Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

Did she really say this, "...... There is MORE SPORT in shooting humans!!!!!!!!!! "

Someone needs to check this person into the mental ward. She claims to be from Alabama. Supposedly a competitive shooter, to boot.

Brags of supposedly shooting a human. Here's your sign. ;)

Name: Kristina DiGiovanni

Comments: I am Privileged to own a Wolf. He is gentle, loving, playful, loyal. I find killing defenseless animals an abhorent game. Too my knowledge, definition of game is TWO people involved, give the animal a weapon to attack YOU and THEN IT WILL BE A GAME!! I and my husband are competition shooters, and I am a private investigator and SHOT a human. There is MORE SPORT in shooting humans!!!!!!!!!! NONE IN SPILLING BLOOD OF INNOCENTS YOU HEARTLESS BEINGS!!!!
She claims to be from NY. I wonder if the NY Department of Mental Health needs any more patients? Appears so.

Name: Krystal Romero

Comments: Because that is wrong. Give me a gun, and let me "hunt" humans for fun, then lets see what happens.
Another New Yorker. What the hell, budget cuts cause New York to release a bunch of folks from the nut house? :confused:

Name: Lawrence Travers

Comments: Maybe we, the "bunch of wingnut screwballs", should gleefully crow "It's the funnest thing we've done in years" blowing away Randy Newberg. He and the producers of this show owe an honest apology...then drop dead!!! This channel is boycotted on all five of my TV's. Make it known that there are thousands of us "wingnut screwballs' who can do so and register complaints with cable providers and FCC at time of license review.
Randy, you are getting alot of miles with this.
Another New Yorker. What the hell, budget cuts cause New York to release a bunch of folks from the nut house? :confused:
This place is full of nuts....and most of them read the NY Times...Im just not one of them ....Im with you Randy, have already sent your sponsors an e-mail supporting you and your show..hope others follow suit...Im still going with the four part mini series.....:cool:
I left my sentiments as well. Nicely done Crittergetter. I just about spewed when I read your last line.
25,700 signatures...they just can't stand that they're powerless against people doing what's needed to control the population. Most of them have a very limited vocabulary. Who gave these people access to the internet anyway?
It's these types of organizations and the huge glut of anti-hunting and anti-gun mentality that keep me off of facebook.

When I first purchased my computer, I went in to sign onto fb for Travis' school work; but after answering a profile question about owning guns and hunting in the affirmative, I was redirected to change my answers and would be rewarded by qualifying for a $1,000 shopping spree at Wal-Mart. Needless to say, I am seriously upset that the hunting, gun, and outdoors companies and especially the NRA and other organizations even participate with fb. I understand that competition creates the necessity for this, but it's still disturbing to know that what I love is also sharing the spotlight with organizations that would happily have our hunting rights, our guns, and our way of life, taken away!!!!!!!!

The only "social media" I will participate in are sites, such as OYOA and others that are for and by hunters and gun owners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25,700 signatures...they just can't stand that they're powerless against people doing what's needed to control the population. Most of them have a very limited vocabulary. Who gave these people access to the internet anyway?

And notice that so many are from out of country............speaking about an animal they probably have no idea what it even looks like.
L.I. Yankee--not only do most of them read the NY Times, but they also will vote for Obama.
Oh my God! Satan himself showed up over there. :p

I can't wait to see the replies to that. My guess is it will be more of the same, except now they will add that you are the one who is a liar. I'm most interested if anyone can come up with any facts to back up their assertion that you are a liar.
It is actual very sad and unfortunate that there are such ignorant, uninformed people like this out there. This is exactly why the US is where it is today. They walk thru life with blind folds on and can not look beyond a single day in front of them. No concept of the big picture. They can't even prepare their own children for life. These are the same people that let their children steam roll them with no discipline or respect. They are the same people that think their child just needs to be spoon fed and just given the opportunity to make the team instead of putting in the effort of hard work, showing respect, having a great attitude, and the desire to win. We can't keep score or measure progress because someone might get their feelers hurt. I could go on but I'm about to have an anxiety attack thinking about this. These people are responsible for the DUMBING of America!
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