Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

Another highly educated soul.

Hold on now Andrea, hold on. Please, say it ain't so. Have I been missing something all along and these transplants really came from someplace like the San Diego Zoo?

Stop the presses. This just in. (Well, not "just" in, but in from 1995.) News flash for Andrea - these wolves were running free on the land of Alberta, a province of Canada, a country that has 50,000+ of these supposedly endangered animals.

I think we all agree with this line, spelling errors excluded - ...then the reality is u need to stop puting then back at yellow stone park....

13:36, Aug 26, Mrs. andrea rost, LA
these animals was only in captiveity thay was not running free on land after the last time we killed them off now we put them back out in the park \yellow stone | now we are going to kill again shame on us if this REALITY TV SHOW then the reality is u need to stop puting then back at yellow stone park and the wolfs of montana is off spring of the ones thay let go in 1997 - 2001

Got a kick out of this one! Thank you for your efforts Randy. Much appreciated!
Mr. Wolf obviously struggles with intellectual discussion.

Another one of those posts that make me wonder what would happen if a hunter lost his mind and posted something this asinine.

Next .......

Name: Mr. Wolf

Comments: These Punk's on this Stupid Ass Sport hunting show, need to Hunted down like the Scum they are & Slowly Shot to Death!!! Burn in HELL you Heartless Ignorant Asshole's!!!
Cassie and her pacifist friends are out in force today. :D:D:D

Name: Cassie Rhodes

Comments: This is inhumane. Those wolves have just as much right to live as any other life on this planet. Unless it comes down to a life or death fight between yourself and an animal, there is no excuse for such behavior. It is our responsibility as the care givers of this planet to defend and take care all the creatures of this planet...NOT just the ones you feel like. People who partake in such activities should be taken out and shot...then you can tell me how feel on the subject.
Obviously Cleo, the blogger at the Center For Biological Diversity, and all the others commenting did not watch the show. But, if it drums up money and members, the screwballs and wingnuts have no problem printing and writing a version that reflects the greatest cash raising potential.

Looks like they got Cleo on the verge of violence.

Name: Cleo metz

Comments: That has to be one of the most horrifying things I've seen on television.That guy must be a real sicko.I hope someone hunts him with a high powered rifle.
Hey Randy...seems like you struck more than one nerve...well good for you... hope you strike many more..Like I said before stay the course Randy and dont change one degree. I sure I speak for many when I say we support you and everything you do for us hunters. If there is anything we can do to show our support for you( contact sponsors,Sportsman's Channel) just let us know. Im sure the response will be strong. :cool:
It not only amazes me but is baffling at the responses people are giving. This is the first time our side is being told. We have sat here and had to listen to such a one sided argument. It's about time our side is heard. I'm so proud to have the Sportsman's Channel, Randy, Matt, and the crew put a show together the way they did. If these people making these comments would look in the mirror and see what they are writing. I know it would do no good as obviously they have no clue at what has gone on to get things to the point they are. We now have a hunt able species of wolves, which shows a lot for the recovery they have made in only 17 years. They act like the wolf is some beautiful animal and granted they are, but they would look that much more beautiful hanging on my wall where I could pass on a story of how I once killed a wolf because at one time yes they were endangered, but we have brought them back to sustainable levels we now can hunt them.

It takes a strong person to keep your head up high and take a bashing the way Randy has. We as sportsman are very lucky to have the people we doing fighting the good fight for what is right. I only hope to pursue the wolf this winter, and hope to be successful. I definitely know i have my work cut out as proven by OYOA.
I wonder if this death wish is part of the Hippocratic Oath the medical profession holds to a high accord? :confused:

Name: Dr. Antonio Calabria

Comments: Youpeople doing this are murderous, sadistic, vicious bastards. I hope you all die of long, very painful and horrible diseases...
This is getting more funny by the hour. Seems Mr. Eaves has some interesting ideas of entertainment.

Name: William Eaves

Comments: This is neither sport nor entertainment. These sick bastards behind the so called "show" should be publicly strung up, now that would be entertainment !
This guy is a history professor at University of Texas San Antonio. Amazing how the "educated ones" always feel like it's there place to comment even though they know nothing about the subject. Gotta love google :) He should stick with teaching History!

I wonder if this death wish is part of the Hippocratic Oath the medical profession holds to a high accord? :confused:
Most the Brits I know are good folks. Seems this guy has a problem with providing his identity. Given his comments, I suspect he doesn't want anyone to know who he is.

No further explanation needed as to how the wolf litigators' behavior has provided me grounds for putting them in the wingnut and screwball category.

Name: not provided (from the United Kingdom)

Commment: How about i shoot you instead and see if you like it you coward and horrible person. you better hope that you don't come across these people who would like you to have a taste of what you are doing. That would be fun to see you squeaming instead
Another thoughtful reply. :rolleyes:

Name: Russell Wood

Comment: Please replace the killing of wolves with the killing of Wall Street and ex-Enron executives. Wolves actually have a beneficial place in nature and you'd get a lot more viewers. Thank you.
terms of service

"2.You will not transmit through the Service any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature."

wonder what they consider threatening and abusive? oh well, not to worry Randy. none of them have guns.
The intellectual comments have no bounds for some.

Name: Charles Moore

Comments: Why not show hunters shooting at other hunters? Now THAT would be exciting.
Just got caught up with this thread. You've definitely done your job with this episode. I bet it's not too far-fetched to say that your message reached at least some small percentage of antis and hopefully made them reconsider their position on wolf hunting.
And it continues. :p

The beauty of the internet and mass communication to those who like to have their minds made up by others.

Name: stephen patronik

Comments: all this is gunna do is encourage more rednecks to kill wolves for fun and they could care less about wolf management........that host should be hunted.....i would laugh at that :D