Rack Daniels
Well-known member
Two kids both born here both love to be out hunting and shed hunting and fishing with me. I expect they’ll continue to do that, following whatever laws they must to do so. Hopefully they won’t have to cross their fingers and pray they get to fill the freezer with a deer and an elk every year in their home state. Even if it’s a doe and a cow….You’ll get there. Any kids yet? That’s when it really started hitting home for me. To think back to what it was like when I was a kid to what It will be like when my kids get to hunt. I’m not even talking about an age class of deer. Just the deer in general. Even the antelope. I remember as a kid being able to go up on this big hill out where we lived and being able to see 4-5 different groups of antelope. 20+ in each herd. Now that same hill you are lucky to pick up one group