Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

I get it dude, you don’t like the states management practices, the game sucks, the people and growth sucks, seemingly the state as a whole, sucks to you guys. THAT SUCKS! lol I think there are a lot of folks who still love it here, and I think just like Facebook there’s a group of you fellers that kinda just like to fight with people who don’t think it sucks…. I don’t think it sucks here. But we know you don’t care what I think, do ya bud? It just sounds all too familiar to me. #NotMyMontana.. 😂😂
With all respect, You haven't been here long enough to have experienced Montana when it was some what good. It is not that you can not still find a good hunt or even a good buck now and then. I ran into one of the biggest mule deer I have ever seen last year. The problem is that the current path Montana is on is unsustainable and there is zero chance to get on a better path if we contionue with the same managment.
With all respect, You haven't been here long enough to have experienced Montana when it was some what good. It is not that you can not still find a good hunt or even a good buck now and then. I ran into one of the biggest mule deer I have ever seen last year. The problem is that the current path Montana is on is unsustainable and there is zero chance to get on a better path if we contionue with the same managment.
Been here almost 20 years and it’s still beautiful and abundant with game to me!. Sure there is less folks waving on the back roads and more competition hunting but i wouldn’t say I havent experienced Montana when it was good… I don’t doubt you one bit that it used to be better! And I respect your guys’ opinion on that. I do. I just get tired of the bashing everything about this place is all. 😒 and Im a little ashamed that I came into this forum happy to live in a place so Hunter friendly and abundant with game only to find that a great deal of folks on here also live here, and view it the complete opposite as me- thus making me the ugly duckling. Lol peace love and unity brother 😂✌️
Been here almost 20 years and it’s still beautiful and abundant with game to me!. Sure there is less folks waving on the back roads and more competition hunting but i wouldn’t say I havent experienced Montana when it was good… I don’t doubt you one bit that it used to be better! And I respect your guys’ opinion on that. I do. I just get tired of the bashing everything about this place is all. 😒 and Im a little ashamed that I came into this forum happy to live in a place so Hunter friendly and abundant with game only to find that a great deal of folks on here also live here, and view it the complete opposite as me- thus making me the ugly duckling. Lol peace love and unity brother 😂✌️
Not picking on you necessarily but that's the trouble with transplants, as long as it better than where they come from they have no idea what there ruining for someone else. Regardless what the topic or state/country is at hand.
Not picking on you necessarily but that's the trouble with transplants, as long as it better than where they come from they have no idea what there ruining for someone else. Regardless what the topic or state/country is at hand.
I understand that, for adults. I’m a Montanan. I WAS moved here when I a little kid I didn’t MOVE here. I don’t know any other way than montana. I’ve never hunted or done shit anywhere else. So I respectfully DISAGREE
I understand that, for adults. I’m a Montanan. I WAS moved here when I a little kid I didn’t MOVE here. I don’t know any other way than montana. I’ve never hunted or done shit anywhere else. So I respectfully DISAGREE
I understand that, for adults. I’m a Montanan. I WAS moved here when I a little kid I didn’t MOVE here. I don’t know any other way than montana. I’ve never hunted or done shit anywhere else. So I respectfully DISAGREE
Well that makes it even worse than. Either way doesn't change the fact that when people move into a new area they generally don't change it for the better.
Been here almost 20 years and it’s still beautiful and abundant with game to me!. Sure there is less folks waving on the back roads and more competition hunting but i wouldn’t say I havent experienced Montana when it was good… I don’t doubt you one bit that it used to be better! And I respect your guys’ opinion on that. I do. I just get tired of the bashing everything about this place is all. 😒 and Im a little ashamed that I came into this forum happy to live in a place so Hunter friendly and abundant with game only to find that a great deal of folks on here also live here, and view it the complete opposite as me- thus making me the ugly duckling. Lol peace love and unity brother 😂✌️
It is good to be an optimist. My optimism on mule deer started to fade about the same time you started hunting Montana.
Well that makes it even worse than. Either way doesn't change the fact that when people move into a new area they generally don't change it for the better.
It’s worse that I was brought here and didn’t have to make any conscientious choices myself besides learn this way or the highway? Haha I can tell you likely always hate me. That’s ok. I still like some of the stuff you say and value your opinion. I’d still love to sit by a campfire and have a beer and an elk burger with ya! Cheers PAL 🍻
It’s worse that I was brought here and didn’t have to make any conscientious choices myself besides learn this way or the highway? Haha I can tell you likely always hate me. That’s ok. I still like some of the stuff you say and value your opinion. I’d still love to sit by a campfire and have a beer and an elk burger with ya! Cheers PAL 🍻
Im not hating on you at all. ✌
Montana is a beautiful place. My parents moved to Eastern MT in 1972 from ND. He lived through some of the great mule deer hunting years and agrees change to the management is needed. That said, there is a reason I have never lived in another state, and we will be hunting Eastern MT again come September.
At least nobody has brought up being multigenerational. That's when stuff really hits the fan. mtmuley
Been here almost 20 years and it’s still beautiful and abundant with game to me!. Sure there is less folks waving on the back roads and more competition hunting but i wouldn’t say I havent experienced Montana when it was good… I don’t doubt you one bit that it used to be better! And I respect your guys’ opinion on that. I do. I just get tired of the bashing everything about this place is all. 😒 and Im a little ashamed that I came into this forum happy to live in a place so Hunter friendly and abundant with game only to find that a great deal of folks on here also live here, and view it the complete opposite as me- thus making me the ugly duckling. Lol peace love and unity brother 😂✌️

You’ll get there. Any kids yet? That’s when it really started hitting home for me. To think back to what it was like when I was a kid to what It will be like when my kids get to hunt. I’m not even talking about an age class of deer. Just the deer in general. Even the antelope. I remember as a kid being able to go up on this big hill out where we lived and being able to see 4-5 different groups of antelope. 20+ in each herd. Now that same hill you are lucky to pick up one group
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