Kenetrek Boots

Pendley to be nominated to head BLM

BLM is adding acreage around here, not selling it off. Dont know what you are so fearful of.

I'm for multiple use of our BLM land. That includes grazing, mining, oil and gas extraction, timber harvesting, hunting, wilderness, ect. What are you looking for from a BLM director that meets your qualifications?

What do you think qualifies Pendley to be a land manager?

Bachelor of arts major and an attorney who likes to give away PRB's coal resources to his rich buddies. Not real cracked up about his "conservative" position when he was the longtime president of the Mountain States Legal Foundation, who's goal was to sell off federal lands. Just curious how you think selling off federal lands is going to lead to the multiple use you describe.

He's simply not qualified, by any stretch of the imagination, through education, experience, or other positions he's held to manage the BLM.

Anyone with the ability to read a job application would throw his straight into the circular file...

Probably not going to get the job anyway and even if he does, IF and that's a big IF congress approves the appointment, he'll have just enough time to pack his bags and go back to the Mountain States position in January.
What do you think qualifies Pendley to be a land manager?

Bachelor of arts major and an attorney who likes to give away PRB's coal resources to his rich buddies. Not real cracked up about his "conservative" position when he was the longtime president of the Mountain States Legal Foundation, who's goal was to sell off federal lands. Just curious how you think selling off federal lands is going to lead to the multiple use you describe.

He's simply not qualified, by any stretch of the imagination, through education, experience, or other positions he's held to manage the BLM.

Anyone with the ability to read a job application would throw his straight into the circular file...

Probably not going to get the job anyway and even if he does, IF and that's a big IF congress approves the appointment, he'll have just enough time to pack his bags and go back to the Mountain States position in January.
Thanks for your insightful opinions Buzz. Time will tell if your opinions have any merit.
Thanks for your insightful opinions Buzz. Time will tell if your opinions have any merit.

Answer my question:

What qualifications does Pendley have that makes you believe he's suitable for the BLM director position?

For the record, I don't think he could point out the Blackfoot river on a map without help.
Answer my question:

What qualifications does Pendley have that makes you believe he's suitable for the BLM director position?

For the record, I don't think he could point out the Blackfoot river on a map without help.
Moving the headquarters out of the DC cesspool showed some good instincts IMO.

I dont think your candidate can find the USA on a map right now so good luck with that.
Moving the headquarters out of the DC cesspool showed some good instincts IMO.

I dont think your candidate can find the USA on a map right now so good luck with that.

An office move, that costs the tax payers a pile of and into the future. Yeah, great "instincts".

If that's the best you can come up with for "qualifications", shuffling the office furniture, there's little doubt he's not the guy for the job.
If people already don't like the guy, it is easy to find fault and hate everything they do. Even the if there is good. Disagreement with that person may or may not have merit. When a person is appointed to an office, they ain't no box of rocks to get there in the first place. When they make decisions there will be some people that like that decisions for one reason or the other and still some people that don't like it. You will never find someone that make everyone happy. There may be reasons that person had to side against what you wanted in the first place. Reasons you don't know or understand. Look at all the reasons and not just the ones you care about. I personally don't see a problem as yet. But I don't know, maybe there is something more I haven't seen yet.
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Damn this administration and it's BLM anti-public land zealots. :)

That John Day acquisition was a huge win—it’s some amazing country in there, and full of bighorns. I hunt close to there. But the process for obtaining those 11,000 acres for public use began in 2014, under the Obama administration, and had nothing to do with Pendley.
I guess I just can’t understand the rationale for appointing a guy who’s opposed to public land as head of the country’s largest public land administration.
I guess I just can’t understand the rationale for appointing a guy who’s opposed to public land as head of the country’s largest public land administration.

You see, it is a 37-dimensional chess game where Pendley played the long con by pretending to be an antagonist of public lands in the off chance he would be considered as a candidate to run the BLM. Once securing the job, he will be well positioned to renegade on his past affiliations and documented beliefs, becoming the champion of public land ownership that he always secretly wanted to be. If only people could just see the strategy!
I'm not taking sides here, I side with public land, but let's let everyone have their say. Shutting out opinion doesn't get us very far
I agree and typically BHR has important relevant information. But if it's an issue being discussed, words matter and relevance is paramount in supporting an assertion or position.
That John Day acquisition was a huge win—it’s some amazing country in there, and full of bighorns. I hunt close to there. But the process for obtaining those 11,000 acres for public use began in 2014, under the Obama administration, and had nothing to do with Pendley.
I guess I just can’t understand the rationale for appointing a guy who’s opposed to public land as head of the country’s largest public land administration.
It was started under the Obama Administration and completed under the Trump Administration. I'm not seeing the anti-public land directive here by Trump that some are claiming. Moving forward with PJ encroachment thinning inspite of the enviromentalist opposition is another example of public land management that both this administration and myself supports.

Can anyone here list anything that Pendely has supported that you object to since he became the active director? Thanks.
I think qualifications are in short supply for anyone holding a senior position in this administration. The person making the appointments is usually swayed by the donor that gets to him first. Lack of qualifications doesn't mean Pendley is stupid. He knows life in the public area is short lived (very short with any luck) but he also knows how to create a situation that is hard to change regardless of who takes his spot. It is better for his friends if the public buys/owns the land and then charges production royalties to the O&G companies than it is for the O&G companies to buy the land themselves. He is working a system where he can look like a good guy and still accomplish his goals, while also making contacts for his next position when the current shitshow ends. Not sure this is how I would define "draining the swamp". More like politics as usual.
Edit: And not to be left out, the admin cut lease rates because of the pandemic.
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