Kenetrek Boots

P&Y vs BHA?

"leftist hunting group", cracks me up.
Considering the vast majority of Americans don't hunt and a lot of those think that ALL hunters are red neck neanderthals, even funnier.
And to see how hunters have splintered into tribes amongst ourselves, even more funny (sarcasm font).
Disclaimer - guilty as charged and have no ideas how to remedy.......................

A Montana Redneck Libtard

I'm assuming the meetings consist of a few minutes reminiscing their time at Oberlin or Sarah Lawrence, followed by a discussion of the new issue of The Atlantic. Closing by handing our camoflauge "pussy hats" for the women's march.

Is that about right?

All tongue in cheek guys, relax.
I like that there is a leftist hunting group.

I mean... about as leftist as Rinnella is... Land Tawny isn't exactly Ralph Nader

Honestly it's a hunting organization whose target demographic is 20-45 so it just looks different than Pope and Young or SCI who basically requires you to have an AARP card to join.
In my opinion its a bad thread with more than a few posters that have shown their hand and thoughts many, many times. Its made all the worse by the starter being P&Y president
I follow the MN BHA facebook page since joining last year. There have been a few posts/discussions there that make me think twice about re-upping. Just too far left, too “I am right and anyone who disagrees is a fool or evil” for my tastes. Not all their stuff, but enough to cause me to pause. But I want to like them, so giving it some time, but may not be the right group for me, since I trust government regulation and big green even less than I trust big business. In the end, I guess I am not much of a joiner.
I'm assuming the meetings consist of a few minutes reminiscing their time at Oberlin or Sarah Lawrence, followed by a discussion of the new issue of The Atlantic. Closing by handing our camoflauge "pussy hats" for the women's march.

Is that about right?

All tongue in cheek guys, relax.

That rendered a guffaw.
I would have to go back and check. I have not tracked carefully and really more of an impression than a statement of fact. I do find so things I read by Tawney to be self important condescending drivel, but have tried to focus on my local groups (again, I am not a fan of big organizations so try to stay local where I can). As for events, have not yet had a chance. Work travel has screwed up several good intentions to show up.
In my opinion its a bad thread with more than a few posters that have shown their hand and thoughts many, many times. Its made all the worse by the starter being P&Y president

This has been a common theme with JSW on bow site. This isn't the first time. There was lost not long back that he was even more divisive and after some serious push back he went a deleted and edited his comments.
I think polarizing behavior coming from the president of an organization like P&Y is very telling.
You gotchyer' NRA's, SFW's, SCI's, DU's, add your what-may-be-labeled-as conservative leaning outfits.
A relatively recent arrival - BHA.
Could be as simple as the laws physics are irresistable............
I do find so things I read by Tawney to be self important condescending drivel

Hello pot, meet kettle.

Everyone is guilty of this to some degree, especially on the interwebs. If you follow Tawney on social media you have to be able to separate his person opinions from those of BHA. He is unabashedly BHA's head cheerleader, not everyone falls for the head cheerleader, but that doesn't mean he's doing anything wrong.
As I'm getting older I'm finding myself more comfortable being a part of a group even if I'm not lockstep with them on everything. I admire Newberg for being a member of groups that he sometimes disagrees with and have been criticized repeatedly on his own forum (BHA, NRA, DU, and while it hasn't been mentioned here much I'm sure many are critical of the ACLU).
Full disclosure I think the Tawney statement was flat out stupid. True or not. Agree with it or not. Doesn't matter. There wasn't anything to gain making that statement. No upside to it and I question the decision to post it.
Full disclosure I think the Tawney statement was flat out stupid. True or not. Agree with it or not. Doesn't matter. There wasn't anything to gain making that statement. No upside to it and I question the decision to post it.

If you're talking about his comments on Zinke's resignation, I agree with you.
If you're talking about his comments on Zinke's resignation, I agree with you.

Yes that’s what I am talking about. Sorry I wasn’t clear. Unfortunately I see this a pattern with Tawney. While we members maybe on the same page for our cause we still come at this from a fairly diverse set of circumstances, and Tawneys comments aren’t galvanizing.
BHA had a great motto that really grabbed myself as a proud public land owner. I joined the Spring of 2014 when Land and Grant stopped by a HT Bear Hunt... In fact, that may have been our first HT bear hunt.

