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Pelosi - Next Pres Could Declare Gun Emergency

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Lame duck Paul Ryan didn't do anything for the first year or anything his entire time as leader. You can't blame all this on trump that's taken until this year to get it on the table.

You defend the Hammonds as being victims of government overreach, but yet you support a declaration of national emergency here. The only emergency is Trump being scared of pissing off Ann Coulter.

By all means, let’s spend 5 Billion on a wall that may or may not have any marked affect on the issue.
Ok Mr. Homeland security! I didn't realize you knew all this stuff. Building a wall for protection of our country and well being is far from govt overreach. As for 5 billion dollars that's piss in the bucket compared to what the govt spends on idiotic federal grants to study bull like on how we need to stop treating glaciers as something masculine. The wall is worth far more than 5 billion in my eyes.

Without borders we don't have a country.

My wife had to read this garbage for her master's in hydrology and the numbnuts professor thought it was fantastic research. So don't give me this crap about 5 billion dollars to protect the country as not a good idea. That study is just one of thousands just as worthless!
If I remember correctly, they say illegal immigration costs us 94 billion dollars per year. So really, if we spend 5 billion on a border wall it's a bargain. If it were 25 billion it would still be well worth it.
Holy shit. I try to be interested in this stuff because I probably should be. But politics is so many layers of bullshit and fake smiles that I can't hardly be in the same country with this stuff. I guess it's a little better in a "discussion" like this because nobody gets fired if they say the wrong thing, but man, these threads go nowhere and I always regret reading more than 3 posts. Can't wait until the draws come out and I can read the posts where people ask for spots to hunt!
The biggest problem is we are arguing the nuts and bolts part of fixing the problems while assuming that the powers that be in the two political parties that depend on hot button issues to stay in power, actually want to fix the problem. What simple minds we have....
Pelosi actually makes a good point. I don't believe immigration is a national emergency, but now the door is open. When the pendulum swings the other way, as it always does, a future president will have carte blanche to declare a national emergency that conservatives won't like at all. And will have Mr. Trump to thank.

I agree, Immigration isn't a National Emergency. However the illegal alien invasion from South America & Mexico is.
The biggest problem is we are arguing the nuts and bolts part of fixing the problems while assuming that the powers that be in the two political parties that depend on hot button issues to stay in power, actually want to fix the problem. What simple minds we have....

Gerald gets it....
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