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Plans with your dog this year

I feel like we're in hunting purgatory right now waiting for waterfowl season to start. A late one here this year opening on Oct 28th.

Dove season was a wash for bird numbers shot this year, with an exceptionally wet year and sections of wild sunflowers, my "honey hole" of sitting my corner post pass shooting the dove on their way to my neighbors wheat field just wasn't working out. But there was some very promising dog work. Ella retrieved all 4 dove that were shot and really got the hand of sitting in a blind waiting for the birds. On our walks to and from the spot she was a searching maniac. She pointed multiple quail on each outing we had. Her range and checking in was great, she had on an ecollar but I never even touched the remote. I learned to read her body language a lot better as well. She has 2 very distinct points, a hard flash and a short pause with her nose in the air meaning fresh scent in the area starting to get birds and a rock solid nose aimed at the ground there is something right HERE point that she holds until come in and flush. Very happy with that.

Looking to build on our blind work from the doves coming up with waterfowl. Hopefully my pvc fittings come in today, workibg on a blind for us for waterfowl. As for the quail, I think Ella was born for it. Cannot wait.20211010_164046.jpg20211010_164047.jpg
Excited as just got a contract with a breeder to get our first gundog! aside from family time with the 5 kids - there will be Waterfowl, Ptarmigan, Grouse, Sheds and hopefully some blood tracking in her future.
Greta got her first woodcock this weekend. She's coming along nicely, except when she smacks her face against the ball hitch on the truck while shriek-barking in excitement. She seems to be picking up north woods grouse hunting well. Spent the weekend with some MUCC folks chasing timber doodles & ruffeds. What a blast.

Be a year in Nov so a lot of work to be done but no better work than to hunt him. NV Chukar, Quail, Huns missed the sage grouse season if we get a wild feeling might go to Jarbidge to look for dusky grouse


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Couple weeks and we are going down to southern Sask for a weekend of pheasants. Can’t wait
I got my first bird dog this past year, and she is getting ready to turn 1 yo. I call her the "Mini Britt" at 22 lbs of pure spit fire energy. Wrapping up her first bird training course now and is doing great. Planning our first hunt for dusky grouse in the AZ high country. This will be my first solo DIY bird hunt, first grouse hunt, first hunt with my own bird dog. Very exciting times!
Awesome looking dog. She must be 2 yo now since your thread is old. I'm in socal and dying to get hunting partners. Interested?
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