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Pneumonia in Yellowstone Bighorns

I've appreciated your perspective on this, it's a complicated issue.

I've been hearing from both district rangers and Ogden that they are already working on making alternative allotments available. Could be empty talk to keep tempers calm, could be legit. I'm not totally against the idea in the short term, because I work directly with both sides on this issue and it's one of the least inflammatory solutions that I've seen presented. One major hangup is that every district is so backed up on NEPA that they can't allocate staff to collect the data necessary to swing somebody right into another allotment. As usual, odds are very good it will end up in court either way.
It's kind of a stretch but these grazing allotments could with legislation end up like CRP and these ranchers could get paid for not grazing public land. Allotments are already being bought up so ranchers can't have them and the same with water rights. Don't count nothing out when it comes to out government.

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