.
Point creep is a snow ball rolling down a hill. I don't see a stop to it, and lets be honest, States benefit from all the additional revenue they receive from it. So how eager will states be to "fix" a problem that ultimately benefits them. For as many people that get turned off by the thought of building points and waiting a decade + to hunt. There is a guy and his 2-3 kids that will view it as a once or twice in a lifetime opportunity and have no problem paying every year for every state.
An easy way would be if there are 100 tags available, the top 100 people with the most points get a tag. No random drawing.

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