Petiton to bar OYOA from airing

I would bet dollars to doughnuts that I, and most others on this site, have done more for wildlife and their habitat than any of those who have signed the petition, including Danielle. But, let's not confuse emotional rants by interjecting any fact to the discussion. :eek:

I would kind of like to know how many purchases she made from you sponsors before your show aired:confused:
Funny how the nutts always seem to bring in the dick factor. Sounds like some of the folks from footloose montana.
I don't think most of the Montana democrats fit real well with their own party. You have Steve Bullock (D) going against Rick Hill (R) for govenor and apparantly rick doesn't hunt or hasn't in a few years bought a license. So Steve is blasting away that he is a hunter and has boughten licenses for the last so many years and that he even had a wolf tag in pocket in case he had the chance. Regardless of party I"m glad he can admit that he would love to take a wolf despit what the majority of his party might think.
A few on Facebook today:

Chantal van Bedaf - i really want to put a gun into your ass, because your are killing animals for no reason, big coward!!

Agnes Říhová - Killing a wolf is fun for you? F&%# ( I changed the spelling) you!
Angie Rhinier - How is killing animals, namely the beautiful wolf, fun? Please explain how shooting an innocent and wonderful creature is FUN!

Jenna Boesiger - I HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU GET EATEN ALIVE BY A PACK OF WOLVES. YOUR A PUSSY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony Wakeford - Pity the wolf can't shoot back you shaved ape.

Bonnie Jay - You disgusting piece of slimy shit. How dare you say killing is fun. I hope someone shoots you and leaves you to rot. Leave the wolves alone you stupid f&%k.

To Buzz's point, I did expect it. In fact, they can bring it on, all day long. It does nothing to change my opinions about state game management.

I am the last guy who is going to walk away from my beliefs on the issues of state management of wolves, due to pressure from these folks. And when the Monster Muley crowd was hammering me for being too soft on wolves, that did nothing to change my beliefs about state control being the answer.

This is the joy of being the owner of the operation and not being financially dependent upon this show. I can afford to take these types of positions, where some would be taking major financial risks in doing such. I feel someone has to take on this issue and start the discussion. I really don't want the "shoot 'em all" fringe elements to be framing the debate from the hunting community standpoint.

If these folks want to advocate a different position on TV, I suggest to pony up the money, hire a production company, go get some footage, then pay a network to tell their version of events. I won't even send death wishes to them, if they do pony up and get it done. In fact, I would probably watch it before sending them my thought out comments.

Since I have been called a wolf hippie by the SFW/BGF crowd for advocating that wolves have a place in our system and on our landscapes, and now these folks are this worked up, I find myself right where I want to be - On the middle ground with most other people, the majority who actually put some thought into forming their opinions.
Wonder if this was supposed to be a threat?

Threatened from the Middle Ages, apparently, ye were. :rolleyes:

From the looks of some of these comments, somebody is selling Retard Sandwiches cheaper than Subway's $5 footlong.

You should post a video a response where you are just pointing and laughing at them. That would really bring out the big guns from them. Oh, never mind. I see you were already referred to as a shaved ape. That's about as low as it can get. lol.
I had to stop reading all their environmental rhetoric regarding wolves. It makes as much sense as the EPA getting after a few companies about haze when all I can see is haze from the natural fires.


Randy, it is the insanity that scares me. You better take a few security precautions to protect yourself and family from the mentally unstable wolf worshipper. Make sure you get your CC permit and carry, perhaps a home security system, and a kevlar vest that protects not from just bullets but wolf guts...high likelihood of getting a bucket of wolf guts thrown on you.:D
It always amazes me how many idiots there are in this world. Too bad charges can't be pressed for the threats.
Hope the wolf battle makes you stronger BigFin, your are taking a great step forward for all Western hunters who's tag they carry in their pocket is in some way affected by the wolf problem.
Randy, I have to admit, I have been moved by the intelligence these great concrete jungle civilians hold for our conservation efforts. Now I will have to buy a darn wolf tag.

This year will be a first for not stomping miles upon miles, always in a rush to get to the next spot... this year I have my select spots picked and will stumble my way - sit for a change and spend time glassing... I may have the best hunting season yet!

