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Court Removes Pendley

If you think feral horses were going to be one of the highest priorities on Pendley‘a agenda, I suggest you invest heavily in Arizona’s beachfront properties.
I hear they are about to skyrocket in value.
I did believe he was going to do something about the problem though.
I did believe he was going to do something about the problem though.
I didn't...talking point for the pointed head crowd. Was he going to make a run at changing the wild horse and burro act? Nope...just lip service, best case.

There are appointment and confirmation rules for a reason...maybe the current administration should start proving they're the party of law and order...guess that's also a one way street.
Rather than appoint a new acting Director, Bernhardt will lead the BLM.

Pendley "will continue to serve in his leadership role.”

Email below.


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Rather than appoint a new acting Director, Bernhardt will lead the BLM.

Pendley "will continue to serve in his leadership role.”

Email below.

Did you expect anything less?
Rather than appoint a new acting Director, Bernhardt will lead the BLM.

Pendley "will continue to serve in his leadership role.”

Email below.

That is a ridiculous outcome. F that.
I found a more legible version of the email I posted in the photo above.

Dear Colleagues,

I understand there may be some questions about the ruling on Friday regarding William Perry Pendley’s leadership role at the Bureau of Land Management. To clarify the situation, I want to share with you a statement from the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior Daniel Jorjani:

“The Department of the Interior believes this ruling is erroneous, fundamentally misinterprets the law and unreasonably attempts to up-end decades of practice spanning multiple presidential administrations from both parties. Nevertheless, the Department will comply with the Court’s Order, while we move forward with an appeal and review all other legal options.

The Bureau of Land Management has not had a Senate-confirmed Director of the Bureau of Land Management during this Administration, nor has it named an Acting Director. This is still the case in respect to this decision.

Consistent with the
law, Secretary Bernhardt will continue to lead the Department and all of its bureaus, including the Bureau of Land Management. In so doing, he will continue to rely on the Bureau of Land Management’s superior management team, specifically including Deputy Director for Programs and Policy William Perry Pendley, who will continue to serve in his leadership role at the Bureau of Land Management. The Bureau of Land Management and all of its employees will continue to perform their important duties on behalf of the American people.”

Background Information Germane to this Case

Pursuant to Section 1 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 and its codification and affirmation post-Chadha by Congress in 1984, Congress statutorily transferred to the Secretary all functions of all officers, agencies, and employees of the Department (with minor exceptions set forth in Section 1(B)).

The Secretary may then delegate these functions as he deems best pursuant to Section 2.

It is of important historical context to note that previous administrations carried out similar actions in delegating the authorities of positions. The Department has used succession orders or redelegated authority for vacant non-career presidentially appointed and Senate-confirmed positions more than 180 times since 2000.

As stated above, Secretary Bernhardt leads the bureau and relies on the BLM’s management team to carry out the mission. Deputy Director for Programs and Policy, William Perry Pendley, will continue to serve in his leadership role.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Casey Hammond
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Land and Minerals Management
Department of the Interior
Didn't read the full thread but this popped up a couple days ago
Didn't read the full thread but this popped up a couple days ago
and granted. Hard to image someone serving as interim anything, being unconfirmed by the Senate, and then taking a bunch of actions that are bound to cause huge debate. Waiting for Daines to sound off one this.
