Podcast #4 - Shane Mahoney

I always listen to podcasts and come away trying to explain what I heard to my wife, my friends, etc. Shane had an extraordinary way of using individual anecdotes to illustrate points so that I am able to recall them now, almost 3 days later. (astonishing for me)
Among my favorites:
the candle - talk about anachronistic - we inherently revere open flame despite any need to do so - hunting is similar
technology - from the moment we picked up a sharp rock we are absolutely pre-programmed to embrace technology
football - an extraordinary way to show that the skills we embrace and are most naturally suited to revolve around a hunting ancestry
anti-hunters - we share 95% of our DNA with anti-hunters including a reverence for every part but the kill
awareness - only when hunting are we using every sense to its fullest.

Shane touched briefly upon gender and the idea that typically men were hunters in prehistoric societies. In my wife I sense a deep intuitive understanding of children and motherhood that I cannot duplicate despite the boundless love I have for my children. In light of our prehistoric roles I guess that stands to reason.
What a fantastic podcast.

I found this forum through listening to the Hunt Talk podcasts, which I found through listening to the Meat Eater podcasts.

I live in rural Australia and hunt as much as possible.

I absolutely loved this podcast with Shane and it inspired me to find this forum and start to learn more about Randy and his podcast. The discussion around philosophy was incredible and I try to touch on similar points when talking about hunting with people who are unfamiliar with it.

Well done to all involved.
this is a fantastic podcast - very informative and well-spoken guest. He was able to put into words much of what I have felt as a hunter, but didn't know how to say.

Keep up the great podcast!
was so blown away by this podcast that I went back and listened to it a second time to make sure I didn't miss anything. it was TOP NOTCH in soooo many ways!!!!!
I just started listening to this podcast and I'm only on episode 4, but it's a great one. Randy's explanation of how hunting compares to nature viewing like playing football vs watching football was a great analogy. Shane's description of how the wind direction, the rustle of leaves, etc is so much more important when you are hunting vs hiking was awesome. Being a participant in nature, by hunting, makes your experiences so much more sensual (I think that is the word Shane used) and is a great way to try to explain to the non-hunters why we hunt.
I finished Episode 4 and I wish I could have taken notes while I was listening. So many quotable quotes! Another favorite of mine is Shane's rhetorical question about why so many people like candles even though we all have electricity and people in warm climates still have fireplaces - the answer is the same reason that we still hunt. We don't need candles or open fires, but we have some kind of instinctual attraction to them.

I had to look up 'sentient' because Shane used it several times and I had it in my head that sentient = consciousnesses. Apparently, it is generally accepted that animals are sentient (can feel pain and therefore can suffer), but are not generally considered to be conscious (aware of others or oneself), although there are arguments for and against animal consciousness and even whether we can ever know if they are conscious or not.
Im caught up with all 59, so far. #4 is my favorite to date. When I hear Shane speak, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end! His recent speech, "Big Steps" at RMEF convention was SO GOOD!

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