Might see more game and cuddly puppy wolves in my scope then ever before! :)

The comments... gotta admit 320 million people + I'm looking forward to the entertainment these clowns bring!
Ya these people that are making these comments are the same people that look up to Lady Gaga. Lol it scares me to think there are so many brainless morons who think they know everything when it comes to wolves, let alone ever stepped foot in the wilderness before. Randy you the man!
I really never thought it would come to this but there are some crazy people out there. What do they excpect do they think the wolves should not be managed
Keep up the good work... Ignorance is everywhere. This subject more than most.
Wolf debate

Randy, I applaud you for doing this show, I have personally seen the devastation to the deer, elk and moose populations in northern idaho due to the reintroduction of the non native Canadian grey wolf in the lower 48. Our critics, that want to stop predator management, don't bother or scare me. Most of them never leave the pavement or their computer, most don't live here, most don't contribute to wildlife management in any way. Please keep up the hard work, you will be supported!
I am the last guy who is going to walk away from my beliefs on the issues of state management of wolves, due to pressure from these folks. And when the Monster Muley crowd was hammering me for being too soft on wolves, that did nothing to change my beliefs about state control being the answer.

This is the joy of being the owner of the operation and not being financially dependent upon this show. I can afford to take these types of positions, where some would be taking major financial risks in doing such. I feel someone has to take on this issue and start the discussion. I really don't want the "shoot 'em all" fringe elements to be framing the debate from the hunting community standpoint.

If these folks want to advocate a different position on TV, I suggest to pony up the money, hire a production company, go get some footage, then pay a network to tell their version of events. I won't even send death wishes to them, if they do pony up and get it done. In fact, I would probably watch it before sending them my thought out comments.

Since I have been called a wolf hippie by the SFW/BGF crowd for advocating that wolves have a place in our system and on our landscapes, and now these folks are this worked up, I find myself right where I want to be - On the middle ground with most other people, the majority who actually put some thought into forming their opinions

Randy, I was at a SFW/BGF membership drive/ kill wolf rally today. I raised some questions to the presenters during the Q&A session that followed. If you could take some time off from reading all the love notes from your fellow wolf hugging hippies I'd invite you to weigh in on my thread and elaborate a bit more on your experiences with D.P. and the SFW crowd and their agenda. I hope you don't mind, I've invited the SFW guys who did the presentation to enter the lion's den and defend their orginization here on Hunttalk.
Randy, I applaud you for doing this show, I have personally seen the devastation to the deer, elk and moose populations in northern idaho due to the reintroduction of the non native Canadian grey wolf in the lower 48. Our critics, that want to stop predator management, don't bother or scare me. Most of them never leave the pavement or their computer, most don't live here, most don't contribute to wildlife management in any way. Please keep up the hard work, you will be supported!

...and most just limited out their ambition with that one post or e-mail.
randy randy randy . why hasnt anyone complained about killing wolves in alaska . last time i looked i beleive its a part of the united states. everyone of the comments are so one sided its sick to think these people actually exist . any one of you who has a problem with some one killing a wolf or any animal needs to sit back and think of all gods creatures they have killed . be it with a gun a stick a car or whatever . dont they think there are people opposed to that . oh my god that lady ran over a deer and she used a car to do it . sounds corny doesnt it . it fits right in with the reast of the comments . i hate to bring in the ranchers that loose livestock every night to wolves . thats money out of their pocket . you think one of the reasons for these wolves are doing this is because they are running out of natural foood like deer elk and other game .if this is wrong to kill a wolf why does this state give out permits to hunt a wolf. ignorance should not be an excuse but these people are only thinking of theirselves and how they feel. randy do you go to anybodys house and say dont kill those mice in your house with these horriable snap traps . thats so inhumane . you people are taking food out of a snakes belly so forth causing this little snake to starve . i think a lot of these people have nothing better to do than to waste their time boo hooing about trying to take away your god given right to do what you want to do just so that its legal .you keep it up and i bet your sponsors would like to hear some of these peoples opinions. i might help better a product or make more of the ones you used in the making of your shows . do people still call people pussys .ha you cant edit that part if you want . your biggest fan stanley huneycutt . P S i would have never slept on the side of that mountain to get an early start the next morning ,if i did i can guarantee you i would have had a small little personel fire about a foot away from me and a stack of fire wood behind me for a wind block .
Fantastic reading Randy--do carry on my friend! The CBD is and has always been a pain in the butt--when they finally pass the law that states the person who sues have to pay for all court fee's and other fee's attached to such frivolous lawsuits you will see these law suits go away. It is coming faster than they know too.
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