National Pronghorn Organization

I’ve filed articles of incorporation for the “North American Pronghorn Foundation”. But I’ve been advised not to pay for start up costs myself, and instead to crowd fund those costs with other willing folks….that has proven to be a short list.

I’ve spoken with several folks regarding starting this group up. Those discussions have resulted in telling me a half dozen different ways in which it “should be done”, many questions about how much public support/membership it will have, and a host of other potential barriers. Even the staunchest pronghorn supporters have not jumped forward willing to do much. Instead it’s a circular discussion about all the reasons it might not work.

The one thing I have not been able to find is a couple folks willing to step up and make some things happen and get some work done.

Application for 501c3 exempt status, a website and management system that can take membership money and work with email lists, logo/branding/marketing, etc., will likely require several thousand dollars+ of start up funds.

And that is not even counting some actual work that gives the organization legitimacy, i.e. some initial projects.

Then there is writing bylaws and finding a board of directors (which I think will be absolutely crucial too early success) and general organizational structure.

The Wyoming migration initiative guys call this apparent lack of support or motivation to support pronghorn, the “Pronghorn Paradox”.

I can see why they coined that term…

Not sure if you know of this, but it seems relevant to your post. They do seem to have been inactive for quite a while.

I have some level of interest in helping start this. However I am, already on 3 conservation boards now so time is somewhat limited.

Not sure if you know of this, but it seems relevant to your post. They do seem to have been inactive for quite a while.

Yes, I checked with the Wy Secretary of State, they are no longer active and the same name was up for grabs.
I have some level of interest in helping start this. However I am, already on 3 conservation boards now so time is somewhat limited.
Too much to do and not enough time?join the club! Pm me.
I’m in. I love pronghorn and pronghorn ecosystems. If there is a zoom call or fundraising startup, count me in. I’d be interested in helping with recruiting efforts. I know that step is quite a ways down the line from a lot of things that have to happen first, but getting an Iowa chapter off the ground is something I’d love to do.
Best of luck with the endeavor.
If I can offer any assistance with habitat and improvement projects I'm happy to help.
A few of us are working on scheduling a call in the next week. We had an email snafu last week that prevented our previous attempt. My fault.

There may be more to share after our first discussion.
Couldn’t figure out how to message you, but I am more than willing to help out in any way possible. Location Boise, ID
I’m also interested in helping out. I’m on a few boards of conservation orgs, but this I would also put time into. If you’re all set for a BOD, I’m happy to help with communications, policy, fundraising, or even just joining up.

Thanks for taking the initiative on this!
The biggest threat to pronghorns is too many humans on the planet.

What kinda org is going to tackle that issue?

Mother nature will rectify that issue, but she doesn't need fundraisers.

Nor, does she care about your/my opinion.
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