Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Packable daypack?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
Hello all,

I am in the process of doing research for an upcoming elk hunt, and being new to elk hunting, I had a question about daypacks. I am searching for a daypack that would be packable in my main pack, and lightweight. It wouldn't have to be huge, just big enough to carry raingear, puffy, and probably some snacks/ small survival kit etc. I would prefer this type of pack simply because I don't want to have to carry the big pack around all day if I find an area where the elk are. It would definitely be a bonus if it was at least water resistant if not water proof. I appreciate any comments, thanks in advance!

Tons of choices! I went on my first backpack hunt last fall so I am no expert, but my buddy and I each bought Stone Glacier Solo packs. We packed in for 8 days and our packs were stuffed to the gills. But, after we had set up camp we were able to use this same pack each and every day, all day. It expands and crunches down so well with the compression straps that it didn't matter if it was early AM with very little in it, or mid-day with more clothing stuffed in it. Plus, if you shoot one you already have the pack on your back that you need to make one trips worth of meat back to camp or the truck. (it has an expandable load/meat shelf). We loved them and would recommend them for a great multipurpose pack. I just used mine for a 2 hour Whitetail hunt in bitter cold weather to pack in big heavy boots and extra layers of clothing for myself and daughter to add on after the 3/4 mile walk to the blind.
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Better off with a single pack that will do all you want IMO. Might as well get the best.

We have used our Kifaru packs for 11 and 12 years without a single failure. I'm sure somewhere in their product line is a pack that will work to carry in your camp, as a hunting pack and carry out your camp and elk.

I'll second or third the option of getting a 'big' pack that can be used for a day pack. You might get an elk quite a way's from camp and I'm too lazy and out of shape to hike back to camp just to get a pack. I'd rather that first trip back be with a load of meat. Like Sagebrush, I've used Kifaru packs and have been happy. Many of their, and other companies (Mystery Ranch, Stone Glacier, Paradox, etc) newer packs are 'modular'. You can convert them from a big pack to a pack from with a smaller bag on them. Whatever the brand, make sure you get it plenty early and learn how to fit it to you. An uncomfortable pack can make a fun trip into a miserable one...
Thanks for the responses. I got a cabelas frame pack that I can use. I know its not the best but my wife as already allowed me to outfit myself in kuiu this year :D. I think I better try to get a trip or two out of it before I drop dime on a more expensive, better suited pack. I guess I can use it and just leave it and stash it once a stalk is on. I'm just concerned about the noise from the external frame. I appreciate the suggestions.
My experience is never drop your pack. If you leave camp in the dark with something on your back keep it on all day, even during a stalk, because you never know what will happen next and you don't want to have to backtrack to find your pack after a stalk or part way through one because you keep getting further from it. Plus a rain shower can kick up REAL fast or who knows what. I just know there were a few times where I thought about dropping my pack when on an elk last year and an hour later I was dang glad that I didn't! If you just need a small lightweight pack look at a post a while back about womens packs and use that info to find a mens version. I believe one suggestion was GoLite brand. My point is it could just be a smaller one day trail pack, doesn't have to be a camo hunting pack.
Remedy 7 Solution pack is something to look at. its a large pack that will detach, but still leaves you the pack frame and small day pack with it. i hardly ever use my large pack unless im packing in somewhere. its extremely light without the large pack on it and the pack frame holds as much as you want to carry.
True Story.

I was to lazy to take my 6500 off my frame all year. Had a little day buck hunt , nothing horrible just far enough it seems silly to walk it more than you have to.

Some fellow hiked back there and shot a doe. I ran into him about 50 yards from his prize. First thing he says to me, "think you have enough pack there"? like a smart azz.

He was on his way to hike back to his cabin to get his pack frame:D
Thanks guys, great advice for a beginner! I believe I will try to keep my big pack on, especially if I can manage to get one down. I believe I will wrap the external frame of my pack with moleskin to deaden as much noise as possible. I guess it won't be as critical for my upcoming trip because it is rifle, but I am building points for Wyoming so I would like to go with my bow there. Who knows, I may upgrade to a kifaru/kuiu/stone glacier etc. pack by then. The wife would kill me if I bought one now! I got a baby boy (my first) coming feb. 16 so my funds are going toward a stroller/bed/changing table etc, but it's worth every penny.
Watch e-bay and craigs list for a deal. You can find packs that cost hundreds of dollars for a fraction of the new cost. You don't have to spend $500+ on a pack to go elk hunting.

Be aware that at some point your soon to be son will likely want to ride around in your new pack. Pretty sure I have hauled my daughter in my pack more then I have used it for hunting.
I tried something different this year with my MR. I have the longbow bag for hunts when I want to carry more stuff. But I bought a load sling and a load cell so when I don't think I need to carry that much, I take the long bow off, put on the load sling. Just the essentials easily fit into a small load cell. Total weight without water is around 12 pounds.