I enjoyed them for the first couple years then the Trump win, Zinke appointment, etc. I tolerated to starting of *Mark like anti anything Zinke FB posts by the vocal members.

Then the Wilderness Study Area issue emerged and the core reason I maintained my involvement with Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, "Public Lands in Public Hands" dismissed all Public Hands except the *boots only* vocal bullhorns.

I shared my concerns over the boots only approach though the vocal crowd mocked the concern. A few shared they, themselves own mountain bikes so therefore it wasn't a problem.

I hike the backcountry, I drive into the mountains, I UTV the legal access and mtn bike where available. I was told by an administrator of FB and a leader within BHA, BHA is about the boots in the backcountry. We had a respectful conversation. I left BHA mid membership cycle of this year.

Public Hands turned to boots only hands and dumped the public. Add the increased *Mark type hyped constant anti Zinke, etc Al... BHA Facebook posts and it was time to part ways and add my BHA $ to my other two environment/conservation organizations, RMEF & TRCP. *Side note: I hold three other CFC contributions within Fed LE and Military support organizations.

Have several friends I've developed over my time with BHA. Many great people. For me though, it was time to part ways.

Is what it is. To those that value the backcountry boots dedicated environmentalists, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is for you. They are strong advocates.
BHA had a great motto that really grabbed myself as a proud public land owner. I joined the Spring of 2014 when Land and Grant stopped by a HT Bear Hunt... In fact, that may have been our first HT bear hunt.

I enjoyed them for the first couple years then the Trump win, Zinke appointment, etc. I tolerated to starting of *Mark like anti anything Zinke FB posts by the vocal members.

Then the Wilderness Study Area issue emerged and the core reason I maintained my involvement with Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, "Public Lands in Public Hands" dismissed all Public Hands except the *boots only* vocal bullhorns.

I shared my concerns over the boots only approach though the vocal crowd mocked the concern. A few shared they, themselves own mountain bikes so therefore it wasn't a problem.

I hike the backcountry, I drive into the mountains, I UTV the legal access and mtn bike where available. I was told by an administrator of FB and a leader within BHA, BHA is about the boots in the backcountry. We had a respectful conversation. I left BHA mid membership cycle of this year.

Public Hands turned to boots only hands and dumped the public. Add the increased *Mark type hyped constant anti Zinke, etc Al... BHA Facebook posts and it was time to part ways and add my BHA $ to my other two environment/conservation organizations, RMEF & TRCP. *Side note: I hold three other CFC contributions within Fed LE and Military support organizations.

Have several friends I've developed over my time with BHA. Many great people. For me though, it was time to part ways.

Is what it is. To those that value the backcountry boots dedicated environmentalists, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is for you. They are strong advocates.
Fair enough. It's hard for any organization to be all things for all members, and in many ways it incumbent upon the membership to be a barometer, either they embrace it, change it or leave it. Personlly I have noticed a substantial unhingeing since the last presidential election. If it doenst become more measured I might see myself to the door as well. I would like to see a figure head change at BHA and this last statement by tawny is an example of why.
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I like what says BHA stands for and I like some of the work they do.
It is more of the work, and less of the banter I’d like to see.
More attention paid to access, decent travel plans etc. little less crying about mines that won’t wver be developed and if they are wont hurt anything. Quiet Waters really irked a lot of people. I didn’t really agree with the Yellowstone and Missouri portions but it’s not a topic I’m all that passionate about.
Overall I think BHA has done more good than not, and I hope to see them grow and improve.

I don’t actually know much about PY. Maybe because I fit in the BHA demographic, minus the liberal stereotype. I’ll drink an extra pint to make up for that.
I haven't attended any of the events that our state chapter has put on here in Ohio. Partly because I'm working two jobs, one an important contract for me, but mostly because they haven't been family friendly. My family does everything with me. I personally don't drink. I gave it up many years ago when I found I liked it too much. That being said, I don't mind sharing a camp or even sitting at the bar with someone who does. I'm an adult and I can resist my temptations to dive into the bottle like I used to when I was younger. A bar, however, isn't some place that I want my young children around even if they could be. Nearly every event here in Ohio has been a pint night. I just wish they were more family friendly. If I can't involve my family, I can't involve myself. I'm also turned off by some of the views at times too. Lately, I have sent my donations to other organizations because of a lot of this.
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