Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

Wow, what a bunch of idiots. The wolf episodes were awesome, Randy and crew did an exceptional job and deserve a lot of praise. It takes quite a man to stand up to all the uneducated and ridiculous responses and threats and take the high road. Thank you for standing up for us hunters right. Keep up the good work love your show

You definitely have gotten some interesting comments. But for each negative comment, remember there are 10 more people out there that appreciate your show and your efforts towards conserving the future of our wildlife and hunting heritage.

You definitely have gotten some interesting comments. But for each negative comment, remember there are 10 more people out there that appreciate your show and your efforts towards conserving the future of our wildlife and hunting heritage.

Correct you are, Steve. It is amazing how many people have supported our efforts on this. I smile big when I get those positive comments, comments that outweigh these negatives, 10:1 .
Just thought people would want to see how emotional the other side gets. Entertainment, if nothing else.

And yes, these folks are emailing our sponsors. I have been forwarded many emails this morning, all of which read pretty much the same, and worded in a way to clearly indicate the person did not watch the episode.

Thanks for the support from everyone.
It is just plum amazing the level of hypocrisy these people have and how that fact eludes them....they despise the killing of a wolf, yet encourage the taking of human life as retribution and cannot differentiate the difference between animal life and human life and the value thereof.
It is just plum amazing the level of hypocrisy these people have and how that fact eludes them....they despise the killing of a wolf, yet encourage the taking of human life as retribution and cannot differentiate the difference between animal life and human life and the value thereof.

I don't think I could have said it any better. I would add that these same folks are probably the ones petitioning against the death penalty as well. Makes for an even bigger hypocrisy.
Nora is not having a good day. I am more than happy to associate our viewers and those on this forum, any day, even if Nora finds us all to be "stupid rednecks."

Stupid, eh? In light of her unreasoned comments about management and over population, she might want to re-think her assertions. Pot, meet kettle.

Come on Nora, try again. You surely can do better than that. :)

Name: Nora Davidov

Comments: F*CK you and your tv show for advocating the killing of wolves and making it FUN. There's a huge eco hole out there that has no affilliation with "management" due to over population. You obviouosly are vying for stupid redneck viewers. Anything for a buck, eh?
Of all the offensive things said I think the most offensive is calling OYOA a "reality TV" show. I wouldn't want to be thought of in the same genre as Big Brother or Survivor or any of the other idiotic "reality" TV out there.

There is some pretty low hanging fruit out there for these organizations to fund themselves off of.

Nora is not having a good day. I am more than happy to associate our viewers and those on this forum, any day, even if Nora finds us all to be "stupid rednecks."

Stupid, eh? In light of her unreasoned comments about management and over population, she might want to re-think her assertions. Pot, meet kettle.

Come on Nora, try again. You surely can do better than that. :)

Yankees love wolf hunting too! Not just Rednecks! Way to go Randy keep it up. I think next year you should do a 4 part mini series on the joy of killing wolves. Feel free to forward this to Nora :cool:
It is amazing how these people call you heart less, horrific,what a terrible person you are etc, etc, etc, for killing wolves and in the same breath turn around and advocate your death, torture and all kinds of ill will.

And these are the gentle loving and caring human beings in the world.

I would love you to expose them on televison for what they are.

Your sponsors aren't actually concerned about these lunatics are they? My guess is that the hippies that are writing these death threats would probably boycott every show on the Sportsmans Channel. Your show just struck a particularly sensitive nerve for the tree huggers, since you are shooting an animal that is virtually extinct :rolleyes:

In all seriousness, these people are absolutely crazy. The amount of hate and rage with complete lack of substance is unbelievable. Not a single comment cites a fact, comments from an expert, etc.
This would be my favorite if one of the loonies had the sense of humor to post it.

Mr. Fin, consider yourself warned (Warren Zevon music here)
-Bela Lugosi
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Are you going to draft some kind of response on the show to the questions they bring up?

Good luck with it, if so. It would seem the basic idea that a lot of them missed is we can't let wolf populations grow unchecked, we can't let them kill wildlife and livestock uncontrolled. We have to have a balance of wildlife and we need livestock to live.
that took a long time too read, many laughs out of alot of those comments, some of the things that people say are just disturbing, they must not get out of there concrete cell very often too experience what this great nation has too offer the OYO hunter......:D
Geezuz Fin, starting to feel a bit guilty here that I'm not taking the beating you are :) I'll gladly stand by you in the fight though till all the fur gets done flying............

It just amazes me that someone will wish the death of a human before a wild animal........Man I try not to let it bother me but its hard to ignore the fact that there people that are really this stupid......the best we can hope for is they become steril and unable to reproduce;)
this is some amazing stuff by the anti-croud,,, good job randy for showing the real story,,,,I too will soon be a wolf hunter too and damn proud of you uninformed anti-wolf hunters can stick it.
My latest favorite.

Name: Eileen Poole

Comments: This beautiful animal was killed for TV enternainment.....are you kidding me ? This Newberg character sounds like a brainless thug. Wish I could face HIM with a firearm !