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Plans with your dog this year

Duskies, sharptails, sage grouse, ducks, and pheasants in WY, possibly a pheasant/hun/sharptail trip to my wife’s uncle’s place in ND. One of my dogs has a knack for findings duskies, so I feel good about trying new spots every year. Finding sharptails is pretty easy as long as I don’t have a dog or a shotgun.
Nice pup! I knew you were on the search for a pup with the brown dog getting up in age, is that another gsp?
GWP, but will be pretty slick coated like a GSP.

We're pretty excited, he's already better, in all regards, than brown dog ever was. Well, I mean he hasn't pointed a chukar yet, so I guess we'll call that one a draw, LOL.
I still have about 15 pen raised chukar and that's probably gonna be it this year. Bird hunting within 150 miles of home is pretty non existant anymore unless you have a lease or go to a shooting preserve. Can't afford to do either so will probably shoot up my pen raised birds and not even get a license this year. Last four or five years has produced one small covey of quail on one of the Oregon welcome to hunt places. Did quite a bit that but no birds on any of the places. No idea why Oregon lease's these places. I am afraid bird hunting is something I can't afford anymore. Guy been wanting me to go to Montana with him but out of the question, cost to much to do that. Past 25 yrs or so has been a disaster for hunting in Central Oregon.
I'll be taking my girls up to NY for some grouse hunting in October. Then in November my wife will be going with a big crew of about 8 dogs and 6 humans out to SD for pheasants and sharptails
GWP, but will be pretty slick coated like a GSP.

We're pretty excited, he's already better, in all regards, than brown dog ever was. Well, I mean he hasn't pointed a chukar yet, so I guess we'll call that one a draw, LOL.
Yep I can see some of the wirehairs now. Awesome, sounds like he's off to a great start!
I got my first bird dog this past year, and she is getting ready to turn 1 yo. I call her the "Mini Britt" at 22 lbs of pure spit fire energy. Wrapping up her first bird training course now and is doing great. Planning our first hunt for dusky grouse in the AZ high country. This will be my first solo DIY bird hunt, first grouse hunt, first hunt with my own bird dog. Very exciting times!
My 9 year old French Brittany and I will chase dusky grouse starting September 1, and off and on through mid-October, in between elk hunts, then some put and take pheasants(about all there is in WY these days), followed by 90 days hunting Gambel's quail over the winter in AZ. Last year in AZ was the best in 20 years, this year with no winter rain will be difficult, with few youmg birds and wild-flushing carry-over adults. Dog and I are both getting up there in age, and I've considered getting another, younger dog, but at age 76, how much longer will I be doing this? I hate to get a young dog and then not be able to hunt. Decisions, decisions.

Is your dog a small or large Munsterlander? I'm still kind of learning the difference. Small?
"Puppy" is a French Brittany. I was looking into small Munsterlander when my Britt's ND breeder roped me into picking up a local Lab pup out of his big black male at a great price ... and Ellie has turned out to be a fantastic pointing dog.
Pheasant in the back yard here in idaho and probably a couple grouse trips in idaho also. Need to get on some chukars one of these years.
Have a DD pup going on her second season. Gonna start with grouse in sept......wyo/ut.......then to quail and chuks in CA, hopefully MT/ND/SD for pheasants and move on to AZ once it cools down for Gambels and scalies (if they had a hatch).......

Best of luck to all of you.
My Draht is going on her second season as well, really looking forward to just hunting behind her this year.
Northern mn grouse mid September for a week in the woods. Then going to run my mutts in the South Dakota youth opener. Then the big kid opener In Minnesota and South Dakota then a few hunts in South Dakota after that
Punky has done well enough in life to retire from hunting at age 12.5. She still works part time a few hours a week as a present destroyer.


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Pheasant in the back yard here in idaho and probably a couple grouse trips in idaho also. Need to get on some chukars one of these years.
I've had a tough time finding Idaho chukar. Haven't yet hunted Hell's Canyon area, that is next on the list.