Pendley to be nominated to head BLM

Satire folks, satire. :)

The USFS is also getting in on action here, buying the land up so they can sell it later on to the highest bidder. ;)

Like I said, they're taking credit for work that's been ongoing for the last 12 years.

From your press release:

Over the last 30 years, TNC has purchased more than 500,000 acres from Plum Creek, with the goal of conserving the natural integrity of the forests, rivers, and wildlife as well as historic public access. Over the years, TNC has been gradually selling this land back into the public domain under management of both the Seeley Lake and Missoula Ranger Districts on the Lolo National Forest, creating continuous areas of publicly owned land.

This is all part of the MT Legacy Project, which Brian Schweitzer Max Baucus got the funding for, despite opposition from the republicans in the legislature and our then congressman.

These are great projects, and I'm glad that the administration hasn't backed away from their legal obligation to purchase these lands as they can, like they've backed away from their legal obligations on O&G Leasing, and sagebrush country conservation.
Like I said, they're taking credit for work that's been ongoing for the last 12 years.

From your press release:

This is all part of the MT Legacy Project, which Brian Schweitzer Max Baucus got the funding for, despite opposition from the republicans in the legislature and our then congressman.

These are great projects, and I'm glad that the administration hasn't backed away from their legal obligation to purchase these lands as they can, like they've backed away from their legal obligations on O&G Leasing, and sagebrush country conservation.
Different deal than the Montana Legacy Project, Ben. TNC purchased this land from Plum Creek in 2015. Since then they have been working with the local people and multiple agencies to find suitable owners for it. They have done a great job so far, but have more work to do. Future BLM and USFS purchases are in the works, but there are still a lot of acres that do not have a buyer yet.

Link to the state trust land purchase in 2009 you referenced, Ben. I favored the purchase, but a lot of Eastern Montana folks didn't want to spend the money to buy it. I believe when it was all said and done, we paid around $700 an acre for it.


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Different deal than the Montana Legacy Project, Ben. TNC purchased this land from Plum Creek in 2015. Since then they have been working with the local people and multiple agencies to find suitable owners for it. They have done a great job so far, but have more work to do. Future BLM and USFS purchases are in the works, but there are still a lot of acres that do not have a buyer yet.

Thanks for the correction. I appreciate it.

The point still stands, these projects were in the works long before the current administration. 30 years of purchases from TNC predate the Legacy Project as well, and we all know that the budgets highlighted and defended by Berhnardt, Pendley, etc have zeroed out access acquisition. It's taken the work of Tester and the House to push the admin to actually use these programs rather than let them atrophy as POTUS and SOI have tried to do in their budgets.
I don't know a whole heck of a lot about the BLM, but man BigHornRam you seem to be waaay out in left field on this one. Basically everyone in the hunting community seems to be against the nomination of this guy.........where there is smoke there is fire
This just got more interesting in Idaho. In a savvy political move, James Risch's Democrat opponent, Paulette Jordan, turned up the heat on him this week by calling on him to oppose Pendley's nomination.
We received a glossy mail-out from her on this, as well as the social media blitz. This really puts Risch in the spotlight whichever way he goes. She makes it plain that she's a solid public lands candidate.
I voted against her for Governor but I've had too many condescending BS letters back from from Risch on public land issues to let hm stay in office.

In the last Governor's race, she rankled the 2A crowd by failing to support MSRs for all.

In the last Governor's race, she rankled the 2A crowd by failing to support MSRs for all.

Since gun control is dead for at least a generation, we have moved beyond ARs, to belt fed machine guns.
Her and Risch probably see eye to eye on those.
I don't know a whole heck of a lot about the BLM, but man BigHornRam you seem to be waaay out in left field on this one. Basically everyone in the hunting community seems to be against the nomination of this guy.........where there is smoke there is fire
Yes, there appears to be much skewed logic and reasoning, as well as invalid innuendos from seemingly never ending links in attempting to support Pendley. 'Simply defined as "grasping for straws".
Just in case anyone missed BuzzH's PBR coal lease sale comment here is the New York Time article on the subject. Pendley got reassigned and his boss got canned, such leadership (sarcasm).

I would obviously prefer his personal stance to be pro-public lands but regardless of his stance on the matter I don't want someone that so thoroughly mismanaged something that they left almost $300,000,000 in 2020 dollars on the table and out of our pockets and was referenced as "suspicion of wrongdoing" by the investigators.

And I feel no pity for mineral lessee's on Federal lands a 12.5% royalty verses the 25% or even 27.5% we pay for private minerals and University Land minerals is significantly higher and no we don't get a royalty relief package from our cronyist friends in DC we just have to make it work. A 87.5% NRI would make things almost too easy.
Asking in all seriousness. Why was he nominated for the head of the Bureau of land management? what does he bring to the table that lends one to believe his nomation and appointment would be a work towards advancing the goals and mission of the BLM?
what does he bring to the table

In all seriousness, he may bring more O&G, mineral, timber extraction, etc to our land. I support this as I believe the pendulum has swung too far for environmental concerns.

I don't support him however due to his outspoken interests for Federal land transfer to States.

I believe a good BLM must scale for our U.S. domestic extraction interests vs the notion, "I love my electric car but not from my backyard. Keep this foreign, I want to fight wars to keep my electric / hybrid / gas car operational."
Asking in all seriousness. Why was he nominated for the head of the Bureau of land management? what does he bring to the table that lends one to believe his nomation and appointment would be a work towards advancing the goals and mission of the BLM?

Just plain old graft and repayment of political debts. Both sides do it, just on different issues. I'm not going to kid myself that one side has a corner on that behavior.

He brings nothing to the table, other than now some big donors who hate public land will feel they got a good ROI and will give generously.

In all seriousness, he may bring more O&G, mineral, timber extraction, etc to our land. I support this as I believe the pendulum has swung too far for environmental concerns.

I don't support him however due to his outspoken interests for Federal land transfer to States.

I believe a good BLM must scale for our U.S. domestic extraction interests vs the notion, "I love my electric car but not from my backyard. Keep this foreign, I want to fight wars to keep my electric / hybrid / gas car operational."

Bernhardt can get all of that done as Secretary of Interior. He knows his way around DC. Bernhardt is a smooth working insider who doesn't need Pendley to do squat. Pendley is nothing but baggage for Bernhardt, necessary because some big donors hate public lands and Pendley's appointment is a spoil of victory to them. Nothing more, nothing less. He has no impact on how much oil, gas, timbering gets done.

If there are some vendettas to be carried out, he will be the guy for that, as this is his last stop on the train of public land vandalism.
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